Alternate Ending- Zoro

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Hey guys! I'm back, sorry it's taken this long to post these endings. I've been a little busy and I just got back home from visiting friends and family in my home town. Also I will be writing my own new small story soon. One more thing, these endings won't necessarily portray the storyline but rather the small moments luffy had with each character (If that makes sense)

It was a normal Friday at school, kids happy about the weekend, Teachers dreading having to come back to do more of their work. But a certain green moss head and curly brow cook were getting heated in the hallway butting heads like always; "EH?! What did you say shitty cook!?!" "You heard me you stupid marimo, I said that 'If your directionless moss headed ass didn't get lost WE WOULD'VE BEEN TO SCHOOL ON TIME!" "I didn't get lost overly perverted curly brows! It's not my fault they change the god damn street names and all you wanted to once we got here was flirt with THE WOMEN YOU CAN NEVER GET!!" Zoro and Sanji gathered a small crowd in the hall due to there loud bickering (Were the teachers at, who knows🤷‍♀️)


"OH CRAP OH CRAP OH CRAP WE'RE GONNA BE SERIOUSLY LATE!!" Vivi yelled running to the front of the school along with nami and luffy. "Well MAYBE IF LUFFY woke up on time we would have been FINE" Nami yelled glaring at the short-haired girl who was honestly a good five feet running in front of them, Luffy turned around running backward, "Ehhhhhh?! It's not my fault, you guys didn't try waking me up!" She yelled pouting. This ticked nami off a little more "TRIED?!! WE TRIED FOR LIKE TWO HOURS!" The girls started to slow down as they got to the doors of the school and went in, nami putting her hands on her knees and catching her breath along with vivi; "Luffy I swear I will make you pay for this both literally and figuratively" nami said with a bit of raspy voice. Vivi gave up on standing and is now sitting on the floor (poor girl) "Honestly luf, how are you not out of breath?" the blue-haired girl asked "Shishishi I don't know, I've always been a fast runner"

 All of a sudden the three girls here someone running up to them, upon entry, it was usopp, "Hey usopp, how come you're not in class already?" vivi asked, "BECAUSE ZORO AND SANJI ARE GETTING INTO A FIGHT!!" He said frantically "What do you mean, they're always fighting. It's nothing new" Nami scoffed "No! It's real this time!!" "WHAT!" vivi and nami said in unison "Shishi it's probably fine, it's Sanji and zoro after all!" Luffy said smiling "Luffy that's not the point and usopp where are they right now?" Nami asked a little scared "C'mon follow me." Usopp led the way to a crowd of people in the rotunda area of the school ( thought I make this a little interesting at least) There the girls saw zoro and Sanji physically fighting. Let's just say it was BAD soon after a minute or so teachers along with the principle Mr. Shanks, coach smoker and franky came to break up the fight and disperse the students. Smoker grabbed Sanji and franky restrained zoro "Alright break it up! Everyone back to your classes now!" principle shanks yelled causing everyone to move quite quickly except nami, vivi, luffy, and usopp

Shanks walked up to the four "You guys too, I'll have someone come and get y'all once they've been admitted to the nurse's office." he said with a bit of a softer voice.  "Bu-" before nami could finish shanks gave them a stern look "Yes sir" they all said at the same time.

~~Time skip to them being called to the nurse's office~~

The group of four walked in and saw zoro on the far right of the room and sanji on the far left. Luffy immediately went to zoro while the rest went to sanji. "hey zoro" luffy said in a soft voice, zoro didn't say anything and only kept his head down, his hands and arms were bandaged up, and a few cuts on his face along with a black eye and bruised cheek. Luffy sat down and pulled zoro into a tight hug. He tensed up a little bit but soon relaxed wrapping his arms around her and resting his head on her shoulders, "Im sorry luffy" he muttered quietly. Luffy didn't say anything but still held him in his embrace, she knew this was no laughing matter. It was her friends. The friends she loves so dearly. The girl started to sway back and forth slightly while making small circular motions on Zoro's back, he didn't question it since it felt quite comforting. After a minute or so she stopped and pulled away and looked at zoro " my brothers used to do that for me whenever I felt sad or would cry, it always made feel better" She said smiling brightly

This made zoro smile a bit before asking luffy a question "Hey you maybe wanna go do something with me tomorrow..?" The girl just stared at him before bluntly replying with "No." in a stern voice but soon continued "I won't unless you apologize to sanji" she said crossing her arms "What? Why do I have to apologize to him for" zoro questioned a little annoyed at the thought of it "Because zoro, you two are important and special to me. My friends. I don't want to see you guys mad at each other or fight like this again." Luffy said seriously "I want you to promise me you guys won't fight like this again, please" zoro stayed silent for a minute. 

She was right and he knew it, he wasn't going to do it for his sake but for luffy, he sighed "I promise luf and I'll apologize to the ero-cook" Luffy smiled and hugged zoro again. He then turned his head toward sanji, "Oi curly brow!" sanji faced him with an uninterested look "I'm sorry for messing up your face" zoro said biting the inside of his cheek, the blond's eyes widened in surprise but soon turned away "Tch. Whatever stupid marimo, im sorry to I guess" Apparently nami also forced sanji to apologize to their green haired friend. "So luffy, does that mean you'll do something with me tomorrow?" he looked at the girl sitting in front of him "Shishishi I'd love too," she said smiling.

~~The next day~~

"Naaamiii why do I have to wear this stuff~" luffy whined as her oranged haired friend put makeup on her "Because luffy, it's to make you look prettier, not that you're already pretty as it is" she stated "Right! and so zoro falls for you even more" vivi added smiling causing a tiny hint of blush to appear on luffy. The girls already knew she liked their moss headed friend but he didn't know entirely. A knock at the door ringed through their ears as vivi went to go answer it, "Oh hello zoro" she said happily "Hey vivi, is luffy ready?" zoro asked rubbing the back his neck nervously "She's ready!" nami called out along with "luffy stop touching your face! You'll smear it all over yourself" followed by a smacking noise and an "Oooowww" from luffy. As they walked out zoro was lost for words, she wore something simple but made it look 10x's better. Luffy was wearing a red fitted tank top, blue semi-ripped jeans, a cute black and white flannel with the sleeves rolled up, and some plain red vans. In his mind he thought she looked like a sexy tomboy girl. "Weeelll zoro what do you thiink~~" nami cooed pushing luffy forward "U--uh-uhh you l-look amazing luffy" zoro stuttered out with a pink blush decorating his face "Shishi thanks zoro you look cool too" she said smiling "Alright you two off you go" nami shooed the two away and they made it to Zoro's motorcycle.

The first place they decided to go was to an arcade place then, to a place where they could ride go-carts, after that to the movies and finally to the park where zoro had taken little luffy on a picnic date. "Shishishi zoro you got lost so many times it was funny" the ravenette said laughing, the green-haired boy blushed and looked away "Be quiet, I didn't get lost..I-I was just making it more interesting for you to guess where we would be going next" The two of them stopped and sat down leaning against the same tree and watched the sunset. "Either way..." luffy started, leaning her head against zoro's shoulder "I had a lot of fun today" he looked down to see her staring up at him "I had fun too luffy, the most since forever." He smiled and they sat in peaceful silence until zoro spoke again. "Hey luf" she hummed in response so he could continue, "I've always liked you, ever since we first met. You've changed my life in so many ways and I'm thankful for you. So I'm gonna say it now rather than later." Zoro sits up off the tree and faces luffy, "Luffy, will you bring me the happiness and be my girlfriend?"

Luffy couldn't believe what she heard but her body took action before her mind and tackled hugged zoro to the ground, "I'd love to zoro!" she exclaimed overjoyed, they giggled at their little actions and soon fell silent after sitting up. Zoro started to lean in toward luffy and she doing the same. CLosing their eyes as they got closer and soon their lips meeting in a tender loving kiss under the tree. Zoro pulled back and smiled at luffy before pulling her close and resting his head in the crook of her neck and the ravenette wrapping her arms around him and sitting in his lap.

"Thank you." he muttered "Thank you for making me so happy... I love you." zoro said, luffy  smiled

"I love you too zoro."

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