Chapter Eight

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" this a good idea?" Sabo nudged his brother. The two brothers were currently making their way towards Luffy's dorm. Ace sighed, "Sabo, it's necessary. I don't want her to try and hoe around with anyone." Sabo sighed. Sure, he agreed with his brother, but going to her dorm this late at night? It was a bit....extreme. To wake up Luffy just to scream at her was doing too much.

Ace pulled out his phone, "Dorm 237. Ok, let's see. 235....236....237!" Ace was about to knock, but Sabo stopped him, "Are you sure this can't wait till tomorrow?" Ace sighed, "Yes Sabo, I'm sure." Ace went to knock again, but Sabo stopped him once more, "Sabo what the h-" Sabo flipped his brother around. Ace was confused for a second. Dizzy even. Then he saw it.

A moss headed male was carrying their precious little sister bridle style.

"I swear to fucking god if this bitch did anything to Luffy imma shank a bitch." Sabo stood with his mouth agape. The blond quickly recovered, "You're Zoro, are you not?" Zoro raised a brow, "And if I am?" Ace raised a fist, going to punch the younger male, but Zoro spoke up, "Woah woah woah! I'm holding a girl!"

Ace felt a vein pop out on his forehead, "That's the problem you dense mother fucker!" Zoro raised a brow in confusion. Sabo, the rational one, stepped forward, "We're her two older brothers. I am Sabo, and this here is Ace. Now, explain why you have our little sister in your arms. If I am dissatisfied with the response, I won't hesitate to shank you." Zoro made a small 'o' shape with his mouth before answering, "Luffy asked me if I wanted to go do something. When I asked what, she said she wanted to go to an amusement park. She fell asleep on the ride back."

Ace didn't believe his story for a second, "Oh yeah? Then why did you have your arm around her waist and she was sitting in your lap? Was it a date? If you went on a date with my little sister I'll kill you!" Zoro gulped loudly, "It wasn't a date. She just wanted a picture!"

By this point, Luffy started to stir in her sleep. "I should probably get her inside," Zoro said. "Woah woah woah! Who said you were going inside? I think this is a job for her big brothers," Ace stopped Zoro. Sabo sighed, "She's already in his arms. Just let him do it. Though we are watching you the entire time mister." Zoro sighed in annoyance, "Alright...I have a key to this dorm in my pocket if you don't mind grabbing it."

"Why do you have a key to her dorm?" Ace immediately got defensive. Zoro sighed, "I'm close friends to one of the girls in this dorm. We're childhood friends. When she got a key to her dorm, she immediately made a copy and gave it to me." Sabo nodded in understanding, allowing Ace to grab the keys. The older of the two grumbled about how he didn't want to be the one to grab them.

The rave haired male finally unlocked the door, and Zoro walked it. The moss headed male put Luffy down on the bed. 'Should I kiss her?' Zoro contemplated the idea for a few seconds. He really wanted to kiss Luffy. Has been for a long time actually.

But he decided against it.

Zoro didn't want to take advantage of Luffy in that way. Sure, it was just a kiss, but what if it would've been her first? Zoro didn't feel right taking that from her without permission. He didn't have permission. Luffy was asleep. She couldn't consent to anything, even a simple kiss. Zoro wasn't about that life. Consent was an important factor when dealing with someone; guy or girl.

Plus, her insanely overprotective brothers were watching his every move.

The moss headed male settled for just ruffling her hair before leaving. Ace wasn't happy with the amount of time Zoro took to leave, or the hair ruffle. Sabo told Ace to just drop it.

The brothers were going to confirm Zoro's story with Luffy when she woke up though. Just to be on the safe side. Zoro stepped outside of the dorm and closed the door. As he went to leave, the brothers stopped him, "Where do you think you're going?" Zoro furrowed his brow, " my dorm?" Ace shook his head, "Nah, you're going to answer a few questions for us. Shall we head somewhere....more private?" Sabo nodded, and dragged Zoro along. The moss headed male could only think 'I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die.'

Ace roughly pushed Zoro down onto a bench, "So, Zoro, what exactly is your relationship status with Luffia?" Zoro gulped, "We're just friends."
"Just friends?" Ace inquired. Zoro nodded. "Ok, what are your intentions with our sister?" Zoro was confused, "Intentions? I don't....I don't have any intentions." Ace didn't buy it. The raven started to fire multiple questions at the moss head one after the other. Finally, Sabo spoke up, "Zoro, do you like Luffy?"

Zoro felt his face heat up as he got quiet. Ace slammed Zoro against the back of the bench, "What are you getting quiet for? Do you actually like Luffy? I swear to god I won't hesitate to set you on fire." Sabo grabbed Ace's shoulders, "Ace..." The raven backed off. Sabo put a hand on Zoro's shoulder, "I don't like the idea of someone liking Luffy, but I suppose it was bound to happen. Listen here and listen well, because I don't like repeating myself, I will support your friendship with her, but if you ever," Zoro felt Sabo's grip becoming unbearably tight, "and I mean ever, harm Luffy, I will make sure the cops won't be able to identify your body. Not that I would leave any remains behind, but you get my point."

Zoro nodded uncontrollably. He knew the brothers weren't kidding around.

Sabo straightened himself out, "Well, I think I've said what I needed to say. I think we can head back to our dorms, don't you Ace?" Ace nodded, "Yes, let's go. Don't forget about our little chat Zoro." With that, the pair of brothers left Zoro sitting on the bench.

'Well, that just happened....' Zoro thought as he made his way back to his own dorm.

End of chapter!
And remember


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