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Yuya’s POV

My room is silent, the only sound coming from anywhere is from my iPod and to avoid anyone complaining, I have my ear phones in. Currently I’m packing. My older sister and I currently live with our Uncle but he wants us to move out due to his wife being about to give birth. This hasn’t left us many options other than my sister getting a job in another town, about 6 hours away from Paradise City. So, I won't have my friends anymore or even the same hospital and counsellor.

I’ll be a new kid in my final year of high school with no one being able to understand what I went through. I haven’t spoken to anyone in five years. Physically I don’t want to talk. I’m mute. A while ago I was a happy normal kid who planned to attend acting school but all that changed on the night my parents we’re murdered.

I remember my parents telling me not to make a sound. If I did, they would have found me. I’m not sure who they were and the police have never found any evidence of who they were. The people who killed my parents got away.

I paid no attention to my surroundings as I continued to place items into box after box. My books, clothes, video games. Even the large card my friends had all signed for me. I smiled, taking a seat on the edge of my bed and opening the card. It was wonder to see the picture of my friends and all of their signatures next to them. I might not ever see them again so why don’t I feel more depressed over it?

My mind left its trail of thought as I felt my bed sink behind me. Taking a look, I saw my sister with a sincere smile on her face. I placed the card back into the box and removed my ear phones, pausing the music. “Seems like you’ve done a lot of packing huh?” I nodded. “Can you put the finished boxes by the door, I’ll get Uncle to place them into the car for me?” I just nodded again and she sighed, never losing her smile. “I know it’s tough but there’s a really good medical centre where we’re going and your new school is only a few blocks away.” She placed a hand on mine, gripping it tightly. “We’ll make the best of this new life. Have I ever let you down before?” I shook my head giving her a weak smile in return.

With a kiss on the head, she left to let me return to my packing. I looked over to the door where boxes containing my clothes were. I suppose they can go downstairs first. My ears pricked up as I heard talking coming from outside. I climbed onto my bed and peered out the window. Emi was still packing the car, while talking to uncle. I say talking, she’s pretty much yelling at him. I gulped, opening the window slightly to hear better. “How you can honestly kick Yuya and I out is still a mystery to me?” She exclaimed putting another box into the boot of the car.

“You’re old enough to look after yourselves,” Uncle shot back. “You found a job, didn’t you?”

“At some night time café,” Emi yelled looking uncle in the face. “I’ll hardly see Yuya because I'll be working late shifts just to provide for us. I have to take that young boy, your nephew, away from all his friends because no one in Paradise will hire me because I didn’t go to college.”

“You chose not to go,” Uncle yelled. I held my hands to my chest, fear running through me that one of them is about to do something they’ll regret. “I’m glad to be getting rid of you and that mute little bastard.”

My eyes widened, seeing how Emi’s fist clench. “You asshole,” She cried. “You’re meant to be our family. How can you be so cruel?”

Uncle didn’t move, he just stared at her with an empty expression. I felt my heart begin to pound as they fell into silence. At least they’ve stopped screaming at each other. My eyes wondering to down the street, trying to see if they disturbed any of the neighbours. My eyes narrowed as I noticed a dark figure amongst the bushes. I can’t quite make him out. He doesn’t look like anyone we know. I tried to make out some of his features, his hair was spiked and was dark and I think he was wearing goggles. I jumped; I think he just looked at me. In a panic I moved down under the window to hid myself.

Who was that person? I’ve never seen him around town before. I guess who ever he is, I won’t bump into him. Tomorrow I leave for Heartland City, I'll never find out who he is or see my friends again.

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