• Baby Carter is Coming... •

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"Mickkk... Mick wake up." she groans, prodding him to wake up.
Mick's dazed for a second before becoming alert.
"The baby, Mick." as she continues to moan in pain from the contractions.
Mick sits up rapidly and jumps up and springs into action, "okay baby okay, it's gonna be alright yeah, just keep using the breathing techniques we spoke about, you're a pro at this... let's get you to the hospital okay." Mick says as he whips up off their bed into superman mode, dressing himself into his clothes, reversing their actions from earlier where they had swiftly tossed them onto the floor, hopping around the bed to Linda's side, stumbling now and then due to the pace he was going at.

He picks up Linda's nightie, sits her up and carefully gets it over her, with Linda still panting heavily still. Mick looks around frantically for something extra to dress Linda in to keep her warm before he sees his hoodie hanging up and slips Linda's arms through the arm holes before sliding her pink slippers on.

"Right baby lets get you up shall we... do you reckon you can walk... shall I carry you... what what what d'ya want me to do?" Mick says frantically.

Linda winces and groans in pain which prompts Mick to help her up carefully before he wraps his arm round the back of her aiding her towards the door, picking up the hospital bag in the other hand in the process, Linda continues to groan along the landing. All the commotion upstairs wakes up everyone and they emerge from their bedrooms.

"What's all the noise for... " Shirl exclaims.
"Yeah my wife's just gone into labour mother if you hadn't noticed so unless you're gonna be helpful I suggest you keep ya mouth shut will ya cos I..I..I gotta get her to the hospital and..."
"What going on out here... " Tina emerges next.
"I'd love to chat Teen but now's not the time okay I'll meet yous there, bring little man."
Linda groans loud.
"Mick... Mick we gotta go."
"Alright baby alright.., c'mon let's get you to the car shall we."
Mick carefully aids his wife down the stairs and when he gets to the bottom he compares it to the previous time.

"A more smoother decent weren't that my baby."
Linda barely cracks a smile she's in that much agony.
"Yeah bad timing... let's get you to the car shall we, not much further now baby," Mick humours himself.

When they get to the car outside the front of the vic he opens the passenger door and helps his wife gently in making sure she's comfortable before chucking the bag into the back seat, slams the doors and hurries around to the drivers side and speeds round the square and in the direction of the hospital.

He continues to reassure her on the journey to the hospital as Linda's contractions get closer and more painful.

"Mick, Mick they're getting worse..." Linda moans louder than before.
"Alright L alright, remember what we spoke about, yeah, try to control your breathing baby... in and out yeah, nice and slow...
Linda follows his words
"See you're great at this yeah... you're doing amazing baby."
Linda tries to break a smile.
"I can't tell you... how glad I am that you're... that you're here this time... at least I don't have to worry about that this time."
Linda winces again in horrific pain soon after.
Mick leans out his left arm to her whilst watching the road and rubs her arm.
"Are we... are we nearly there... Mick" Linda says out of breath.
"Nearly baby nearly, you just focus on yourself alright we'll be there in no time."

5 minutes later Mick pulls up into the hospital car park, helping his struggling wife out of the car, a few seconds of walking passes before Linda's pain get so bad that Mick resorts to carrying her like a baby before exclaiming "Seeing as you're Wonder Woman I'm gonna be superman, come here you." Linda is now in Mick's arms... "There we go L that's better ain't it."
Linda continues to grimace.
"It's getting worse..."
"Alright baby alright I'm right here okay, everything's gonna be fine, when we have our little girl in our arms it'll be worth it won't it."
Linda nods unable to reply with words and Mick kisses her forehead.

He carries her to the reception and Mick registers her name with the nurse behind the desk. A wheelchair is brought by one of the nurses and Mick carefully lowers her into the chair with the nurse taking the handles, walking towards the maternity ward... Mick walking hurriedly next to the nurse. Eventually they get to the maternity ward with Mick and the nurse helping her onto the bed. A few nurses begin to attach different types of monitors to her such as the baby heart monitor.

The midwife begins to examine Linda asking when the labour started and how far apart the contractions have been as well as seeing how far dilated she is. She then commenced a quick scan to ensure a natural delivery can be achieved considering the complications mentioned previously in the scan. As she's carrying it out the nurse suddenly pauses as if something has alerted her and she heads off to consult her notes made during the scans on the other side of the room.

Mick and Linda begin to get concerned
"Is... is everything okay?"
"What is it, what's wrong, something's wrong Mick."
"Is it the baby, can you tell us doc."
"Well you know I informed you of possible issues we could be faced with..."
Mick and Linda look on in a state of panic
"Well unfortunately baby is too small for a natural birth so we'll have to perform a caesarean to ensure a safe and healthy delivery."
Mick and Linda's face's freeze in a state of shock and Mick swallows deeply.

"What?!" Linda exclaims in total disbelief.

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