• We've Got a Massage Waiting for Us •

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A few weeks have passed since Mick and Linda first casted their eyes upon their unborn child for the first time. As a result of the concerning news they received from the clinic, Mick thought it'd be good for them, especially Linda who hasn't stopped worrying about it, to get away for a few days, just the two of them...well three.

After a few days of pondering Mick stumbled upon a lovely Spa Hotel in the countryside (one without a lake) and booked it as a surprise for his fear-wrapped wife in the hope it'd take her mind elsewhere.

As they arrive at the hotel Linda walks in the door followed by Mick who is carrying their bags, they check in and take their stuff up to their room where they have a quick catnap in each other's arms with precious kisses, unwinding from the long journey.

Feeling recharged, Mick then springs it upon Linda that he's booked them in for a relaxing massage which is welcome news to Linda who smooches Mick as a thank you.

"You really are the best husband aren't you." Linda exclaims softly.

As Linda walks off to her bag to get a bikini, Mick slaps her bum as she walks away to which Linda makes a little high pitch noise.
"You just wanna see me in a bikini, I know your game Mr Carter." Linda says as she continues to walk over.
"Wellll, you might be right with that one yeah." Mick chuckles.
Mick wanders over to Linda, unable to stay away from her and wraps his arms over her from behind like he always does before kissing her neck.
"I can unzip you baby if you need some help." he says in a soft sultry tone as Linda places her hands on his, like she always does.
Linda giggles as Mick continues to smother her neck in kisses.
"Patience alright you'll see plenty of me down there." Linda replies in a whispery tone.
"Ugh you saucy minx, I love it when you talk like that." Mick breathes heavily.
"Go get some trunks you." Linda taps his hand with hers.
"I may whack on my Union Jack trunks if you're lucky baby." Mick says as he untangles from her and wanders away unaware of the fear written all over Linda's face.

Linda looks at herself in the bathroom mirror. Her pink floral bikini clung tightly to her body, revealing her cancer scars. A tear runs down her face, she wished she could love herself but the thought of everyone being able to see her, made her feel exposed. She wipes away her tears and tries to convince herself that she IS beautiful. She traces her fingers over them, which Mick has done many a time and smiles softly to herself with how Mick always makes her feel beautiful. She's looks at herself one last time and takes a deep breath before walking back out into the bedroom where Mick is stood with his back to her in his Union Jack trunks on. Linda wanders up behind him and holds his love handles, cuddling into him. Mick turns around and admires her and comments how delicious she looks.
Linda smiles sheepishly.

"You alright baby? I know that look." Mick says he strokes the top of her arm with his hand.
"I'm fine..." Linda trails off.
Mick looks at her, "L..."
Linda sighs, "It's just my scars, Mick, everyones gonna be able to see them with this on, I don't know how I feel about this."
Mick takes Linda's cheeks in his hands (facial cheeks...I know what you were thinking be patience for the sauce )
"It's okay baby, it's gonna be alright, I'll be right there next to you okay, I'll be there to hold your hand, you know how beautiful I think they are."
"I know." Linda responds in a whispery tone.
Mick says as he kisses Linda's forehead as she struggles a smile.
"You're the strongest, bravest, most amazing woman I know, you'll be absolutely fine." Mick sweeps her hair backwards behind her ear which was dangling in front of her face.
Linda smiles. "Yeah, yeah you're right, I can do this."
"Course you can." Mick says as he wipes her teary cheeks with his thumb.
"Now c'mon, we've got a massage waiting for us," as he winks at her, picking up their white robes, holding it out for Linda to put her arms through.

They go to where they're having the massages and Mick strips off and lays face down on the bed. Linda lays a towel over his bum with pleasure and she teases him slightly before Linda sits down on a chair  next to him as her tummy's too big to lie on her front.
The masseuses then come over once they're comfy and commences the massages.
The woman doing Mick starts at the top of his back and shoulders and works her way down his back and onto the backs of his legs.
"Yep that's right babe you skip over my bum, that's my L's job later, ain't it baby."
"Oh yeahhh." Linda who has her eyes closed in the moment of the message exclaims.
Mick lifts his head up out of the head hole in the bed and turns to catch Linda's attention.
"L, Linda."
He struggles to get the attention of his wife who is truly in the moment.
"Oi Wonder Woman."
Linda snaps out of it and murmurs. "Mick?"
"I've got a little something special for you later."
"Hmmm you're such a tease Michael." Linda replies in a saucy and sensual tone, Mick loved it when she was in this mood, it could only mean he was going to get plenty of action later.
The masseuses just laugh and then make small talk about the baby, as well as their four other kids, Lee, Nancy, Johnny and Ollie.

Once they finish their massages, they head to the jacuzzi which is empty. Mick gets in and then passes his hand to Linda to slide her in, Mick goes and sits at the side on the ledge that is underwater whilst Linda's paddles in the middle. Mick soon pulls her to him and Linda tries to sit next to him but he pulls her onto his lap.
"I'm going to squish you Mick, there's two of us now." giggles Linda.
"I don't mind, come here you."
Mick starts massaging Linda's shoulders, "what are you doing Mick." Linda giggles.
"Practising what they did to us, I've noted their technique, I'll be an expert soon." Winking at her.
As he continues Linda starts to groan, the deeper he gets with his finger tips, the more she groans (what did I say before, patience, not long now)
"Oh L, stop making them noises you're turning me on."
Linda laughs, "Feels like you're already turned on." as she feels his boner press against her bum.
"Don't bring that up, I'm trying to resist the urge but you're just..." Mick kisses her neck "so gorgeous."
Linda rolls her eyes and laughs.
Mick continues to kiss her neck, he then slowly starts biting it, making Linda's head fling back.
"Mick, not here." Linda giggles although what Linda says is the opposite to how she feels, trying to resist Mick is very hArd.
"Oh come on baby, no one can see us, let's make the most of our time together."
"I can't believe you sometimes Mick Carter." replies Linda
"You know you want to." Mick adds cheekily, sucking Linda's neck more.
Linda soon leads Mick's hands down to her bum and he starts pulling her bikini bottoms down her legs.
Micks fingers stroke up Linda's thigh, right up to her vagina, teasing her in that area without inserting them. Linda starts to moan heavily.
"Shh L, thought we were meant to be doing this discreetly" chuckles Mick.
"I can't help it when you tease me like that" moans Linda, "be careful though, don't want our baby to feel any vibrations for god's sake."
"Don't worry I'll be careful, it's a little too early for it to be exposed to that kinda activity."
"Ollie was young enough." Linda chuckles.
"Wellll that wasn't my fault you didn't lock the bedroom door was it." Mick replies.
They both chuckle to themselves. "You did cause an earthquake though so I'm not surprised he heard the poor kid." Linda laughs as she exclaims them words.

Mick's lips stay on Linda's neck, whilst she tugs his trunks down slightly, allowing Mick's dick to be free. Mick inserts into her, slow and gentle to avoid any brisk water movement, avoiding drawing attention to themselves. He gently thrusts in and out. Up and down. He continues as their moans compete with each other.
"Oh baby" Mick moans, as Linda giggles.
Bubbles ripple around them, after each thrust to which Linda tells him off.
"Let's not draw too much attention to ourselves."
"Not draw attention to ourselves? We're having sex in a public pool for crying out loud Linda."
They both giggle knowing how naughty this is.

Time passes as they continue to shag and suddenly they hear voices in the distance, which seem to becoming louder.
"Mick, quick, I think someone's coming in here."
Mick reluctantly exits her and as Linda pulls up her bikini bottoms, another couple walks in and enters the jacuzzi. They try to act all natural, acting as if they were conducting themselves within the rules of the public pool. They exchange hellos to each other but then they sit the opposite side, engrossed in their own conversation.
Linda turns her head to look at Mick, giggling since he hasn't had chance to pull his trunks up, so his dick is still pressed against her bum.
"Close shave ay L" whispers Mick.
After what seemed like ages, the couple left so then Linda could get off his lap and let him sort himself out.
"Well I won't be forgetting that shag anytime soon baby", they both giggle, sharing a look between each other before Mick puts his arm around the back of her.

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