Chapter Nineteen

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Good day everyone, I am having to write this on my phone since our wifi is down and I can't use my laptop so apologies if I make a grammar mistake. Anyways ON WITH THE CHAPTER

It was wednesday already, and luffy being the girl she is had to be woken up forcfully because they were gonna be late for their classes "Luffy get your ass up already!!" Nami yelled vigorously shaking the poor ravenette "Mmnnggh...five more minutes" she grumbled turning away from the annoyed woman. Nami sighed "I'll buy you breakfast~" she said in a sing song voice, luffy shot up and looked at her wide eyes and smiling "Really!?!" The orange haired woman just stared at her with an annoyed and serious look and harshly said "No now get up or we're gonna be late" she walked away leaving luffy pouting and whining but soon got dressed.

Before luffy was about to leave she got a text on her phone and saw that it was from kid

'Meet me by the boys dorm after school'

Was all it said and sent a reply saying okay, the day carried on like it normally does except for her last class. Walking in she greeted franky how she always does "Hellooooo robot~osan!!" She smiled and hugged the man "Suuuuuper hello to you too miss luffy" luffy went to go sit down but realised kid was nowhere to be seen (little did she know the poor man was reciting words and gaining the courage to ask her out😏) 'Maybe he's sick again? Hmmm I'll just ask killer yeah' she thought to herself not a few moments later killer walked in "Hey killer, do you know where kid is??" Killer looked to see luffy standing next to his desk, he sighed "I honestly don't know where he went, he just ditched us after last class" he mumbled but loud enough for her to hear "Okey dokey thanks killy" she skipped back to her seat and class beagn.

After school ended, luffy walked to the boys dorm with killer, she told him why she was going there. They walked in a comfortable silence the rest of the way. Once there luffy saw kid standing just outside the entrance "Kiiiiiiid" she yelled she ran to him in a child like manner pretending she was an airplane, however she ignored the rapid beating of her heart when she saw him. Luffy gave him a quick hug which he semi awkwardly returned, he's getting better at hugs he swears, killer comes up behind luffy patting her head and walking past kid patting his shoulder whispering "Good luck" too him as he goes up to the dorm "So what is it you wanted that you had me meet you here??" Luffy asks tilting her head in confusion he blushed at her cuteness "Uhh well I was wondering..." Kid started rubbing the back of his neck "If you wanted to go to a car show tomorrow with me?" He praised himself for not messing up and looks at the small girl in front of him waiting for some kind of answer or reaction. He started second thoughts but before the red head could say anything, he was tackled...Yes i repeat tackled by luffy.

"OF COURSE I'LL GO IT SOUNDS LIKE SO MUCH FUN!!"  She tackled hugged him making them both fall to the ground, kid blushed profusely at there position. It took luffy a moment to actually realize what she was doing and immediately got up also blushing just a little 'What is happening to me?' She thought giving kid a helping hand hoisting him up back to his feet...with little to no effort at all "Holy shit she really is strong" he mumbles to himself "So I'll come get you tomorrow morning around 9 since I heard that all classes will be canceled tomorrow" Luffy smiles at him brightly "Yosh I CAN'T WAIT!!! Bye kid see ya tomorrow" both waving goodbye and went there ways...little did they know a certain green haired teen saw and heard their whole little ordeal "Damn that bastard" he mumbles through his gritted teeth

~~back at the girls dorm~~

The door opened with a loud bang and scared poor nami amd vivi to death, they saw who it was "Luffy what the actual fuck!" Nami yelled angrily "Shishishi sorry, didn't mean to open it that harsh" Vivi just sighed "Lu one day you're break down that door"  "Whaaat i said i was sorry" she shrugged her shoulder and plopped herself down on the floor "Where were you anyway, usually you come here straight after school" nami questioned with a raised brow "Kid asked me to meet him at the dorms and so that's where i went after school along with killer" vivi hummed in response "And what did kid want?" The blue haired girl asked Luffy shot up smiling "He asked me to go to a car show with him tomorrow since classes will be canceled" The two girls almost forgot about that part "Are you sure he wasn't asking you out on a date" nami smirked and wiggled her eyebrows "Uuhhhmmm no?" Luffy stated questionably "Well whatever but I do have a serious question for you" Vivi looked at nami a little confused "Luffy how do you feel towards kid?" The raventte sat there on the floor, thinking...and thinking until she spoke "Well whenever im with him I'm happy and i feel warm and fuzzy inside, but my stomach gets all twisty and turny i don't know why though" "Hmmmm well that all state she likes him does it not nami?" Vivi says "What do you mean?" Luffy asked vivi smiles "Remember when we explained feelings to you and how we used meat as an example" luffy made a strain face trying to remember but fell back "No" was all she said

~~fast foward after the explanation~~

"So this feeling you have towards kid is kinda like how you feel about meat or food in general...Make sense" Nami said, luffy smile and nodded vivi hummed in thought "It makes me wonder...Luffy how do you see zoro?" She just smiled "Shishishi that's easy, he's my friend and like another brother in a way" the girls were a little taken back by her statement and worried for their green haired friend "And what about Trafalgar Law?" Nami asked "Shishi that one is easy too, he's my friend and i love him in that sense" luffy smiled brightly, now that the two knew how she felt things would go a little easier for her...hopefully

~~Time skip to next morning~~

It was eight o'clock and of course a certain someone was snoring away in her bed. Her loud snoring woke up the other two but no matter how many pillows they stacked ontop of her face she wouldn't budge. So they decided to just get up; it was now eight thirty and nami was drinking coffee while vivi was drinking tea "How long before she gets up" vivi asked "Hmmm I'd say about another 20 or 30 minutes" nami said time passed and it was almost 9 when they heard a knock on their door "I'll get it" nami said since she was already standing, the person knocked again but harder "Yeah yeah I heard you the first time" nami stated a little annoyed "Someone is impatient" vivi commented "Tell me about it geez" the orange haired woman scoffed. When she got to the door she wasn't expecting to see a red head standing there

"Is Luffy here?" He asked "She's here but she's still asl-" before nami could finish her sentence a loud thump followed by other soft thumps along with someone saying "Shit" and groaning. The three of them looked toward the bedroom door "Does that answer your question?" Nami asked kid sighed. The door swung open to reveal a bed head luffy in a t-shirt and shorts then a loud rumbling noise came from her stomach. "Just give her moment and come in" nami said to kid, he obliged and walked in setting himself on the couch. Everyone was silent as they watched luffy drag herself to the mini fridge and open it before grabbing a snack to eat "Morning guys" she finally muttered out "Morning" they greeted back. She went to the sofa to sit down and eat when she looked at kid and stared at him. Kid was getting nervous because her stare was just a dead one "Uhhh..." Was all he could say then her eyes widened "WHAT TIME IS IT?!" Luffy yelled "It's 9:30 you idiot" nami said then luffy shot up from the couch and rushed to the bathroom "DAMMIT I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE READY BY 9 I THINK AND KID WAS SUPPOSED TO BE HERE ALREADY!" She rushed to the shower, the other's just sweatdropped

After a few minutes she came back out in nothing but a towel and ran to her room but stopped to take a second look "YOU'RE ALREADY HERE?!" She yelled looking directly at kid who was an absolute blushing mess "Luffy how many times do we have to tell you to not run around with a towel on!" Vivi exclaimed pushing her to the room "Sorry about that kid" vivi says with a sheepish smile on her face "It's fine" was all he said

Moments later luffy came out of the room dressed in a blue tank top, white shorts, her sandles and her straw hat around her neck cause why not "You ready to go?" Kid asked, luffy smiled and nodded "YOSH TO THE CAR SHOW" and ran out of the room "Well bye to you too" nami said sarcastically while vivi giggled "Kid make sure she doesn't into trouble because well you know she's oblivious and simple minded about certain things" nami stated before kid left "Yeah whatever don't worry she'll be fine" he scoffed and started walking out of the room. And off to the car show kid and luffy went.

But soon after the two left the girls got a knock on the door again only for it to be their moss headed friend "Zoro?"

Okey dokey everyone im gonna end the chapter on that note, sorry that it isn't longer than usual but I hope you enjoyed it. Until next time, stay tuned;)

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