Chapter Eleven

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Greetings everyone^.^, I give you chapter eleven, Please enjoy.

'Flashback' As soon as the movie was over, the teens turned off the DVD player and turned back on the regular TV. The news was the first thing to come on."This just in, one of the inmates has broken out of prison. Here is his pi-" before the reporter could finish his sentence, ace turned off the tv."What the hell ace?! That could've been important! He might've been a murder for all we know! We need to pay attention to these things!" Sabo scolded ace. "....but the news is boring..." ace looked down. Sabo sighed and turned the TV back on. By then, the story was over."Great, we missed it..." Sabo grumbled. "It probably wasn't important Sabo. You might be over thinking things!" Ace said. "Yeah, you might be right..."The three teens went to sleep, forgetting about the news story and not bothering to search it up.That was a grave mistake on their part...'End of flashback' *note it's only eight o'clock at night*

A knock was heard at the door of luffy, nami, and Vivi's dorm room. "Nami someone is at the door" Vivi called out, she was slouched on the couch while nami was on her bed. Luffy was the only one standing and looking for food in the fridge. "Luffy can you get the door" Nami called out, "Okay" Luffy gives no thought because all she was thinking about was getting some food. As luffy was opening the door, she was immediately knocked back by it being shoved opened by some unknown man, he had tattoos on his face, scruffy looking and terrifying. He was holding a knife. Vivi screamed bloody murder alerting nami and neighboring dorm rooms Luffy was getting up but was grabbed vigorously by her arm and before she knew she was being held onto by the intruder. Nami rushed in, "What the fuck is goin-" but was stopped by the sight of luffy being held by the unknown person with a knife to her throat. "Oh my god" Nami gasped with eyes widened, "Don't fucking move or she gets it!" Nami and vivi had no choice but to stand there and watch the man slowly make his way out of the room and down the hall with other girls watching in terror. However, luffy had other plans; she wasn't scared of anything. I mean ANYTHING and never fought unless she had a good reason. Well now was a good reason and the only times she was actually somewhat smart. Luffy elbowed the man hard in the gut, "Get the hell off of me, she yelled" How the man got into the dorms was beyond everyone. Luffy booked it out of the girl's dormitory and out into the open campus with the man rushing after her. That's when a certain two lovely souls appeared before her.

It was already getting dark when kid and killer were walking back to there dorm, why they were out late? Who knows but it couldn't have been better timing. "We should really get back as soon as possible kid." Kid gave killer a look, "Why lets just take our time. Besides it's not we'll get in trouble" It was true to the core, no one ever messed with kid. Not even the dorm manager. "Because I'm god damn tired jackass" Killer snatched at kid. Kid didn't listen and just shrugged.

All of a sudden kid stopped and it caught killers attention. "Hey why the hell you stop for?" Killer said annoyed cause he was just really tired; but soon killer looked in the direction kid was staring. "Wait...isn't that luffy? Why is she running?" Soon after they see a guy holding a knife chasing her, "Oh shit!" killer muttered It was too late, for Kid already took off chasing after luffy, "Kid wait!" He yelled. "Luffy!...Luffy!" Kid was yelling to luffy, she heard him and ran towards him, almost tripping over herself, "Hey kid" She looked up with a smile, "You okay?" luffy so cluelessly asked, "More importantly are you okay? What the hell happen" Just then the guy stopped a good distance away from kid and luffy. Kid saw him and yelled to killer, he knew exactly what to do and ran after the guy, it took him a while but killer soon caught him and had him pinned. "Luffy oh my god!" a voice was heard, it was nami and vivi running up to them, "Luffy are you okay?!" Vivi asked extremely worried "Shishishi yeah I'm fine," Said luffy smiling and scratching the back of her head. Not two minutes later the cops were called and there were cops surrounding the campus along with the principle who got called in. Luffy, nami and vivi were waiting when they heard usopp and the others running up to them. "Guys what's going on?" Usopp asked, Nami explained everything to him and the guys when zoro walked up to luffy, "Hey lu you alright?" she smiled and looked up to zoro who blushed, "Yeah I'm okay just hungry" just then luffy was grabbed and turned around fast to face none other than her two overprotective brothers, with ace on the verge of tears. They embraced her tightly, "We heard what happened and we're so glad you're safe lu." Sabo smacked ace on the head, "I told you we should've watched the news that one time. But did we NO and looked what almost happened to our precious little sister." ace was rubbing his head, "Im sorry" luffy laughed, they all hugged one more time before Sabo spoke, "Why don't we go out to dinner tomorrow?" Luffy eyes widened with excitement "That sounds awesome!" she smiled happily. 

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