• Let's Go See Our Baby Shall We •

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It's the night before their first scan and Mick and Linda have just finished locking up for the night downstairs, they're alone.
"Another shift done baby, gosh I'm shattered I am."
"You're shattered? just wait until you've got sleepless nights with this little one."
Linda holds her tummy and they both smile before planting a kiss on each other as Mick holds the bump with one hand and then looks down at it.
"We finally get to see you tomorrow little one." Mick exclaims.
"Our little miracle." Linda smiles.
"I just want everything to be okay Mick." Linda says as she looks down.
"And it will be...you've got nothing to be worried about baby." Mick says as he kisses the side of her head and wraps his arm around the back of her, squeezing her lightly.
"Yeah, I know." Linda says as she snuggles into Mick's chest. There's no one Linda would rather be sharing her life with than the man of her dreams, he's the most caring husband and best father to their children.
"Right come on let's head up shall we?" Mick exclaims as he unwraps from her and holds out his hand which Linda takes as they share a precious look . Mick then switches off the final lights before leading her through the door and up the stairs.

Who knows what they got up to up there, it definitely weren't PG that's all I'm thinking ...

It's the next day and Mick and Linda are sat in the waiting room where Mick has his arm wrapped around the back of her, awaiting to be called in and Linda seems anxious about how her previous cancer woes could affect the pregnancy.
"Everything's gonna be alright L." Mick says as he rubs her arm.
And Linda nods "I hope so Mick, I can't help but have that bit of doubt in my mind."
"I know baby, let's just consult the nurse and see what she says alright, let's not worry about something that isn't a problem yet okay." Mick says as Linda nods in acceptance.
"Linda Carter." A nurse exclaims whilst Linda acknowledges her.
"Let's go see our baby shall we?"
Linda nods in response to Mick and smiles.

The pair of them enter the room with Mick helping his wife onto the bed before wandering round to the other side of the bed to get a clearer view of the monitor, right next to his wife. Linda rolls up her top catching a glance of her cancer scars as does Mick before the nurse applies the gel to her tummy.
"Right shall we take a look."
Mick takes Linda hands with his and presses soft kisses into Linda's hand for reassurance.
The nurse rolls her appliance over her tummy and the reveal of their baby on the monitor brings a tear to Mick and Linda's eye.
"There you are." Mick exclaims as he beams and Linda takes a sharp intake of breath.
"There's our baby Mick." Linda melts as she says it.
"How is everything is it sweet yeah?" Mick exclaims.
"Everything's just fine, nice strong heartbeat, healthy size, everything seems perfectly normal." The nurse says as she places the appliance down. They both smile both Linda interjects.
"Can I just ask you something, a few years ago I erm...I had cervical cancer, that won't affect the baby or anything with the pregnancy will it?" Linda says slightly choked up and Mick struggles with her repeating that out loud.
"Well if I'm honest it's miracle in itself that you fell pregnant Mrs Carter, the chances are normally severely low of conceiving, so I'd count yourself extremely lucky."
"Did you hear that, you're a little miracle." Mick says before kissing Linda's tummy.
"But it can have its complications Mr Carter."
"Complications?" Mick queries with fear.
"Well it can lead to things such as a premature birth or the baby could be born underweight for example but you'll be in the safest place Mrs Carter I can assure you that."
Mick and Linda's faces slowly turn from delight to concern real quick.
"And in some cases baby may have to be delivered by caesarean."
"What?" Linda says in a sharp tone of voice while Mick tries to hold back his emotion but it's visible to see his concern.
"But like I said it's very rare okay... come back for your scan in the next few months and we'll know more then okay, try to not think about it for now we'll cross that bridge if we come to it. "
Linda doesn't know what to say which prompts Mick to intervene.
"Is there anything we can do to reduce the chances of any of this happening?"
"I'm afraid not Mr Carter it's just the norm with people in your predicament." The nurse heads off to get the print out of the scan.
Linda turns to Mick who both portray emotional faces.
"I knew something was gonna be wrong Mick, I just knew it." Linda tries to hold back the emotion.
"Baby you heard the nurse, we'll cross that bridge if it comes to it okay, everything's good at the moment isn't it?" Mick strokes her face as he perches on the edge of the bed next to Linda.
"I know I know, it's just the thought that..." Linda replies to Mick softly.
"Ssh shh." Mick calms Linda down  and brings her head to his chest momentarily, kissing the top of her head.
"Let's get the photo, get out of here and get you home yeah." 
Linda nods and they head home with the scan picture.

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