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I make it back to my apartment around 7:30pm and drop my belongings on the dining table before plopping myself on the couch. It had been a busy day and I was glad to be back in my space and ready to unwind. My Statistics class had been a full lecture and I was relieved that I was able to follow along pretty well during this first lesson. I knew the material would get more complicated but I would cross that bridge when I had to.

After resting my eyes for a bit and almost falling asleep, I get up and make a quick dinner.

I grill some tofu, wash some kale, chop half an apple, and slice an avocado and assemble my salad in one of my favorite large bowls which belonged to my grandmother. It was made in Mexico and my mother had brought it back to me as a gift during one of her last visits.

I decide to give her a call while I eat dinner.

"Bueno? (hello)" I hear on the other end.

"Hola mamá, ¿cómo estás? (Hi mom, how are you?)

"Hola Tina" she replies to me using the nickname my niece called me when she was younger and unable to pronounce Jenna. "Aquí nomás preparando la cena. ¿Y tu?" (Just here preparing dinner and you?)

"Estoy cenando. Hice una ensalada riquísima. ¿Qué cocinas?" (I am eating dinner. I made a super tasty salad. What are you cooking?) I say in between bites.

"Ay tu siempre comes tan saludable. Hice unas enchiladas rojas con arroz para las niñas." (You always eat so healthy. I made some red enchiladas with rice for the girls.)

Even though I am eating, my mouth waters thinking about my mom's cooking. It had just been a week since I ate a home cooked meal but I already missed her food.

"¡Que rico!" (Delicious!)"

"¿Y cómo te fue en el primer dia de clases? ¿Te gustaron?" (And how did it go on your first day of classes? Did you like them?)

"Muy bien. Tuve dos clases hoy y las otras dos mañana. Me gustan las dos y estoy un poco preocupada por la clase de matemáticas pero ya sé si estoy confundida le puedo preguntar al Profesor o los Asistentes por ayuda." (It went well. I had two classes today and the other two tomorrow. I like both but I am a bit worried about the math class but I know that if I am confused I can ask the Professor or Assistants for help.)

"Pues, sé que vas a echarle todas tus ganas y vas a estar bien. ¿Y ya hicistes amigas?" (Well, I know you are going to give it your best effort and will be okay. And did you make friends already?)

"Ay, gracias ma" (thank you mom.)

I pause for a moment and smile thinking about Jimin.

"¿Qué crees? Conocí a un chico en la biblioteca y hablamos por un rato. Luego me dijo en donde vive y nos estamos quedando en el mismo lugar y es mi vecino. Y luego hoy nos dimos cuenta que estamos en la misma clase de literatura. No pude creerlo, tantas coincidencias." (Guess what? I met a guy in the library and we talked for a bit. Then he told me where he lives and we are staying in the same place and he's my neighbor. And then today we both noticed we are in the same literature class. I couldn't believe it, so many coincidences.)

"Eso no lo puedes inventar. Ya sabes que yo digo que todo pasa por un razón. ¿Y su nombre?" (You cannot make that up. You already know that I say that everything happens for a reason. What's his name?)

"Su nombre es Jimin, es un estudiante de Corea y está estudiando aquí por el ano. Ma, pero te tengo que decir que es tan atractivo. Cuando lo vi por primera vez, sin pensar, le dije que es guapo y luego me dio tanta vergüenza." (His name is Jimin, he's a student from Korea who's studying here for the year. But mom, I have to tell you that he is super attractive. When I saw him for the first time I told him he was handsome without thinking and then I got really embarrassed)

"Ay mija, ya me imagino. Y no le vayas a decir al Adán porque se pone celoso. Especialmente porque él sabe como te gusta la cultura Coreana." (I can already imagine it. And don't go telling Adam because he'll get jealous. Especially because he knows how much you are interested in Korean culture.)

"No lo dudo." (I don't doubt it.) I laugh out loud. "Pues te dejo que cenes, te llamaré otra vez durante la semana. Te quiero mucho, buenas noches." (Well I'll let you eat dinner, I'll call you again during the week. I love you, goodnight.)

"Sí mija, buenas noches que descanses. Te quiero también." (Yes goodnight, get some rest. I love you too.)

I finish the remainder of my salad while thinking about our conversation. My mom was always so honest and I loved how she joked about Adam's jealousy and insecurities. I could laugh about it in the moment but we had our fair share of arguments over his jealousy which stemmed from his trust issues and lack of self confidence.

My thoughts are interrupted by something else she said.

Everything happens for a reason.

I wonder why Jimin suddenly appeared in my life? Whatever the causes, I was looking forward to getting to know him more and develop our friendship. I did not have too many guy friends because of Adam but I knew I wanted to keep talking to Jimin.

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