Chapter twenty

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Hey, everyone, I know the update is slow and I do apologize, I don't always get motivated right away to write but don't worry I am going to finish this, anyways I hope you enjoy❤

Nami opened the door when she heard a knock after kid and luffy left, to her surprise it was their green haired friend. "Zoro? What are you doing here?" She asked, he didn't say anything but walked in (more like intruded) "Hey zoro! What the hell?!!" Nami said loudly vivi looked at him a little astonished since he normally never visits on his own accord "Is something wrong?" Vivi questioned; finally zoro sat himself down and let out a sigh then spoke: "Where is luffy?" He asked his arm covering his eyes

The two girls just looked at each other then back at the green-haired man "She went with kid to a car show and left not too long ago" vivi answered (im so sorry I put car race in the last part of the previous two chapters but I changed it😂😂they are going to a car show, not a race) "So it was true" zoro mumbles, nami looked at him questionably "What do you mean by that?" Zoro sighs again "Well I saw luffy by our dorms yesterday and over heard her and kid talking about some car thing and then..." He trailed off not wanting to finish "And then what?" Nami asked "Ugh...and then luffy got all happy and tackled hugged him to the ground and it pissed me off" Zoro slouched into the couch more and vivi got up to get him a glass of water "Zoro maybe you should talk to luffy about your feelings" nami suggested Zoro raised a brow "You know something don't you woman" he stared at her for a moment and scoffed "Whatever I know you're just gonna force me to pay you to say it" vivi came back and gave him some water 'thanks' was all he muttered.

"I CAN tell you how she feels about law" nami said smirking zoro glances at her "She says that he's her friend and loves him in that sense" the green haired teen just hums in response "Don't worry zoro, you know how she is, she's very understanding and cares about everyone she loves" vivi stated "Yeah I guess you're right..." He replied. Zoro got up and headed to the door "Thanks guys" was all he said before he left

~~With kid and luffy~~

"Are we there yet, Are we there yet?!!?" Luffy kept repeating for the last twenty minutes kid sighed, he was annoyed but he couldn't yell at luffy "Yes, we here actually" kid parked his 1963 ford mustang fastback in the parking lot, the show was just a small walk from where they were at. "WOOOOOOOH! YOSH LET'S GO!" luffy opened the door and jumped out "Wait just a minute!" Kid yelled to her before she could take off; luffy stood there moving her legs as if she was jogging in place, while pouting "C'mon hurry up" she said Kid sighed again, got out and locked the door; he walked to luffy and they started heading toward the car show "Please be careful and try not to touch everything or the cars, I don't want trouble" kid told luffy but was she listening? Eh maybe a little "Yeah yeah, don't worry kid, I'll be careful" she says smiling up at him.

Kid had his hands in his pockets since he wasn't sure if he should hold her hand...that was a bit of a mistake on his part. After about a three minute walk they made it to the show where people enter to put their cars on display or given the chance to sell/auction them off, there was a whole assortment from 50's to 90's classic to modern sleek high-end cars, kid was Low key fangirling on the inside because of all the badass looking vehicles he wants to get his hands on. Honestly, he could buy one right now if he wanted too 'I actually might buy one of these later' he thought to himself. "Hey, kid look at this one!!!" Luffy practically ran off without kid noticing when he caught up to her she was standing next to a beautiful navy blue classic "What kind of car is this??" She asked "That luffy is 1957 thunderbird" The redhead says proudly "Wooooow what a cool name" luffy exclaims joyfully with sparkles in her eyes "This one is really nice" kid mumbles to himself, luffy looks around and spots a red car and runs to it "Hey don't go running off" kid exclaims "What's this car kid??" She says smiling at the boy who blushes a little "It's a 1957 Corvette stingray" "Stingray? But it doesn't look like one" luffy says with a confused pout, kid chuckles "It's just the name luffy, don't think about it too much"

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