Chapter Twelve

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Sorry about the slow updates, I've been dealing with some personal issues so please forgive me. Anyways here is chapter 12 (also sorry if this one seems boring)

Tuesday rolls around, an announcement came on the intercom at school gaining everyones attention. "Attention students today a very special guess will be coming to school. So I want all of you on your best behavior and no fighting!"
   There was murmuring among the halls about the 'special guest' today. Luffy was in first period class and didn't really pay attention to the announcement. "And with that today's lesson is over" said Bon clay. The bell rang and everyone got up to leave.

"Bye bon-chan" luffy said smiling and waving, she was heading to her next class when she saw a certain tall man with a spotted hat, "Toraro!" She yelled in the hall, it got law to look around and see luffy running up to him.

Some students chuckled at the nickname law was given but he ignored it, "Well if it isn't little miss luffy" law said with a grin "Hey traffy what's up" said luffh smiling, "Nothing much, you wanna go get something to eat before our next class?" Asked law. Luffy's eyes turned to stars and she nodded her head in agreement. They were outside sitting on a bench near a food stall with only luffy eating. "Thanks sho mush traffy your da bestsh" luffy said with her mouth full. "It's no problem" there was a small silence but then law spoke, "Hey so there's this party coming up on thrusday and I need a date, so I was wondering if you'd like to accompany me?" Luffy looked at him, she smiled "Yeah it sounds like alot of fun! Will there be meat?!" She said excitedly.

Law sighed knowing that's all she cared about, "Yes there will be plenty of that. Anyways we should start to head back to our classes soon, later luf" with that law and luffy went their seperate ways and their days carried on like normal. Then came lunch time.

   "We've gotta find luffy before that old man gets here" said ace, "Yea Yea I know I'm looking" exclaimed sabo. They kept searching the cafeteria until they spotted her "Look she's over there!" Sabo pointed to luffy sitting at the table with her friends, Ace and sabo ran towards luffy, "Luufffyyyy!!!" They yelled in unison, the two came to a hard stop, out of breathe and almost fell onto the poor girl eating.

"Whoah guys what's wrong?" Usopp asked "We (pant) came to get (more panting) luffy before our old man gets here" Sabo explained, everyone just made an 'oh' shape with their mouths. "When he is supposed to get here?" Sanji asked, "Yeah when, so I can go hide" Usopp said dreading the idea of seeing that man again. "We're not sure but he should be here soon during the lunch hou-" ace was cut off by someone stating "Is that how you three greet your own grandpa" ace, sabo, and luffy turned around together at the same time to see there old man Garp standing before them, "Hey gramps" luffy smiled, "Yeah hey gramps long time no see" said ace and sabo. "I oughtta give my fist of love for not greeting me when I got here" just then before the three could make a run for it, luffy, ace and sabo had two bumps coming out of their head. "What the hell old man!" Ace exclaimed they were holding their heads in pain "Ooowwww" luffy whimpered "Stupid old man and his stupid fist of love" sabo mumbled "What was that boy, you wanna another fist of love" Garp yelled. "NO" they said in unison.

"Anyways while I'm here I might as well meet the people you squirts have been talking too" Garp said scratching the back of his head. "Are you guys okay" asked Nami and vivi, "Yeah we're fine" Said ace, "He does it all the time, it's his way of showing 'Love'" sabo sarcastically stated, "Stupid old geezer" said luffy, they all started to laugh. Garp came back to sit with the three siblings during their lunch, "Hello Sir, my name is Nami. My mother used to be a marine and is such a big fan of yours, it's so nice to meet you" Nami held out her for a handshake and garp gladly agreed to it, "Oh yeah i guess introduce you guys to my gramps" luffy said smiling and scratching the back of her head.

Sabo and ace just gave death glares to some of the guys, "Grandpa, these are my friends, nami, vivi, sanji and zoro. As you already know that's usopp" she pointed to usopp who was sitting there frozen, Garp just laughed and patted him on the back. Everyone said 'Hi'. Luffy and her brothers got hit a couple more times while they all laughed, fell alseep for no reason and Garp telling his stories of his adventures which luffy oh so loved to hear as well as usopp.

"Well I gotta leave, I shouldn't be hanging around you three trouble makers for too long" Garp got up too leave and the three siblings said bye, "Don't die on us now old man" yelled ace, "I don't plan on it" garp yelled laughing.

Luffy said bye to her brothers after lunch was over and headed to her next class which was social studies. She didn't like that class very much since the Doflamingo her teach was a real creepy but it was tolerable since she had Bonney and the others with her, as she walked she saw Bonney sitting at her desk with a few others " Hey Bonney!" Luffy walked in smiling and waving, "What's up luffy" she sat back in her chair with her feet up on the desk. The others gave her a warm 'Hi' "Hey luffy I gotta ask you something" bonney said, "What is it" she looked at her tilting her head, "Do you like kid?" Luffy pondered for a moment then replied "Yeah of course I do, he's my friend" she said smiling her usual grin, "No not just as friend but lik-" Bonney was cut off by the teacher walking in, "I'll explain later" bonney mentioned.

"Alright everyone let's begin todays lesson" everyone groaned at the thought and the class dragged on for what felt like ages until the bell finally rang. "Don't forget to turn in your homework assignments tomorrow" said Doflamingo as the students walked out. Luffy was walking to her Mechanics class when she almost tripped and fell but never made contact with the floor, she looked up to see that zoro caught her, "Shishishishi hey zoro what's up" Luffy said smiling, "Can you be anymore clumsy?" Zoro said laughing a little "Haha sorry" she said scratching the back of her head.

Luffy gave zoro a hug causing him to blush; "By the way luffy" he rummaged through his back to pull out a small box, "I got this for you thinking you might like it" Zoro had gotten luffy a necklace that he bought on his own time (Of course with usopp help) "Ooooh cool, thanks a lot zoro" she smiled opening the box the reveal a gold necklace with a strawhat charm on it. "Woooooow I didn't know they had one! it looks just like mine" Luffy was happy with her gift and gave zoro a big hug making him go red, "Y-yeah no problem luf" He said smiling and ruffled her hair. She giggled and smiled, "So uuh what class you got next?" Zoro questioned "Mechanics with robot-osan" Luffy answered. "Can I walk with you" zoro asked a little nervous, it made luffy smile "Yeah sure let's goooooo" Luffy and zoro walked to her next class when they got there zoro said "Well then bye luf see ya later," "Bye bye zoro" Luffy walked in and was greeted by franky who did his weird pose.

The class began but Kid wasn't there today even though killer was, 'I wonder where he is' luffy thought as class was ending Luffy walked up to killer, "Hey killer where's kid" killer turned to see luffy standing behind him, "Oh hey luffy, kid he's uuuh not here today cause...he got sick. Yeah he got sick" he sounded nervous 'I can't tell her the truth or else kid would kill me' he thought to himself. Luffy looked at him for a moment, 'Crap does she know I'm lying' killer thought, then luffy spoke "Oh, ok well tell him to get better soon and to eat lots of meat to get energy" she said, Killer just looked at her a little dumbfouned and sweat dropped, "Yeah will do luffy, well bye then see you around" Killer walked out and was thinking on what he was going to say to kid.

That's the end of Chapter twelve everyone I hope you enjoyed. Any advice or suggestions on how I can improve please leave in the comments below, Until then stay tuned😉

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