Chapter Three

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The rest of the day went by pretty slow. Until sixth period rolled around. Luffy walked into her classroom. A girl with pink hair caught her attention, "hi I'm Luffy! What's your name?" The girl looked at the shorter female weirdly, "um...why?" Luffy gave the female a weird look also, "shishishi nice to meet you why!" The pink haired girl deadpanned, "....," she started to laugh, "hahaha I like you! I'm jewelry bonny!"

Bonny asked Luffy to sit with her and her friends in class. "X drake! This is Luffy. Luffy this is x drake, urouge, appo, and porche," bonny introduced Luffy to everyone. "Nobody really likes porche. She just sits with us..." x drake whispered to Luffy. Luffy laughed and nodded. "I heard that!" Porche yelled. "Your voice is annoying shishi!" Luffy said. The group exploded in laughter. Porche turned beet red and walked away.

Talking with the group was fun. It was the only reason doflamingos class was tolerable. Quite frankly, Luffy had zero interest in geography. It was something Nami was more into. 'Maybe I can get Nami to do my homework for this class...' Luffy thought

Doflamingo came up behind the raven haired female and leaned over her, "are you having trouble luffia?" Doflamingo asked as his hand traveled down her back and touched her side (my 7th grade math teacher did this to the females all the time, including me. It was creepy) luffy shivered, "I think I got it..." Luffy started trying to do the worksheet they were given.

Key word: tried

Luffy was doing it all wrong. Doflamingo chuckled slightly, "here's how you do it," Doflamingo showed Luffy how to do it. "Oohh I get it now!" Luffy announced. After that she did pretty god. Luffy did mess up a few times but Bonney helped her through it.
The bell rang, signaling the end of class. Luffy said a quick thanks to her teacher and bye to her new friends.

Luffy walked into her mechanics class. "Robot-ossan?!?!" Luffy exclaimed. Franky was standing by a car, fixing it. "Eh? Luffy?! You're taking shop?!" Franky yelled. Luffy nodded enthusiastically, "hey I thought you said you owned a bar!" Franky chuckled, "I do. I'm there at night and my brothers take care of it during the day." "Ooohh okay!"

"Alright class! Let's get started by pairing you guys up in groups of two. Hmm....I don't like how you two would turn out if I put you guys together..." franky pointed at a redhead and a blond. "Kidd!" Luffy waved to him. Kidd smirked. "Ok, luffia and Kidd you guys are partners!" Franky announced.

As the other boys were getting paired together, Luffy walked over to Kidd and they got a seat in the back of the class.

By seat, it's a work bench next to a car lift. Kidd was in love with this class.

"Ok guys I hope you set along superly!" Franky did a weird pose, causing the entire class to sweat drop. Killer got paired with one of his other friends, heat.

"Hey chikade!" Some asshole called to Luffy, "shouldn't you be in home ec or something? Woman belong in the kitchen!" Luffy, being the dense person she is, said, "nope! I'd burn the kitchen down!" She said this rather proudly. Kidd sweat dropped, "what are you gonna do to the car then...." "don't worry, one of my uncles taught me how to fix a car!" Luffy replied.
"Hey girl! Why don't you go to the bedroom and make babies like a good little girl~" another guy said, earning a few laughs and high fives.

"Shouldn't you read a book? Oh wait, you're probably to stupid to understand the contents inside a fine piece of literature such as 'little woman' and 'safe haven'" Luffy said, which shocked everyone. It also shut up the boys. "Wow....I didn't know you were that smart," Kidd breathed out.

"Shishishi someone said that to me when I was ten and I just remember it so I thought if I said it, it would shut em up!" Luffy laughed. Kidd sighed, "of course..."

"....and that's the end of the introduction for mechanics class. Now the class is over and so is school so get the hell outta here!" Franky said. "Oh and have a super day!" Franky did his weird pose again.

Luffy quickly ran to her dorm to change. She put on a red button up tank top with short shorts and sandals. Luffy took off as fast as she could to her brothers dorm.

~~at ace and sabos ~~

"Hey ace?" Sabo said to his brother. "Yeah Sabo?" Ace yawned. "How do you think Luffy's doing? I mean, it's a new school, new friends....hopefully nothing happens to her like in the last school..." Sabo said te last part sadly.

"It's Luffy, Sabo. Everyone loves Luffy!" Ace argued. "Some people don't. Others a little to much..." ace immediately went silent. "You think she'll get a boyfriend?" Sabo wondered out loud.

Ace practically caught on fire, "No way! She's never allowed to date till she gets married! And she's not allowed to get married till she dies!!" Sabo started inching away from the angry male. Sometimes Sabo thinks ace will just catch on fire on of these days.

"O-ok ace cal-" a knock on the door interrupted Sabo in the middle of his sentence. Ace, still angry, flung the door open, "what?!" Ace immediately regretted using such a tone, "sorry I didn't mean to yell at you!" Ace panicked. Sabo walked to the door and looked out, his mood immediately brightening, "Luffy! How was school?" Sabo pulled the short, raven haired female into the dorm.

That was when the two males saw what she was wearing. "....what the fuck are you wearing luffy?" Sabo asked rather calmly except each word had a touch of anger tangled in somewhere. "...clothes," the smart ass replied with.

"Luffy I swear to god-" ace was cut off by Luffy glaring right into his eyes. "What ace?! Are you gonna yell at me again?!" The glare was that of a wild beast. Ace gulped hard, "u-um no. J-just a light chastisement..." Luffys glare intensified, "about what? My clothes?" Her voice was way to calm. It's like when you're about to get in trouble and your parents are asking questions calmly and it scares the shit out of you.

"O-of course not Luffy. Y'know I don't think you need to be chastised anymore...." ace looked away from her glare. Luffys glare immediately softened, and she went back to her normal happy-go-lucky self, "Shishishi okie! Let's play some board games!" Luffy announced. Both males let out a sigh of relief.

They normally aren't scared of Luffy but when she gets angry...well let's just say it's not a pretty sight. Though the males weren't sure why Luffy was so angry at ace for trying to chastise her. Normally she's calm about it. This way so not like Luffy.

'Oh god is she turning into a girl now?! She use to be such a male but now....I'm scared for Luffy honestly. Everything we do is to protect her and now she doesn't listen to us!' Ace and Sabo thought. This female just might be the death the trios relationship if she keeps acting like that.

End of chapter! Hope y'all liked it! Let me know in the comments how I can improve this story! And remember...


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