Chapter Four

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I don't own one piece (cries) ichirro oda-San does. We all know if I owned one piece then I'd have so many zosan scenes >_< YAOI IS LIFE!!!! Anyway school started back for me so kill me now. I don't have as much time to write anymore T_T.

Anyways here's the story. Enjoy~

It's been a week since Luffy first yelled at her older brothers. Ever since that she's had these mood swings and has been taking it out on her brothers. The two boys were about to have a talk with little miss luffia about her attitude.

Ace and Sabo were sitting in the living room talking. All of there roommates were gone at the moment. "I don't know what's gotten into her. You think it might be her roommates?" Ace asked his slightly younger brother. "I don't know ace. I really don't know....maybe we should talk to her about it?" Sabo suggested.

Ace was about to say something back when the door swung open, revealing a short, raven haired female. "Luffy?" Ace asked. Luffy walked in, closed the door behind her, and flopped down across her older brothers, "I feel so relieved!"

The two males were confused. "Relieved? About was Luffy?" Sabo asked. Luffy looked directly in sabos eyes and said, "my period finally ended." The males eyes widened as they abruptly stood up, causing Luffy to roll off the couch.

"You mean to tell us that your mood swings were caused by your period?!" Ace yelled. Sabo just kinda stood there uncomfortable with the subject. "Probably," was all Luffy responded with before she started eating sabos food.

Anger was visible on aces face, "I swear to god Luffy I will call gramps here to give you the fist of love!" Luffy dropped her- well sabos- sub and covered her head, "nnnooo don't do that! I can still feel the pain from last time!" Ace smirked in triumph.

"Hey, that's my sub!" Sabo whined. Luffy smiled at her older brother, "to bad. It's mine now!" Luffy continued to gobble up the sandwich while Sabo was sitting in a corner, depressed over the fact that he lost his late lunch to his dear little sister.

"Oh yeah! Luffy, I got free coupons for pizza at dominos! Wanna hang out with me and Sabo and watch some movies?" Ace asked excitedly. Since school started back, ace and Sabo haven't really had the time to hang out with Luffy.

"Hell yeah! Shishishishi," Luffy laughed that adorable laugh of hers. Ace and Sabo smiled and blushed. Oh how they thought their little sister just light up the room when she walked in.

Yeah, their roommates are pretty sure that the two boys have a sister complex going on.

"Yosh! What movie should we watch?" Ace and Luffy picked out a movie while poor Sabo has to order all the pizza.

The pizza guy arrived with the most disgusted look on his face. The three siblings had ordered twenty five all meat pizzas with extra meat and bacon cheese fries with extra bacon. Sabo just quietly took the food with embarrassment.

The siblings immediately dug into the food as 'deadpool' started playing. Sabo, the most normal one of the siblings, at his pizza and fries as is. Ace dipped his pizza in marinara sauce and ate his cheese fries with ranch dressing. Luffy ate her pizza dipped in ranch and barbecue sauce (that's what I do) and her cheese fries in honey mustard.

Once the sex scenes started to play, ace covered luffys eyes while Sabo covered her ears. Luffy, who had fries hanging out of her mouth, tilted her head in confusion. Something only Luffy could make look cute.

Once the explicit scenes were over, ace and Sabo uncovered their little sisters eyes and ears. Luffy just shrugged and continued to eat.

As soon as the movie was over, the teens turned off the DVD player and turned back on the regular TV. The news was the first thing to come on.

"This just in, one of the inmates has broken out of prison. Here is his pi-" before the reporter could finish his sentence, ace turned off the tv.

"What the hell ace?! That could've been important! He might've been a murder for all we know! We need to pay attention to these things!" Sabo scolded ace. "....but the news is boring..." ace looked down. Sabo sighed and turned the TV back on. By then, the story was over.

"Great, we missed it..." Sabo grumbled. "It probably wasn't important Sabo. You might be over thinking things!" Ace said. "Yeah you might be right..."

The three teens went to sleep, forgetting about the news story and not bothering to search it up.

That was a grave mistake on their part.

End of chapter!
Damn that took forever to update. I'm sowwy I just started school and I have 3 pre ap classes, an engineering class that if I don't maintain at least a B I'll be kicked out of, Spanish which I have no interest in and PE but PE is easy. Sorry for leaving y'all at a cliff hanger but it'll be a while before y'all get to see what I mean by that. Mwahahahaha!!! Ok ok sorry. And remember....


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