Chapter Nine

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~Hello everyone, it's me the new author of 'Grandline high's demons' I hope y'all will enjoy this new chapter and the ones in the future, I'm really nervous about this since it's my first time but, I will try my best to update often:)

Luffy woke up the next morning. It was saturday so she had the whole day to herself. As she was getting up she was greeted by nami, "Well look who's finally awake" she said with a smile. Vivi also said good morning to her.

"So luffy.." Nami said with a smug look, "How was the date with zoro?" Luffy looked at her confused but then remembered going to the amusement park yesterday with him. "It wasn't a date." Luffy replied bluntly and a little confused as she had never been on a 'date'. 

As luffy was about the explain the events that happened until... 'KNOCK KNOCK' two loud knocks were heard at the door. Nami and the others got scared by the sudden loud noise. "Who the hell...?" Nami said in confusion, as she got up to open the door, a males voice was heard...

"MONKEY D. LUFFIA! OPEN UP RIGHT NOW!" Luffy knew that voice. It was ace but 'why is he so mad' she thought to herself. When nami opened the door, standing in the doorway was ace and sabo. Sabo being the more level headed one hit ace upside the head, "Dammit ace stop yelling!" 

They both walked in and dragged luffy to their dorm room. Leaving Nami and Vivi in shock (more like shook)

When the boys got back to their dorm they sat luffy down and both gave her a look of 'You have some serious explaining to do'

Luffy not knowing and how dense she is, looked at her brothers. "Geez guys what's the problem?" she scratched the back of her head in confusion.

"Oh you know da-" Ace was cut off from sabo grabbing his shoulder, shook his head and asked him to let him handle it. Ace sighed annoyed by it.

"Now luffy do you care to explain why you were at the amusement park yesterday with zoro?" He said with a slight smile that definitely wasn't nice

"How did you guys know about that?" Luffy asked this drew a worry and slightly aggravated look over ace's face "We don't have to tell you" ace snapped.

Luffy told them everything from the point she was being chased by those jocks; which of course didn't sit well with the both of them. To the point where zoro asked if she wanted to go anywhere.

"I told him let's go the amusement park!" She said with a smile. It was hard for her brothers to stay mad at her because of her cute innocent smile. Ace was slightly disappointed that the stories were in fact true. (Lol he just wanted to beat someone up) 

Before they let their little sister go, ace asked "by the way who the hell were those jocks that chased you, Im gonna teach them a lesson!" he had a pissed off aura around him.

Luffy turned around and said "Don't worry about it." However, she spoke in a serious tone with a serious look on her face. Both ace and sabo were taken back by this. "We just want to protect you luffy, it's what we do," Sabo said in a concern voice.

"It's okay ni-chan," She said with a smile causing the brothers to smile.

God they loved their little so much and would do anything for her. 

Back at the girls dorm. "Hey nami do you think luffy is okay?" Vivi asked worried about poor luffy, "Im sure she's fine, you know how her brothers are" Nami wasn't all too woried about the girl. Just then the door opened and who else would it be other than little luffy. "Hey luffy" Nami said, "Welcome back" Vivi said happily. "How much trouble did you get into this time?" Nami asked curiously. 

"Not much" Luffy replied giggling and smiling." 

"Well since you're back, me, vivi and the others planned on going to the mall. You wanna go along?" Luffy had a huge grin on her face and was jumping up and down over excited. 

"Hell yeah!!" and so that they went to the mall.

"Ace you need to calm down, I know you're upset and I am too." Sabo was trying his best to calm ace down because they didn't tell luffy about all the vulgure comments that were made about her and plus he still didn't like the fact she went to the amusement park ALONE WITH A GUY!

"Sabo what are we gonna do?! Is she gonna become more feminine!?" He started looking frantic

"What if we loose our little sister to one of those monsters" (monsters referring to her guy friends)  he shook sabos shoulders. "Ace stop, it was bound to happen. A guy having a crush on our little sister was gonna happen one day." He looks at ace eye to eye "But of course if something happens to her I give you permission to beat anyone up" 

Ace nods and calms down, he sits on the sofa thinking. Then a sudden feeling runs through his whole body. His brotherly instincts kick in. "Ace what's wrong" sabo watches ace pull out his phone

He goes through his contacts and calls luffy.

At the mall with luffy and the others. "Let's go to the food court I'm hungry!!" Luffy says excitedly "Luffy I swear your stomach is a bottomless pit," Nami said, "Well she's always been like that, a real glutton" Usopp commented, everyone laughed.

"Let's do some shopping first then food court luffy?" Luffy made a pouty face and said fine

"I'll buy you whatever you LUFFY~CHAAAAAN" Sanji said while doing his noodle dance, "REALLY?!" Luffy said with excitement, "Yosh! let's do some shopping first!"

"Perverted cook" Zoro mumbled but loud enough for the blond to hear. "What did you say mosshead?!"  They started butting heads but were hit by nami, "Both of you stop it, you'll get us kicked out"

"We'll meet up at the food court once we're done. Got it" Nami said, the others replied with "Yeah." 

The group split up to do some shopping, it was nami, zoro (so they don't lose him due to his poor sense of direction), luffy, and Usopp; the other group was Sanji, vivi and franky. Franky was there because he drove them there and they were friends with him.

Nami took Luffy to a clothing store because in nami's terms she had 'nothing' in her closet. Usopp and zoro went to the men's section. Zoro wasn't entirley interested in shopping but went anyways because of luffy. "Hey Usopp, what are some things luffy like?", Usopp looked at him and raised a brow, "You mean besides food and meat?" he said laughing, "Yeah"

"Well there isn't much in particular because she like just about everything. But if you're thinking about buying her something, you better be careful because of her brothers" Zoro looked at him confused but then remembered he almost got killed by one of them. Zoro stood there pondering in thought. "Zoro do you have a crush on luffy?" Usopp asked, "Wh-what no I d-don't..."

"If you say so," Usopp said sarcastically. "I'll be right back." Zoro stated and he took off "Don't get lost or nami will be mad!" Usopp yelled at him

"Hey nami why do I need to get new clothes?" Luffy asked tilting her head. "Because all you have in your closet is unacceptable" Nami stated. Luffy pouted "There's nothing wrong with t-shirts, tank tops, and shorts" she mumbled but loud enough for nami to hear. Luffy isn't fond of girly things, in fact she really hates them. She stood next to nami while she was searching for clothes to try for her and luffy. 

Luffy walked off and wondered around the store in the womens section until her phone started ringing, it was ace. "Hey ace" luffy said happily. While on the phone she looked out the store window and saw a familiar red head pass by.

Well, that's it for this new chapter, I really hope y'all like it and if not then im really sorry. I'm open to anything if y'all think I should change something or advice to help me improve.

Stay tuned for a new chapter;)

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