• Is Everything Ok L? •

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Mick goes into the kitchen to find Linda cleaning the counter.
"L?" Mick says softly as he enters the kitchen, knowing somethings up. He shuts the door behind him and walks towards Linda.
Linda is facing the window above the sink and she raises her head and pauses from cleaning for a moment.
"Is everything okay L ?" Mick strokes her arm as
Linda starts to break down.
"If it's the false alarm thing I get it okay...I "
Linda puts the cloth down turning her head round to Mick before shaking her head "No...it's not." Linda looks down to the floor full of emotion.
"Look at me." Mick raises her head gently with his fingers
"I'm sorry Mick."
"Why, what have you got to be sorry about." Mick queries.
Linda doesn't say anything.
"Come on, come sit down." Mick invites Linda to sit down and Linda obliges sitting down slowly,
Mick walks round and takes a seat adjacent to her.
"Talk to me."
"I...." Linda can't get the words out.
Mick comforts her and tells her "It's okay, alright, whatever it is."
Linda weeps "No it's not, it's about as far from alright as it could be, I'm so scared."
"Scared of what?"
Linda looks down.
"Baby?" Mick stokes her face.
"You're not ill are you?" Linda tears up even more.
"Shhh alright baby it's alright, it's alright, I'm here" Mick says as he shuffles his chair around closer to her to comfort her while Linda continues to say nothing.
"Have you been getting any of the same symptoms or...?"
Linda whips her head up to look at Mick "It's not that Mick, thankfully..."
Mick breathes a sigh of relief. "Why are you scared then, is there someone out there I gotta lay my fist on cos if there is."
"No no Mick, it's nothing like that."
"Well what it is then."
"It's erm...you know we're finding it hard to you know..."
"Well I think I know why... and erm I don't think we're gonna be able to have kids ever again Mick."


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