• Nowhere I'd Rather Be •

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Not long after their main courses arrive, Mick with his lamb chops and Linda with her courgetti pasta
"L what the..."
"It's courgetti pasta Mick." Linda interrupts with sass
"You what?"
"It's pasta made out of courgetti."
"Riiight, you mean courgette."
"Well yeah it just seems more fancy if I say it like an Italian."
"I'm telling you you've got a baby brain already."
"It's meant to be good for the baby 'actually', vitamin and something."
"Sounds lovely L." Mick sarcastically replies as he cuts into his chop.

As they finish their main courses Mick starts to tease his wife.
"Oh my god, I don't believe it." Mick looks beyond Linda into the distance
"What, what is it?" Linda tries to see and whips her head around
"That's not Meghan markle is it babe."
"You what?!" She turns around only to be disappointed
'Miiick, don't mess with my feeling like that." Linda huffs
"I'm sorry baby, she kinda looks like her to be fair."
"She looks nothing like her, where's your glasses anyway."
"I I forgot them."
"Course you did."
"My hormones are all over the place as it is without you doing that."
"I've said I'm sorry baby." Mick reaches his hand across to Linda's and rubs it a little
"Don't joke about things like that Mick, mind you it would be nice having a chat with her face to face, mum to mum." Linda cutens up
"You and meghan markle what are you having a bubble."
"I think we'd get on actually, I'll give her my advice as an experienced mum and she can tell me how she still looks so beautiful at her age."
"Oi L, you don't look a day over 21, look at ya, for crying out loud."
Linda smiles at her husband
"The poor thing wouldn't get a word in with you rabbiting anyways."
"I don't rabbit, I listen mick ... you cheeky sod."
"You keep telling yourself that."
Linda pauses for a second
"Belinda is very aggravated by Rick right now and if he doesn't get the message soon, his 20 pound drink is going right down his favourite waistcoat."
"Oooo that's a bit heavy that Belinda, Rick has paid for all this hasn't he, he's very sorry and will get her a lovely dessert."
"Belinda accepts the offer and will have an ice cream sundae she ain't sharing it."
Mick puffs his cheeks
"Rick says that's fine he's already full up from the lamb chops."
*Waiter passes by*
"Excuse me, can I have the ice cream sundae extravaganza please."
"Most certainly, it'll be right with you."
"The extrava what."
"This one." Linda says as she points to the menu
"Scoops of delectable vanilla ice cream served with raspberry coulis, crunchy wafers and a 99 flake, that does sound lovely to be fair..."
Mick whips his head up
"I ain't paying that for an ice cream sundae for crying out loud."
"You said you'd get me a desert didn't you Mick sorry Rick." Linda pulls a sarky face
Mick is low key aggravated he just got played by his wife and Linda sarcastically strokes his arm "There's my good little husband."

The waiter comes over and gives Linda her vanilla sundae ice cream, topped with a flake and Mick starts to eye it up as she spoons of ice cream into her mouth with a sexy look and mick licks his lips
"You enjoying that babe?"
"Hmm every 16 quid of it."
"Fully been scammed there I have, you can get that down the road for half the price."
"Oh it is nice though Mick, very creamy and soft." Linda bites her lip
"Oh is that right is it."
"Hmm." Linda exclaims
Linda then proceeds to take the flake and tease Mick by sucking it.
"That's it I'm getting a spoon. excuse me..."
"No no Mick dont, please, please." Linda interrupts abruptly
"Let me feed you" Linda poses with the spoon
"Oh you naughty mare, go on then."
"Come here then you." Mick leans across the table
Linda scoops up a spoon of ice cream with one hand and with the other puts it underneath to prevent spillages
They stare into each other's eyes before Linda slowly tips it into his mouth to his enjoyment
"Told you it's nice didn't?"
"Bit of a step up from munching on space crackers and sucking on tiger tangs."
Linda giggles
"Nah it's delicious baby." He replies softly

Linda continues to feed him whilst still having some for herself. They then order the bill and they're taken aback by the final total but Mick insists on paying the whole amount as it's his treat and Linda is cutened by her husbands thoughtful gesture. They eventually get up and  leave the restaurant hand in hand Linda thanks him for the night.
"Thank you for tonight." Linda turns to Mick and she slows her walking to a standstill 
"The pleasure is all mine baby." Mick smiles down at his wife as he also halts
"We should do this more often shouldn't we." Linda exclaims
"Yep you're right, you're right, we need to make more time for ourselves more often." Mick says as he leans down to approach his wife's lips and they share a precious kiss before smile at each other and carrying on towards the taxi rank to head off home for the night ...

Where they later snuggled on their bed for the rest of the night before eventually drifting off, intertwined into each other's arms. There's really no where they'd rather be, they're so in love with each other, no worries, no problems and had just found out they're expecting their fifth child, life couldn't be more perfect for the besotted couple.

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