Chapter Fifteen

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Hi everyone, hope you're doing well. I originally thought it would be good to end this at 20 chapters and have luffy end up with one of the characters, but I was thinking about doing alternate endings as extras. For example, if luffy went with kid then I would do endings for zoro and law and vis versa. Let me know what you think;)

Throughout the night, law kept needing to keep a close eye on luffy however she mainly just stayed near all the food, sometimes stealing it from others. Law would keep apologizing for her actions but she didn't cause too much trouble. The raven-haired boy would be dragged away forcing to conversate with people he didn't want too. After escaping from all the women law finally got back to 'his girl' "Hey luf" he got her attention "Oh hey traffy" she smiled at him, "Do you wanna get out of here" he asked smiling a little. Oh boy did she light up "Yes pleeeaaassee, I don't know how much longer I can stay in this thing" she pouted and complained grabbing the hem of her dress; law let out a small chuckle and grabbed her hand leading the way out. He still held her hand as they walked back to the vehicle, luffy didn't seem to mind it which made law smile and feel just a little happy inside.

: (time skip toooo law dropping off luffy at the dorms cause im lazy)

"I'll walk you back to your room if you'd like" law offered, luffy just smiled at him "Sure thanks traffy" They got to luffy's room door "Well then goodnight luffy"  before luffy opened the door she turned around and hugged law. She looked up to him and a big grin was plastered on her face, "Thanks again traffy, I had a lot of fun" She said happily.

 'God how I just wanna kiss her already' law thought to himself but didn't instead he merely took and kissed her hand causing a small giggle from the girl. A few moments after law left and they said their goodnight's to each other. However, on a certain girls face was a small tint of blush. (Yes, yes I know but don't worry, gotta spice things up a little gets better soon)

It was the weekend, early morning Saturday and Nami was texting a certain green haired man with a smirk on her face that most people translated to 'This can't be good' not in a bad way more like the 'plotting something great' kinda way

'You should take luffy on a date'

'W-what?! No'

'Oh come on zoro how else do you expect to get close to her?'

'I don't know...I'll think about it but you have to help me plan something..'

'It's gonna cost ya'

'Damn woman...'

With that nami set her phone down to go find luffy, she was in the living room sitting next to vivi. "Hey luffy, you got a sec?" Nami asked smirking, luffy smiled and got up "Yeah what it is?" she asked tilting her head; Vivi noticed nami's smirk 'She's planning something isn't she' the blue haired girl thought to herself. "If you wanted to go somewhere fun today where would that be?" Nami asked the short girl. 'Yup, I knew it' Vivi caught nami's attention and just raised an eyebrow and smirked causing nami to give her a thumbs up.

Luffy pondered for a moment thinking real hard "Hmmmm...uuuh.." was she muttered then it was as if the light bulb above her head finally lit up "Oh I know the park, I always loved going to the park. It was so much fun!" luffy smiled "Why? 'GASP' Are we going to the park!!" Nami just grinned "No sorry luffy, I just needed to know that's all" luffy huffed and pouted puffing her cheeks out, she soon shrugged it off and sat back down with vivi "Im hungry" the girl complained "I'll go get us some food. I was starting to get hungry as well" Vivi stated.

"Oh viv, before you leave" Nami, motioned her to come closer and whispered something in her ear, all vivi did was smile and nod her head. Just then nami got a text from her green-haired friend

'What's your plan?' was all it said, but she knew what he meant and texted him to meet up with vivi outside.

Vivi was outside waiting for zoro to show up when she finally spotted him, "Zoro! Over here" She hollered at him. The green haired man made his way to her, "So?" he asked her she just smirked "Nami said that she would wanna go to the park, so she thought you should take her to the park for a picnic" Zoro thought for a minute and rubbed the back of his neck out of nervousness "Alright, I'll do that. Tell nami I'll pay her later, I'm gonna go ask that ero-cook to make something." Zoro walked off but with a smile on his face and just a little bit of blush. Vivi took off to go get some food before she almost forgot.

~~An hour or so later after vivi returned with some food, it was eleven o'clock a.m~~

A small knock was heard at the girls' door, "I'll get it" luffy said. She opened the door and there zoro holding a small bouquet of pink hydrangeas. As zoro looked to the door he blushed immensely "H-h-hey luffy" He stuttered and slap himself mentally, "Hey zoro what's up" she smiled at him making his anxiety even worse; "Here I got these for you" He handed her the small bouquet of flowers, she let out a small gasp and hugged zoro tightly "Awwww thanks zoro I love them, they're so pretty" At this moment nami and vivi saw what was happening, they giggled and awed at Zoro's face and luffy hugging him. He glared at the both of them but was also kinda thankful. "So luffy I was wondering...Would you like to go to the park for a picnic with me?"

Luffy gasped loudly, her eyes turning to sparkles; she was jumping up and down "Yeah, I'd love to go, let's do it!" she exclaimed happily she went to go change real quick while she was doing that nami walked up to zoro, "So zoro, about the cost" she smirked, zoro just glared at her "" he gave her the money and nami's eyes turned into money symbols as she walked away happily. Vivi giggled and patted zoro on the shoulder "Don't worry, you got this" she smiled at him and walked away, luffy came out. She was wearing a blue tank top with white shorts and her sandals, as well as having her straw hat hanging around her neck. "You look cute luf" zoro covered his mouth and looked away blushing "Shishishi thanks zoro, you look good too" she smiled and walked out the door, "Come on lets go" she smiled. 

They left and took Zoro's motorcycle and he drove to the park "Shishishi wow zoro you didn't get lost" luffy teased him (I know im surprised too.) "Shut up, o-of course I didn't" Zoro blushed a little 'THANK YOU GOD' he said in his head. They got off and zoro lead luffy the way where he had the picnic set up, Luffy was beaming with joy "Wooooow zoro this is amaazing" she said excitedly and couldn't stop smiling. He was glad she enjoyed there time at the park, they basically spent the whole day there till sunset, playing, talking, eating, taking plenty of pictures and having a good time.

"Ne, zoro" luffy looked at zoro, they were both sitting up against a tree he hummed in response "Thanks for today I had a lot of fun, you're the best" zoro blushed (Yes it's the perfect set up for zoro to ask her to be his girlfriend, but I have better ideas. Sorry not sorry) Luffy leaned onto zoro, he looked down at the small girl and heard a little snore come from her. He smiled and kissed her head. He picked up the sleeping beauty and took her back to the dorms. Zoro smiled knowing he had fun today with the one he liked and wouldn't want it any other way.

OOF my friends I know, I know this chapter was filled with opportunities but don't you worry, I might shorten the number of chapters and add the alternate endings if I can. Next chapter I'll be throwing kid in there, also sorry if this one was short. Until then stay tuned ;)

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