Chapter Thirteen

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Hi everyone I'm back, I still lack some motivation to write because of everything that's been going on in my life but I don't want to make y'all wait any longer (apologies if it seems half-assed). So here's Ch. 13, Enjoy:)

Kid threw himself onto the sofa. He wasn't at the dorms rather at his home. He was tired and missed school today, not like he cared about it anyway. The only reason he looked forward to that hell hole of a place was because of a little ray of sunshine he met. Luffy. He wouldn't really admit it but he really liked luffy, "Is it really that obvious?" He said to himself in a sigh.

"What's obvious?" Kid got startled by the sudden voice and looked to see that killer was standing in the doorway of the room, "Nothing" he didn't realize killer walked in. "Luffy asked where you were today during our last class," Killer said bluntly, he looked to see kid's reaction; kid perked up and looked at him with a small tint of pink on his face, killer wanted to laugh but didn't.

"Sh-she did?" Kid asked looking at killer, he just nodded. "What did you tell her?" his voice became a little more serious, "Don't worry I didn't say anything, all I said was that you were sick." Kid gave a small sigh of relief. "Good." was all kid said. Kid didn't want anyone to know what he was doing outside of school, only one who knew was killer. Let's just it was pretty illegal. 

Back at the boys' dorm. "Oi marimo" Sanji called zoro over, "What do you want shitty cook" zoro gave him a glare and Sanji returned it. "Go take these to the girls" Sanji hands zoro three dinner bentos, zoro just looks at him. "Tsk, why do I have to do it? Have usopp do it or do it yourself pervert cook" he says annoyed trying to hand back the bentos to Sanji "Usopp is busy and I have to make food for us too moss-head" Sanji argued back "Or do you not trust your sense of direction?" he smirked messing with zoro, "I have a good sense of direction curly brow" they started butting heads and arguing, even more, throwing insults, "Shitty cook!" "Dumbass marimo!" "Ero-cook!!" they kept going at it until usopp walked in, "Will the both of you shut up, please" but that didn't stop them until one of the neighboring dorms yelled at them. "Fine whatever, I'll go deliver your stupid food" Zoro walked out of the room. 

He walked out of the dorms and headed across to the girls' dormitory which is a ten-minute walk, but in Zoro's case...a whole twenty minutes...yes, yes he got lost again. "Tsk, they keep changing the location of everything," He said to himself, thinking he wasn't lost.  Zoro walked in and used the elevator to go up to the level the girls were on. When zoro finally found dorm 237, he knocked and waited there for a few minutes before someone opened the door; he really hoped it wasn't luffy but at the same time he did.

The door flung open revealing a blue-haired girl, "Oh hey zoro" Vivi answered with a smile, "Here I just came to drop these off, Sanji made y'all some food" he handed vivi the bentos and she took them gladly, "Tha-" before she could finish saying her thanks, they heard running...yes running then yelling..."FOOOOOOOOD" Luffy yelled and ran out of her room when she heard the trigger word 'food' she took the bentos from Vivi's grasp, "Wait, luffy, those all aren't for you! Don't eat them all!" Vivi chased after the girl, she looked back to zoro and said a quick thanks and went after the bottomless pit girl. Zoro knew it was his cue to leave. As he walked down the hall he could hear them yelling at luffy, especially nami, a small smile gave out on his face. 

Luffy was laying in bed after eating what Sanji had made them with two bumps on her head from where nami smacked her. It was only six o'clock at the moment, 'hmmm im bored' she thought to herself but then she remembered the party law asked her to attend with him. Luffy shot up from her bed and walked to the living room and furrowed her eyebrows, Nami looked at her "What's the matter luffy? If you're still hungry go ask Sanji to make you some more food." Luffy just kept quiet for a moment then looked at nami and vivi, then said: "What am I supposed to wear to a party?" Both girls looked shocked  "WHAT?!?" both said in unison luffy sat on the floor with her arms crossed thinking, "Is she actually thinking?" vivi whispered to nami "Yeah but I'm worried she's gonna hurt her poor brain" nami whispered back. Finally, nami spoke up, 'Luffy what party are you talking about?" there was a small pause then luffy spoke, "Traffy asked me if I could attend a party with him, I asked if there was gonna be meat there and he said 'Yeah' so I agreed." She said bluntly still thinking of what to do, they both sweat-dropped "Do you know what kind of party it is?" vivi asked "Nope." luffy immediately answered the two girls facepalmed and sighed, "Do you have any way of contacting him or something and when are you supposed to go?" Nami asked a little annoyed.

 Luffy sat there with her cheeks puffed out and thinking then she suddenly shot up which startled nami and vivi from the sudden movement, "Oh yeah he gave me his number" she went to her room and rummaged through her drawers until she found a small piece of paper with law's number on it, "Wh-what?! when did you get his number lu?" Nami asked a little surprised, "I don't remember"  she shrugged her shoulders and sat back down on the floor, cause who doesn't like sitting on the floor. Luffy takes out her phone and starts to dial the number, after a few rings someone finally picks up 'Hello?'  "Hey, Traffy! It's me luffy" she said smiling  'Oh hey luf, what's up, about time you called me' (we all know he was smirking on the other side of the phone) "Ne, I was wondering, what am I supposed to I guess wear to that party? If it's a dress I am so not wearing something uncomfortable like that." Luffy said just straight up, law chuckled 'Don't worry about what you're going to wear on Thursday, I'll take care of it',  "Oh okay then bye traffy!" 'later luffy' with that she ended the call "Soooo.. what did he say?" nami asked grinning

"He said to not worry about it and said that he was gonna take care of it; I don't know what he means though but I trust traffy" Luffy said with her typical grin, Nami and vivi just look at each other and smile, "Don't worry about it luffy, you'll know soon enough, why don't we watch some movies before going to bed?" Vivi stated, "I'll pop some popcorn," Nami said smiling. "Yosh! Movie time" Luffy exclaimed.

That concludes ch. 13, I hope you enjoyed it. Any advice or suggestions on how I can improve please comment below. Until then stay tuned;)

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