Chapter 1: POLLY , WHO?

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18th JUNE 2019- mid-morning

" I'm telling you he wrote that song about you!" She shouted at me excitedly. She meaning my best mate Chloe who by the way is a BIGGEST fan of Yungblud like everrr!! It was only because I couldn't stop banging on about him for weeks, to the point where I got her obsessed. Even more obsessed than I was if that was even possible.

Let me take you back a little, where myself and Chloe were or shall I say the best of friends ever, young and frankly fit if I say so myself well .. she is and but I wasn't. Anyway, at the age of 18 and 19, we moved to London to get an apartment together and as young as we are, I couldn't believe we ended up in the big city. we were happy to have lived here for 2 years now, I begged her to come along to be city girls and do whatever we wanted. well in this case retail manager and a journalist.

" Stop, no he didn't, he didn't just write that song about me because he used my name in it! " I shouted back shaking my head lightly

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" Stop, no he didn't, he didn't just write that song about me because he used my name in it! " I shouted back shaking my head lightly. it was true, how can a big pop star write a song about someone when they don't have no connection or even met, it was just impossible.

we were currently in the living room messing around like always. I guess she could be right? , no she wasn't this time, I thought as she rambled on for another good minute or so. Dom aka YUNGBLUD was my everything and I mean everything from his music to his personality, I guess you could say that it was possible to date him considering how close I and Dom are in age, in my dreams. Chloe, on the other hand, had Finally stopped talking thank god as talking about this one song with my name in it called Die for the hype wasn't boring at all what is she a broken recorded. it's funny how she would replay the song on that specific part of the song with my name and here we go again as we speak she goes...

" Yeah Polly I just wanna suck on your lolly I just wanna suck on your lolly I just wanna suck on your lolly, Polly Yeah Polly I just wanna suck on your lolly I just wanna suck on your lolly I just wanna suck on your lolly, Polly"

"ALRIGHT! Stop I get it, you win "

I said shouting a bit too loudly as she turns down the music.

" see now one day, you'll meet him and he'll you know suck on your..."

" NO!" I screamed with a hint of laughter in my voice.

Chloe was laughing as I cut her off mid-sentence knowing far too well that she was going to say; "your lolly". Again shaking my head, I watched her lean on the wall in the living room where we were standing in, as she looked through her phone typing quickly giving the hint that she needed to be with her boyfriend for some odd reason, yet again Chloe was always ALWAYS on her a phone. Normally you would think we would tell each other everything and we did that was until we moved and she had gotten herself a "boyfriend", some things became so more secretive with us, whilst I'm here thinking of possible ways that the one and only Dominic Harrison did write that song about me but in all honesty, how could he? when he doesn't even know me personally. I mean, myself and Chlo both know that Dom does see my tweets and comments on Instagram and I mean He SEES EVERYTHING! So it could be possible, right?

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