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It's early May in 2019 and Mick has only just returned from 'down under' back home to his beloved wife after being away from her for a very long few months. Linda is ecstatic to have her handsome husband back home, she's missed his cuddles and can't wait to get back into bed with him. Ollie, nearly four has also missed his daddy and continues to look more and more like his father every day.

During a spot of breakfast Mick exclaims how much Ollie's grown up and how he's glad they're past that point of their lives, which prompts Linda to say 'never say never' to the prospect of having another.

Later on in the pub Mick and Linda continue on the baby topic further as they question whether they were joking previously which they both brush aside as Mick exclaims to Linda how much he loves her and how much he loves being a dad, subtly giving the green light to Linda. Linda says well you gotta be in it to win it regarding the 'baby lottery' and as Mick goes in for a kiss Linda pulls away, giggles and walks off upstairs, one thing lead to another and dot dot dot.

Besotted with each other more than ever, Mick and Linda Carter are now trying to conceive their fifth child, will they be successful and hit the jackpot? Only time will tell...

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