Chapter Two

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I kinda changed the grade Luffy Nami and Vivi are in from freshman to junior. I thought being a freshman was to young for this story so for everyone who read the chapters before I fixed the ages I'm letting y'all know.

"WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!" A males voice screeched throughout the house.

"Huh?" Luffy woke up groggy. She almost forgot where she was.

"Luffy! Where gonna be late for school!" Usopp hurled school clothes at the sleepy female.

Luffy didn't notice the clothes till she was knocked off the coach, "waahh! I'm awake!"

Zoro was next to wake up, "could you keep in down, dumb long nose..." Zoro muttered the last part. Nami hit him over the head with a blue pole, "Wake your ass up before we're late for school! Sanji made breakfast by the way lu."

"Yay food!" Luffy rushed off to the food.

"Here is your on the go breakfast bento madam. And I made each of you lovely ladies a lunch bento~" the perverted cook swooned.

"Thanks sanji-kun. Lu, we gotta get dressed. Vivi and I have back up uniforms here so you can borrow mine. Hurry and go get dressed!" Nami ordered.

"Alright alright..." Luffy sighed and went to the bathroom.

Nami sighed and quickly tied her long hair up into a ponytail, "I can't believe we overslept on the first day of every year in high!"

"You kids need to run along to school before you're late. Do you guys need a ride?" Franky asked.

"No thanks we have cars. We'll probably take you up on that offer later this year. We always need you later in the year. Vivi! Let's go!" Nami yelled.

Vivi came running down the stairs, "alright let's go. Sanji, you're riding with us." "Alright Vivi-chwan~" sanji did his noodle dance.

"Zoro can you drive Luffy to school on your motorcycle?" Nami asked and left without even waiting for an answer.

"Alright I'm back!" Luffy announced. Namis chest isn't as big as Luffys so the chest area was 'kinda' tight.

By 'kinda' I mean the buttons might pop out any moment.

"Yeah no I can't do this with the buttons," Luffy unbuttoned to the top of her bra. Luffy also has a bigger ass than Nami so the skirt looked shorter than it was supposed to. Her thighs are also thicker.

"O-ok...well l-let's go to school then..." Zoro blushed while stuttering.

"Wwooowww you have a motorcycle?!" Luffy was awed. "Yeah..."

Zoros motorcycle was black. It had a skull design with three katanas. The skull had a bandanna on and a scar going through the eye.

"Wow! The skull is badass!" Luffy exclaimed.

Zoro chuckled, "hehe...thanks, ready to head to school?" Luffy nodded enthusiastically even though it's six thirty in the morning.

Zoro climbed on the bike, then watched Luffy climb on. Her skirt lifted up quite a bit. Zoro could feel the blush creep to his face. "A-alright let's go," Zoro started up his bike.

Pretty soon, they were at school with two minutes until the bell rang, "that was fun! But you get lost easily..." Luffy pointed out. "I already told you, I wasn't lost. I was just taking a shortcut.

"Yeah yeah whatever. I'm about to be late so I'll talk to you later. See ya!" Luffy waved bye to Zoro before taking off on a full out run.

That wasn't the smartest idea ever. Luffy ended up running into something....ok more like someone.

"Eh? Watch where you're going bit-" the boy cut himself off when he saw the female on the ground.

"Hehe sorry about that. I'm monkey D Luffy! Nice to meetcha!" Luffy smiled optimistically. "Yeah right back at you....I guess? I'm Eustass Kidd," Kidd offered a hand to the female.

He couldn't help but notice how hot this female was. Luffy was on the ground, her skirt lifted up to where Kidd could see her panties. Her knees were together but the rest of her legs weren't. The knee high stockings gave you the impression of an innocent school girl even more. Her shirt was unbuttoned a bit to far down for school regulations...if the administration wasn't a bunch of pervs.

Luffy took kidds hand and he helped her up. "Isn't Luffy a guys name?" Kidd asked. " real name is luffia but I don't like it so I go by Luffy." Luffy explained.

The male standing next to Kidd was bewildered by how nice Kidd was being to this female. Especially after she ran into him.

The three teens heard the bell ring, "shit! I'm late on the first day," Luffy sighed. "Wanna skip with us?" Kidd asked. The other teens eyes went wide.

"I would love to but my brothers would kill me if they found out I skipped. Especially on the first day but I'll skip with you later in the year if you want too," Luffy said.

"Alright sounds good. Oh and you'll get away with being late if you just say you're new." Kidd said before the theee walked away.

"Dude why were you so nice to her? You're never nice! Not even with people you already know!" The male asked. "I don't know killer. I really don't know..."

"Sorry I'm late! I'm new here!" Luffy flung the door open and rushed in. The teacher blinked a few times, "that's ok. Just sit right there~" the teacher did a ballerina twirl and pointed towards the seat with his two.

He's quite fabulous.

"Shishishi thank you!" Luffy smiled widely. "As you see on the board my name is bon clay. If you don't want to call me that just call me Mr. Two." The teacher said.

By the end of class, everyone could tell that he was gay. But he was also one of the coolest teachers ever.

"Shishishi see ya later bon-chan," Luffy waved bye to her favorite teacher so far.

"Bye straw-chan~"

"Yo luf!" A random voice called. Luffy turned around, "hillo Kidd-o" Luffy smiled widely. Killer almost bursted out laughing but he caught himself by coughing.

"One, that rhyme was horrible and two, don't call me that again unless you want to be part of the brick wall," Kidd said. Luffy laughed, "ok ok~"

"Can I see you're scheduled?" Kidd asked. "Sure," Luffy shrugged and handed him her schedule.

"What a loser you have Doflamingo as your social studies teacher!" Kidd laughed. "What's so bad about him?" Luffy tilted her head in confusion.

"Doflamingo is fucking pedophile!!" Kidd laughed out. Luffy looked at killer, "what did he say? I can't understand him through that annoying laughter," Luffy said.

Killer laughed, "oh my lord you are a complete savage, anyways," killers laughter ceased, "doflamingo molest the students all the time. Nobody has pressed charges yet because the students think he's hot."

"Oohh okie! I'll be careful around him!" Luffy smiled. Killer sighed, "you didn't get any of that did you..."

"No I zoned you out the entire time. But I promise to be careful!" Luffy smiled sheepishly.

"Alright, come to us if he does anything. We'll take care of him for you," Kidd said. "Thanks Kidd," Luffy gave him a quick hug before hurrying off to class.

" like her don't you?" Killer said.

"Shut up!"

Basically the first three chapters were kinda introduced the characters who are in love with luffia. Things are going to get kinda intense around the fourth or fifth chapter. Even more intense from there so keep reading.


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