Christmas special

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I'm so sorry that this isn't an actual update T_T I wanted to make a Christmas special even though I'm not in the spirit. My birthday is the day after Christmas though~ I'll officially be 15!
Ok, let's start!


"Luffia! Wake up!" Young Luffy heard her grandfather yell. "Yeah yeah old man..." the tired five year old muttered. The young girl stepped down the stairs. What she saw shocked her.

"Merry Christmas Luffia!" Ace, Sabo, and garp yelled in sync. "H-huh?" Luffy tilted her head in confusion, "what's Christmas?" Garp looked at the two boys, "why doesn't she know what Christmas is?"

The two males shrugged, "you haven't been here since she was what? Two? She doesn't remember. Plus, dadan is a hardcore atheist ssooo..."

Garp nodded, "Well, Luffia, Christmas is giving gifts!" One of dadans friends hit Garp over the head, "idiot! It's the birth of our lord and savior Jesus Christ!" Garp waved her off, "eh, no one actually cares about that part~" A dark aura filled the room, "What did you just say about my religion?!" Thats when a fight broke out. Not that it really surprised anyone.

(Flashback end)

"Luffy! Luffy, wake up!" Luffy slowly opened her eyes and saw her two brothers standing over her, shaking her smaller figure. "What do you want nii-chan's?" Luffy let out an adorable yawn. "Luffy~it's Christmas! Be excited~!" Ace whined. The word 'Christmas' caught luffy's attention, "Christmas? Did you say it's Christmas?!" Luffy suddenly had enough energy to run a marathon in two hours.

"Yes!" Ace exclaimed. Sabo, the calmer one, grabbed ace's shoulders, "settle down a bit..." Ace looked at his brother like someone said something bad about females on the internet, "settle down? Settle down?! It's Christmas for gods sake Sabo~!" Sabo just sweat-dropped ya his brothers silliness.

"Oh yeah! Here Luffy!" Sabo handed Luffy a neatly wrapped box. The wrapping paper was silver with blue, glittery stripes. There was a blue bow on top, "I know you like red, but this just came to my head and I had to do it!" Sabo, an artist, sees something in his head and does it. Wether it be a project, or just a plain drawing.

"Here here! Open mine!" Ace shoved his gift into Luffy's arms, before she even had the time to open sabo's gift. Ace's wrapping skills were...different than Sabo. The gift was sloppy held together with tape surrounding the entire box, "shishishi you're wrapping skills are worse than my grades Ace! Shishishi!" Ace blushed, "s-shut up Luffy!" Sabo nervously laughed, "you shouldn't be proud of that Luffy..."

Luffy opened Sabo's gift first, making ace go to the depression corner. Sabo got Luffy a sketchbook and some markers. "Shishishi I don't draw a lot, but thank you Sabo!" Luffy hugged Sabo. Next, was Ace's gift. Luffy gasped, "thank you so much Ace!!" Luffy hugged the daylights out of her brother. Ace had gotten Luffy a bunch of meat! (Of course XD)

The three siblings spent the day lounging around and watching Christmas movies. Nami and vivi had gone to see their parents. Luffy missed them, but she at least got to be as messy as she wanted to be without them there.

Knock knock

"Who would be knocking on the door today?" Sabo questioned. Luffy shrugged, and continued eating her meat.

Ace stood up and answered the door. What he saw, was not something he wanted to see.

Zoro stood in front of ace, with slight discomfort. Ace glared at the green haired teen, "Who the hell are you?" Zoro stuck his hand out, "Zoro, a friend of Luffy's. You?" Ace roughly grabbed Zoro's hand, "Ace. Her older brother..." Zoro nodded, "I've heard about you. I believe there was also another sibling?"

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