Chapter Seven

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I'm not saying you should, but I would be nice if you checked out my new story called drastic measures. It's a narusasu

"There ya go! All patched up! The injuries should completely heal in a month! It was a pretty deep gash, but your brothers have said you heal rather quickly." Luffy smiled at the nurse and mumbled a quick thanks before leaving. Her legs still hurt, but it wasn't as bad as when she first cut them open and kept running.

Luffy walked around campus, hoping to find something to eat. Luffy was hungry after Vivi and Nami gave her a long lecture about how she should be less reckless with things. It was honestly tiring for Luffy. The bandages on her legs only served as a reminder for the pair to lecture Luffy more.

The black haired female rounded a corner and nearly bumped into someone. If she hadn't of stopped, she wouldn't ran right into them. The abrupt stop made pain flare through her leg, making her stumble a bit.

"Ah!" Luffy let out a sound of pain as she braced herself to fall.

But she never fell.

Luffy looked up, and saw Zoro. The green haired male wrapped his arms around the shorter female, "Careful Luffy." Luffy giggled a bit, "Sorry sorry." Zoro looked over Luffy. His eyes fell on her bandages, "What happened to you?!" Luffy looked down, "Oh, the bandages. Yeah, some guys were chasing me cause Vivi, Bonney, Nami, And I stole their food. I took the blame and they chased me. One of them jumped in front of me she I slid between their legs. It was fine 'cause Kidd saved me!"

Zoro gritted his teeth, "I see." Luffy tilted her head slightly, "Wanna go do something?" Zoro looked back at Luffy, "Huh? Like what?" Luffy shrugged, "How about....the amusement park!" Zoro chuckled, "Alright..."

"You don't know where we are, do you?" Zoro turned his head away from Luffy, "S-shut up! Yes I do!" Luffy took Zoro's phone away from him, " literally have a GPS up and you still took the wrong exit." Zoro turned bright red, "I knew that! I was just testing you!" Luffy smiled widely, "Oh, ok! Well, did I pass your test?" Zoro shook his head, "Almost! Now, direct me towards our exit!" Luffy hit her fist on her hand, "Yosh!"

After a few more wrong turns, the pair finally made it to the amusement park. Luffy was wowed at how big some of the roller coasters were, "Zoro! Let's ride that one!" Zoro looked up. Of course the raven haired female picked the biggest roller coaster in the park. The line was super long for the front seat though. The pair waited for what felt like hours before they finally got strapped in.

The cart slowly made its way to the top of the first hill. Zoro's eyes widened as he realized how high the mountain was. The cart yeeted itself down the hill. Zoro started to scream along with the other passengers. Luffy threw her hands up and giggled. She was having the time of her life. The cart went in a loop. Zoro instinctively gripped the bar tighter with one hand and grabbed Luffy's hand with the other.

The ride finally came to a stop. Zoro unbuckled himself from the ride, but never let go of Luffy's hand. Luffy didn't mind. She used this as an opportunity to drag the green haired male towards other rides.

After ten more rides, Zoro stopped Luffy, "Hey, the park is closing soon. I think we've ridden all the roller coasters that are here." Luffy frowned, "Aw..." Zoro looked around a bit. Then, he saw a Ferris wheel. "You know, we could ride the Ferris wheel," Zoro suggested, rubbing the nape of his neck. Luffy contemplated for a moment before smiling widely, "Sure!"

The line for the Ferris wheel wasn't long at all. Barely anyone was in line. The wheel started to move. Luffy stared out the window, face pressed against the glass. It was dark out. The lights around the park lit up beautifully. Zoro had his eyes on Luffy. She looked so perfect to him. She was so into the view. It was...cute.

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