• A Beating Vagina •

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Four days have now passed since the baby's due date and the pair of them are now becoming increasingly impatient. They've tried to induce labour in all kinds of ways: they took Lady Di for a long walk and Linda ate spicy food for dinner. They've tried all sorts of things, apart from one...

Linda's chilling on their bed, googling "ways to induce labour" when Mick opens their door closing it behind him.
"You alright L? He asks this, but he knows full well that Linda's exhausted.
"I am fat, I am tired, and I've just spent the last half hour looking up ways to induce labour."
"Any luck?"
"Nope...." as she says this, she stumbles upon a website that says, 'have sex.'
"What? What is it?" Mick questions and he joins her on the bed.
"This website suggests..." she smirks to Mick, giving him a cheeky look as he reads what it says.
"We may as well give it a go L, what have we got to lose?"
"I'm not as mobile as usual though Mick," Linda chuckles.
"You don't have to worry about that L, I'll just do all the work... you just plot there looking gorgeous as always."
"What if Ollie comes in again like before?"
*Hokey cokey starts to plays in the background*
Mick smirks, "sounds like Teens got that one covered, so what'd d'ya say?"
"Yeah alright, but be careful alright Mick, I'm tender."
"Don't you worry baby I'll be more than careful." Winking at her, Mick gets off the bed, undoes his belt and slides his jeans down pretty rapidly as Linda folds away the laptop onto the bedside cabinet.
"For God's sake anyone would've thought you ain't had sex in months the way you're stripping down Mick."
"Wellll I have been deprived haven't I?"
"I'm pregnant in case you didn't know, I can only do half of the positions."
"Excuses excuses..." Mick says as he climbs on the bed with nothing but his shirt on.

He gently arches over her, minding the bump, bending down to kiss the bump then kissing up her body, to her neck and then to her mouth. He enters his tongue and they snog passionately, grabbing the back of each other's head in the process, twisting and turning.
Linda then starts to twiddle with Micks buttons, undoing them one at a time, undressing him of his shirt. Mick pulls her nightie over her head and then works his way back down her body, slipping her knickers off. He teases her up her leg, kissing and sucking it, and he lingers around her thighs, then slowly enters his tongue. Linda groans in pleasure, it's never felt so good, soothing. Mick continues whisking his tongue around, clearly hitting Linda in the right spot as she moans louder. He removes his tongue to catch his breath.

"Yep I see the head up there."
"Oh Mick shut up will you and carry on."
"Are you sure this won't harm the baby or anything I'm going quite deep L."
"Mick I know your tongues like a lizard but seriously..."
"Is this even proven to work L," still out of breath Mick exclaims.
"I mean google says it so..."
"He's a truthful geezer to be honest... ya know Google, he knows everything."
"Stop talking will you..."
"With pleasure baby."

Mick takes Lindas hand to his bum, and she puts her hand down the front, teasing him.Their moans begin to compete with each other.
"Oh my beating vagina", as she slips his boxers off. (Georgina you're a cheeky so and so)

10 minutes pass, and Mick is still penetrating in and out of her. Mick knows he's about to climax, "you ready baby", Mick saucily whispers.
"I've never been more ready in my life".
As she says this, Mick explodes inside of her.
"Ahhhhhh yes Mick" Linda groans in pleasure
"Your needs satisfied now yeah baby" whispering into her ear.
"More than Michael Carter." Linda saucily replies.

He carries on for another minute, deep but gentle, taking great care of the bump. When he finally pulls out, he looks down at Linda and strokes her face, tucking her hair behind her ears then softly kissing her lips.He then rolls off her, onto his back, both of them breathing heavily.

"Oh Linda... Carter..." he trails off trying to catch his breath.
Linda giggles, "you enjoyed that as much as I did then," she rolls onto her side cuddling into him, twiddling his nipples.
He looks at her smiling, "I certainly did, I'll tell you something though.... I'm bloody shattered... had to do twice the work. "
"Twice? I wasn't entirely a mannequin Mick."
"Welll I beg to differ babe." Mick sarcastically replies.
They giggle to each other.
He gives her a firm, tender peck on the lips, "I gave it everything I did... "
"I know baby I know."
"You know something else Mick..."
"Go on."
"That was probably our last bit of sex for a while." Linda exclaims sadly.
"Yepp... I just hope it works for the sake of you... I know how tired you're getting baby.."
"Yeah... yeah me too... I'm just getting impatient you know..."
"I know baby." Mick kisses the side of her head.
"Hopefully it won't be too much longer till we get to meet our little one."
They both go soft and Linda cuddles into Mick more, and it isn't long before they've both drifted off.


An hour later, Linda wakes up to excruciating pain and starts to groan, in the midst of having a contraction she felt damp underneath her, the realisation set in...her waters have broken and the baby is finally on its way...

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