약속 (Promise)

56 6 61

I grip firmly onto the steel handrail.

My veins and knuckles protruding from the skin beneath it. My pulse, wildly erratic.

"Heyyy, hey Jen. It's going to be fine," Sunhi says reassuringly.

"Mhm" I hum in response.

"I can only imagine how nervous and scared you feel right now. But remember that you made the choice to come here today, that makes you incredibly brave."

"Yeah... I guess so."

"So what can I do to help? What kind of pep talk do you need?"

"Right now I either want alcohol or a distraction to calm my anxiety."

She laughs lightly. "I don't have any liquor in my wallet but I think I can still help."

"Good. Umm tell me a story.."

"Oh okay.. A story. Hmm, about what?"

"I don't freaking know! Anything. It could literally be about anything. Um tell me about this place, where are we again?"

"Oh! Yes, we are at Taejongdae Resort Park. It's one of Busan's most famous monuments and a very popular tourist spot. It's named after King Taejong Mu-Yeol. See that rock under the lighthouse? That's Sinseon Rock. The figure on that rock, her name is Mangbuseok."

"It's a her?" I question.

"It comes from a legend about a woman who's husband gets sent away to Japan. She walked up to the top of the mountain every day, waiting for his return. She continued waiting for him and he never arrived so she turned into a stone. Today we are changing that outcome though."

"What do you mean?"

"Well obviously that story doesn't end well. But, today's mission is to reunite the unrequited lovers and create your fairy tale ending."

I smile tenderly. "Thank you Sunhi, for everything. You really gave me that extra push I needed. I don't think I'd be here if it wasn't for you."

She returns my expression. "Don't even worry about it. You can just name your firstborn after me and we'll call it even."

A soft giggle escapes my lips. "Maybe we can compromise for a middle name?"

Her eyes light up. "Omg! You didn't even deny it. Awwww, you want to have my brother's babies. You want to have his little baby Mochi's running around."

My neck and ears flush a beet red.

"Awww you loooooovve him. What's that song you Americans' sing? About the two lovers sitting in a tree?" she teases.

"Oh god, are you eight years old?" I groan lightheartedly.

"Sometimes. But we can all benefit from embracing our inner child, just imagine- oh!"

She stops mid-sentence and waves her hand excitedly in the air, flagging someone over.

The pre-roller coaster descension feelings fill the pit of my stomach once again.

"Sh!t. Did- did he see me?" I pull my wide brim hat down further around my face.

"Not yet, but he will in about fifteen seconds."

"Hijo de la (son of a).." I mutter.

"You got this Unni, good luck!" she squeezes my arm.

"I almost didn't see you. There are so many people here," Jimin chuckles from a distance.

His voice. The voice of an angel. My soul mate.

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