Chapter Sixteen

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Sorry, I haven't updated yet, I got occupied with catching up with one piece. Anyways, here's the new chapter y'all have been waiting for.

The school days carried out as normal, except students were becoming joyous since spring break was just around the corner. Which people gathering together to make plans and go on trips. Among those groups was luffy's friends.

It was after school and all of them were at Franky's bar. "It's always suuuuuper great to have you guys here" Franky struck his odd posed but it made everyone smile and laugh, while luffy still calls him 'Robot-ossan' "Hey so what are you guys gonna do over spring break?" Nami asked; everyone thought for a moment "Nothing really" usopp replied everyone almost said the same thing "I'm gonna be hanging out with my brothers for a little while but other than that nothing" Luffy smiled.

"Great!" Nami cheered "I was thinking we could all go to the beach together for a few days since vivi owns a beach house" everyone agreed and they asked franky if he wanted to go to, of course, he said yes "Maybe we could leave once school ends for the break, meet here and get there before it gets too dark" Vivi suggested "UWWAAAHHH I can't wait to see all the beautiful ladies in there bikini's" Said Sanji as he started having a nose bleed "Especially nami~swaan, vivi~chwwaan, and luffy~chaaan" he added. They all just laughed at him except for zoro "Shut it you pervert cook. You'll probably scare them all away with those weird eyebrows" Zoro chuckled "Oh yeah moss head?! They're gonna be running from the hills just by looking at your face" Before a fight could break out franky smacked both of their heads "Shishishi you guys are always fun to watch" Luffy started laughing.

~~~Time skip boi~~~

It's the last day of school before the break and luffy is in her last class with kid. As franky is going over a new lesson kid passes luffy a note 'What are your plans for spring break?' she smiles and writes something down then gives it back 'Me and my friends are going to the beach! Do you wanna come too:)' "I don't think I'd exactly fit in" Kid snickers at the thought "Oh come on pleeeaaassee you can bring killer too so you're not so lonely" Luffy gives him a pouty look. The look no one can deny. Not even god🤣. Kid blushes as he looks at the girls face that's so close to him, "Tch..dammit fine I guess I'll go."  luffy smiles big "Woohooo we'll meet up at Franky's bar then after school." The bell rings and there's shouting and 'Woohs' in hallways as the students are excited about spring break. "Hey killer" Kid caught up with his only best friend "Sup kid" he says back, Kid scratches the back of his head and sighs. Killer stops walking and so does he, "What's wrong" kid sighs again as killer waits for him to answer "Well I asked luffy what she was doing for the break and well..." "And well what?" killer asks "She's going to the beach with her friends and asked me if I wanted to go along too, I don't know why" Killer raises his brow "So what did you say?" "I said I would go but you have to go with me," Kid says as if he's demanding for his friend to go. Killer knows there's no way out of this and just shakes his head "Alright fine."

An hour or so later and everyone finally shows up at the bar, "Alright is everyone here?" Nami says loudly "Oh wait nami" luffy walks up to her "I invited kid to the beach with us and I kinda told him he could bring his friend killer so he wouldn't be too lonely. They shou-" Just as luffy was about to finish explaining the door opens revealing kid and killer with their bags and stuff. A small awkward silence fell upon them until franky broke it "No matter the more the suuuuppeerr marrier it is" luffy smiles and runs up to the two of them "Hey I'm so glad you guys could make it" She gives her typical smile and hugs them both. Everyone welcomes them with a friendly 'Hi' except zoro who just glares at kid who returns it. "Yosh! Everyone toooo the beach!" Luffy throws her hands up in the air "Robot~ossan lead the way" They all smile and chuckle at luffy's childish demeanor. "Suuuppeerr lets get going guys" All of them head out to Franky's van that has enough seats for all of them, "Alright vivi, Sanji you guys are sitting in the back with me" Nami explains "Then luffy, killer, kid, and zoro. Usopp you sit in the front with franky" The group files into the vehicle, but of course, there's a small skirmish as to who sits next to luffy. Out of all of them. Killer ended up sitting next to luffy, he doesn't have a crush on her or anything but smirks at the redhead and moss head who give him a death glare. 

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