Chapter Fourteen

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Helloooo everyone~ Hope you're doing well. Please enjoy this new chapter.

The next day during the group's lunch period, everything was the same old usual. Luffy stealing and eating tons of food, zoro and Sanji bickering while having nami stop them, and the others just laughing. Until someone unknown decided to sit at the group's table, this caught everyone attention. Well except for luffy who was still stuffing her face, "And who might you be?" zoro was the first to speak up everyone just kinda glared at the newcomer; it was a guy, he had neon green hair kinda in the shape of a mohawk but not quite and a nose ring. He just sat there for a moment, "Well are you gonna say anything?" Sanji soon butted in, "M-my n-n-name is Ba-Bartolomeo" he stuttered his words and was getting nervous, just then luffy stopped and looked at the guy, "Hmmmm.." she stared at him and scrunched her nose "Luffy do you know this person?" Usopp asked and the others glanced at her then back to the strange guy.

Out of nowhere, her face lit up "CREST HEAD" she yelled and pointed at Bartolomeo, who started to cry for some reason, "Luffy-s-senpai, you remember me!" "Shishishi of course" she smiled, however, they got the attention from people surrounding them who were just confused. "Wait luffy who is he exactly?" Vivi asked everyone else nodded in agreement to the question, "Shishi he's a friend of mine, we met during my first year of high school" Luffy smiled more and put an arm around Bartolomeo's shoulders. "Ohmygodluffy-senpaiisrightnextotme" he said it so fast no one understood but he started crying, "Luffy aren't you gonna introduce us?" Zoro asked, he was a little jealous and glared at the green neon-haired guy. "Oh right, sorry almost forgot" she giggled, "Crest head, these are my friends Nami, vivi, zoro, sanji and usopp" She smiled greatly as the others said 'Hi' "Luffy-senpai has such a blinding smile and is so nice. I don't deserve her" Bartolomeo said to himself.

"Hey luffy why does he call you 'luffy-senpai'?" Sanji questioned, "No clue" luffy laughed "He's funny though. By the way barto, what are you doing here?" Luffy changed the subject, "Because I heard that luffy-senpai was enrolled here and I thought that I would get to meet you again after so long" Bartolomeo started crying again out of happiness " And I-I can't believe I found you" luffy laughed happily " Well it's cool to see you again crest head." The others smiled and welcomed him gladly but zoro wasn't exactly fond of him; "Oi moss head, what's the matter with you?" Sanji stated "Shut up curly brow, it's nothing," zoro said bluntly, the blond just smirked and leaned to zoro, "I think someone is jealous that luffy-chan is friendly with the new guy" zoro started getting annoyed and had a pink flush over his cheeks "I-I-I am not jealous of that bastard" his sounded angry but sanji started laughing hard, "Oh my god, this is priceless" he was holding his stomach and was crying from laughing so much "Shut it, shitty cook!" Zoro was getting worked up about it, "Alright, alright I'll stop" sanji calmed down and wiped the tears away from his face. "Don't worry marimo, you still have a chance" Sanji patted his back, everyone started to leave as lunch was ending and so did zoro.


Thursday rolled around and it was the afternoon, the girls were at their dorms relaxing, "Naaammiii I'm hunggrryy" luffy complained sprawled out on the floor. Nami was on her bed while vivi was on the couch watching T.V "Luffy if you're hungry go and get something from the vendors around campus" Vivi stated, luffy pouted and puffed her cheeks and sighed mumbling "I don't have any money" Nami walked out and put her hands on her hips, "Besides don't you have that party to go to with law?" the raven-haired girl sat up "Oh..I almost forgot about that" she started giggling and nami rolled her eyes. As if on cue there was a knock at the door, "I'll go get it" nami said, she opened the door to reveal law, he was wearing a dark navy blue suit with dark brown shoes, his hair kinda messy but it went well. Nami just stood there staring at the guy, 'what kind of party is it' she thought to herself "Is luffy here?" he asked, it made nami snap back to reality "Oh uhh yeah she's here... Luffy someone is here to see you!" nami shouted for the girl, moments later she came up to the door and nami moved. "Oh hey traffy what's up," she said smiling "Here, be ready in thirty minutes and then we're leaving for the party, I'll be waiting by the parking lot of the dorms" Law handed her a big bag with a brand name on it "I'll see you in a little bit," he said before he left. Luffy set the bag down on the floor in their little living room and pulled out a sleeveless dark blue dress that went down to her knees.

"Oh my god, only thirty minutes?! Vivi come one we have to get her ready" "Right, I'll do her makeup and you try to do something with her hair nami" The two girls sat luffy down on a chair and got started, the poor raven-haired girl didn't like the idea of wearing  a dress or wearing makeup but had no choice, she kept squirming around "Luffy sit still this is a matter of an emergency!" luffy just huffed out a sigh. After an excruciating twenty minutes with ten left to spare the two were done with their masterpiece, they looked at each other and nodded "I think we did a good job, don't you think nami?" Vivi commented; luffy had a natural look on her with some glam perks, eyeliner to make her eyes pop a little more and a shiny lip gloss, her hair was fixed as best as it could be since it was so short, and she wore some black shoes that had a small heel.  "Alright, I think that does it lets go take you to meet law," Nami said smiling. They both escorted luffy to meet up with law, once they got there luffy was handed off to him "Bye luffy, have fun and law...make sure she doesn't do anything to embarrass you" Nami smirked, her and vivi waved to them as the two entered into a limo.

On the drive to the party law and luffy sat next to each other, it was a comfortable type silence but then...a loud growl came from the small girl gaining law's attention,  "Im hungry" she whined. Law let out a small chuckle "I figured this would happen so I bought some snacks before I got here" law  reached for a small bag on the corner of the seat and gave it to luffy; Her eyes widened and started to sparkle with drool coming out of her mouth, she started eating them without hesitation and immediately finished the snacks "Thanks traffy you're the best" she smiled and hugged him. The limo finally came to a complete stop "Looks like we're here" their door was opened by the chauffeur, law stepped out first then luffy. They hooked arms and walked to the building the party was being held at "Wooooow this place is cool" Luffy had sparkle eyes and was bouncing up and down, "Now when we get in there make sure to stay close to me alright" Law stated firmly "Why?" she tilted her head looked up at law, he felt himself blushing a little, "Because there are some people who aren't that nice" he looked down at the girl who seemed a little confused but nodded "Okay traffy." They entered the place and there a bunch of people dressed up in fancy clothing. Law was about to say something to luffy but she disappeared "Shit...I told her one simple rule and she runs off" Law goes and starts looking for luffy.

After a good ten minutes of searching and saying 'excuse me' or 'sorry im busy at the moment' to people who wanted to talk to law, he finally found her...stuffing her face at the table full of food; law sighed "Of course she would be here" He walked over to the vacuum of a girl. As he got closer he could hear people making comments about little luffy and how she's eating so much or that it's disgusting and 'not ladylike' he just scoffed and ignored them "Oi luffy" he said as he approached the girl putting a hand on her shoulder turning her around "Oh hi trafshy, you shulsh try da fvood" Luffy looked at him, she had food in her mouth and two plates full of it handing one to law, "No I'm fine" and pushed the plate away. Luffy swallowed her food and smiled "Come on traffy pleeaase it's really good I swear especially the meat!" Law just sighed but smiled at the girl 'It's going to be a long night' he thought to himself

Well, that's the end of the chapter everyone, I hope you enjoyed; Any advice or suggestions on how I can improve please comment below. Until then stay tuned;)

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