Alternate Ending- Law

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Luffy was walking back to the dorm with nami and vivi, "Ugh, today was the worst!" Nami complained "I mean who does that stupid teacher think he is giving the whole class only TWO DAMN DAYS TO FINISH A PROJECT AND OVER A POINTLESS TOPIC TOO!" she groaned and hunched over still walking, vivi sighed while luffy giggled "Don't worry nami, I'll help you if that's any better" she offers, placing a hand on her friends shoulder. Nami lit up in excitement "YOU REALLY MEAN THAT VIV?!" vivi smiled and nodded "OOOOH I'll help too nami!" luffy exclaimed throwing her hands up in the air "No luffy, you'll probably just ruin it or get distracted by something else" nami waved her hand dismissively; luffy pouted and huffed, crossing her arms "no I won't" she mumbled.

They finally reached the dorm and used the elevator to go to their floor.  Once inside they all flopped either on the couch or their beds, 'GRrrgGLlNNG' both nami and vivi turn to the sound and look at luffy who gave a sheepish smile and scratched the back of her head "Shishishi sorry, Im hungry again" nami just sighed and shook her head while vivi giggled "How about we go out to eat, you know just have some quality girl time?" the blunette  suggested; "That sounds like a goo-" nami wasn't able to finish her sentence when luffy started shouting "YOOOOOSHAAAA! FOOOOOD!" "Well at least someone is overly excited" vivi laughed along with nami but she soon threw her shoe at luffy which hit her in the head "Oooowwwww naaamiii" luffy whined rubbing the bump. The girls changed into some more casual and comfy clothes and headed out.

They decided on going to a popular place called mermaid cafe which thankfully wasn't too far away, which allowed them to walk there.  Luffy almost ran in before nami grabbed her by the back of her shirt, the girl turned around and gave her friend a pouty look "Luffy, don't go running into places like that and DON'T ORDER THE WHOLE MENU THIS TIME" nami stated rather aggressively "Okay, okay I  won't" luffy muttered "Don't worry nami, I'll watch her" vivi reassured. The orange-haired girl just sighed. The three of them walked in and were greeted by a waitress  "Good evening, welcome to Mermaid Cafe! My name is Camie and I'll be your waitress for today" She had light green hair, big brown eyes and wore a shirt that had a C and R with a start in the middle along with her assigned uniform apron tied around her waist. Camie led the girls to a small booth, "I'll start you guys off with something to drink, what would you like?" she asked smiling "I'll have a lemonade please" vivi said, "I'll get a tangerine smoothy" said nami, "'And I'll have the biggest chocolate milkshake you got!" Luffy exclaimed excitedly, "Of course that's what you would get" nami mentally face palmed herself. Camie giggled at the childish demeanor luffy has and jotted down the drink orders "Alrighty, they'll be right out soon!" She said cheery "Thank you!" the girls said in unison. 

After about five minutes Camie came back with a tray of all their drink orders "Here you guys are, a lemonade, tangerine smoothy and the largest chocolate milkshake we got!!" the greenette set down a one & half foot tall glass filled with the chocolate milkshake, whipped cream on top with chocolate syrup and two strawberries plus a big cookie, with a big swirly straw. Nami and vivi jaws dropped in shock while luffy was just ecstatic "Holy shit that's a lot!" nami exclaimed "Shishishishi IT LOOKS SO DELICIOUS AND AWESOME!" luffy said loudly. Little did the girls know they gained the attention of a few other people with either shocked or slightly disgusted faces and a certain table with a certain man with grey eyes. "I'm glad you're satisfied. Are you girls ready to order your food?" Camie asked politely "Ah yes, I will have the spicy chicken salad, with Italian dressing" vivi ordered, camie nodded her head and wrote it down and looked up at nami "I'll get the fish tacos with sour cream on it." After camie wrote her order down nami was mentally praying that luffy wouldn't say 'give me everything on the menu' "And what would you like to have today?" she turned and looked at luffy awaiting the answer "Hmmmmmnnghh....I'll have every-" nami's eyes widened and she instantly leaned over the table and slapped luffy's mouth shut "Hahaha, she'll just have a bacon cheeseburger with large fries on the side" the waitress sweat dropped but giggled "Sure thing!"

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