Fake Love

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Jaehyun leads me across the dance floor to a slightly emptier area near the bar.

Our bodies roll and wrap around one another. He loops an arm around me and places his knee between my thighs as we move to the rhythm.

Beads of perspiration slick down his chin and I admire with a sudden hunger.

I find myself fighting the urge to lick his skin.

I run my hand up his arm lingering on the dents and ripples of his muscular shoulders.

As the music fades away and the DJ makes another announcement, Jaehyun leans in.

"Let me buy you a drink," he whispers into my ear.

I nod and hold his hand, allowing him to lead me towards the bar.

"What can I get you?" he asks.

"A shot of tequila," I chime in.

"Nice choice," he nods his head in approval.

Shortly after, the bartender slides over two small glasses and two wedges of lime.

We click our glasses.

I throw my drink back and slam the empty cup on the counter.

"I like a girl who can handle her liquor," he smirks.

"I like a guy who knows how to move his hips," I purr back.

His eyes ignite with lust and he licks his lips.

"Can I kiss you?" he whispers.

My breath hitches and I hesitate for only half a second.

The alcohol has kicked into gear and my skin becomes entranced with the idea of physical contact.

I nod eagerly and turn towards him so that his face is only inches from mine.

Without giving me much time to react, he closes the distance between us and crashes his lips into mine.

He tastes of vodka and vanilla lip balm.

Our tongues clash. He bites down on my lower lip.

The kisses are intoxicatingly fast and hot.

My mouth and body feel numb in the best way possible.

I pull away, catching my breath.

Jaehyun flashes me a killer smile before squeezing my hip.

He encloses our hands and we drift back onto the dance floor.

We dance together for a few more songs.

It was not so much dancing, but rather, I was grinding my lower back side on the lower front of his body.

I turn to face him and connect our mouths.

My hands rest on his shoulders and he embraces me.

His kisses offer the perfect distraction. Albeit, they are nowhere near as tantalizing as a certain someone's, yet it satisfies my drunken desires.

Just then, someone bumps into me from behind, pushing my body forward.

Jaehyun is unaware of this interaction and only feels my pelvis press up against his abruptly.

He chuckles against my mouth and pulls away.

"What are you trying to do tonight babe?" he asks.

Crap! Do I flirt or apologize? Flirt or apologize?!

"I'm.. open to ideas," I surprise myself with this response.

"Is that so?" he raises a seductive eyebrow.

"Very open.. minded."

He leans in and his warm breath tickles the side of my neck.

"Do you wanna go back to my place?"

His words hit me like the opening of an oven door. The heat rushes to my cheeks and I wipe the sweat from my brow.

"Yes!" my heart screams internally.

How badly I want to rush back to his apartment and further take my mind off of this sorrow. Even if only for a night or a few hours.

I would love nothing more than to forget and heal from this misery.

I should not be the only one that suffers.

Be the petty b!tch you are feeling like right now and just agree!

"What do you say?" Jaehyun gazes at me lustfully with that gorgeous grin.

"Y.." I begin inaudibly.

My breath hitches in my throat before I can speak again.

"I'm sorry...I think I gave you the wrong idea. Don't get me wrong, you are freaking sexy but I'm not trying to hook up. Sorry," I look away, incredibly embarrassed.

He continues smiling softly.

"Don't worry about it, maybe next time," he jokes.

I chuckle lightheartedly.

"Actually, I think Ima head out now. I'm feeling pretty tired."

He gives me a side hug and a small peck on the cheek before we part ways.

I scan the crowd but cannot spot Sarai or anyone else from our group.

Accepting defeat, I quickly call an Uber and exit the club.

During the ride back, I send Sarai a vague message describing what happened and informing her that I left.

Once home, I wash off my makeup and stare at my reflection while I pat my face dry.

I smile to myself, content with not making any disastrous decisions.

{A/N: Tbh I'm not the proudest about the last two chapters:/ I feel like they are rushed and a bit messy cause I changed the plot last minute. Can you believe I initially planned on having Jen go home with Jaehyun!? But then I reminded myself: my Jen would never have a random hookup. That's so out of character for her. Yeah she's sad as heck and jealous but given her history, she wouldn't trust someone she met 5 minutes ago enough to sleep with them! So I came to my senses and made a few adjustments. I hope it didn't turn out like a complete train wreck.}

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