• A Shocking Revelation •

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Linda is sitting at THE bench at the park, overlooking Mick and Ollie having a kickabout a few metres away. Mick continuously attempts to lure Linda get involved but she declines time and time again as she starts to daydream as she sees jean in the near distance and something seems to clock in her mind, she looks at her, then at Mick and Ollie playing around with Mick tickling him before feeling her tummy and pondering to herself. Could her previous battle with cancer affect her chances of conceiving, is that why they're struggling ?
What?" Linda says as she snaps out her day dream.
"You were a million miles away there weren't ya, do you wanna join me and the boy?" Mick asks.
"Nah nah you're alright."
Mick calls Ollie over to persuade her to join who is holding ball, "please join us mummy, we love you mummy." Mick says as he lifts Ollie up and down a little before pausing
Linda stares at them before saying "agh how can I refuse that from my two best boys ey?" Linda says hiding her real underlying emotion.
Mick smiles as wide as a Cheshire Cat and Ollie giggles.
Linda puts down her bag and gets up.
"I dunno how you expect me to do this in heels."
Linda lines up to shoot against Mick "Come on baby give it to me" Mick says as he bites his lip.
"Mick." Linda exclaims "not here." She mouths to Mick with their son watching on
Linda toe pokes the hall in the direction of goal which barely reaches his hands "that's a disappointing performance L, that's shocking, I'd be subbing you right off, what d'ya think son."
Ollie nods and he runs up to his mum and hugs her leg "Good try mummy."
"See at least I've got someones seal of approval." Linda says as she strokes his little head and smiles down at him
"I'll make it up to you later anyway." Linda replies
"Is that an invitation?" Mick raises his eyebrows and prepares his tongue.
"Maybe, you'll have to find out won't you."
"Ewww." Ollie says as he covers his ears
"Your mother shouldn't be talking like around you like that son."
"Your dad ain't that much better to be honest..."
Mick puts in tongue in
"Doing what L, I didn't do anything did I boy?"
Ollie shakes his head
"See, he's on my side now."
Linda huffs before giggling.
"Come on, let's back babe, I'm shattered."
"Already?" Linda queries
"All that running about has tired me out, d'ya see what you've done to your old dad."
Ollie laughs "Daddy's slow."
Linda starts packs up her bag.
"Oh cheers son, I appreciate that." Mick says sarcastically
"Come on you two." Linda starts to walk off
"Race you home." Mick says to Ollie before running off and Ollie follows.
"Be careful you two." Linda shouts as she follows after them and smiles watching them run off ahead before her expression turns cold, remembering what she thought of earlier.

When Linda gets home she immediately goes into their bedroom, shuts the door and gets out her laptop before sitting on her bed and opening the lid as she types in "can cervical cancer affect a woman conceiving?" It's been playing on her mind ever since they agreed to try for another baby.
As her search results appear her face becomes frozen and she swallows. She doesn't have the time to digest the knowledge before Mick opens the door and she quickly shuts the lid.
"Mick Carter at your service."
"You what." Linda says in a daze
"You haven't forgotten already have you?"
"Forgotten what?"
"Oh I don't believe you." Mick huffs
Linda looks puzzled like her mind is elsewhere
"You said you'd make it up to me." Mick says saucily as he shuts the door and approaches Linda slowly.
"Well not now Mick, I've got things to do."
Linda says as she holds the laptop
"I'm sure whatever it is can wait." Mick says as he crawls onto the bed on his hands and knees stretching out his lips for Linda's to which Linda obliges for a few seconds before snapping out and pulling away abruptly and getting off the bed the other side to Mick's'
"L? Where you going?"
"Cleaning, I can't remember the last time I gave this place a good going over." Linda says as she makes her way to the door.
"You can do that later though can't you." Mick says softly.
"Later okay Mick." Linda says as she pauses at the door before opening it abruptly she can't bare it, knowing what she knows, she feels deflated, ashamed. She leaves the room.
Meanwhile Mick sits on the bed, puzzled and confused at his wife's behaviour.
Mick looks at the door after she leaves before looking at the laptop with curiousity.

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