• I'm So Scared, Mick •

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"There's honestly no reason to be alarmed Mrs Carter it's the safest way given the size of her."
Panic ceases her face.
"You're really in the best hands Mrs Carter, I'll be right back I've just gotta make a call."

Linda's expression is in complete shock.
"A caesarean?... they're gonna... they're gonna cut our baby out Mick."
Mick just consoles Linda hugging her tighter... still tryna process everything.
"You heard her L, it's the right thing to do...."
Linda interjects.
"Are you not scared... are you not worried what might happen to our baby... to me."
Mick bites his tongue in an attempt to reassure his wife.
"It's gonna be okay baby, I'll be right there."
Mick kisses her forehead.
"What if they hurt her or something goes wrong cos..." Linda says as she panics.
"You heard what the nurse said, this is the safest way...they know what they're doing, It's gonna be alright, yeah?
"Yeah but..."
"I'll be right next to you the whole time, yeah?" Mick says as he takes her hands with both of his hands
Linda looks horrified "I know you will, I'm just scared, especially with what happened after Johnny was born and..." Linda's face is filled with fear.
"L, L look at me, look at me, you're the bravest, most strongest woman I know, it's gonna be okay... it'll all be worth it when we hold our baby girl won't it?"
Linda nods
"Yeah?" Mick smiles down at his wife.
"You've just gotta trust in the professionals, they know what they're doing." Mick says.
Linda nods, trying to keep her emotions in check "I know, you're right, you're right, it'll be fine."
"It will be, you're not gonna go through this on your own."
Mick kisses her head again.

It was then that Shirl and Tina arrived with little man in panic to the room where Mick and Linda were.
"We got here as quickly as we could but the traffic was a bloody nightmare."
Tina pauses as she sees the horror on their faces
"What's wrong has something happened."
"Is the baby okay?" Shirl exclaims filled with terror.
"No no everything's okay it's just, they have to perform a caesarean to get the baby out cos she's, she's too small."
Linda swallows hearing Mick's words.

Mick then walks out the room saying he's getting them all a drink but in tears trying to avoid Linda knowing how he's really feeling with Shirl closely following him out. They have a heart to heart with Shirl reassuring him and they return in, Mick brushing off any concerns Linda has about him and he joins her by her side, takes her hand with both of his and places them on his lips.

Mick follows Linda into theatre and tells her everything is gonna be okay to reassure her even though he's struggling himself. Mick sits on a chair by Linda's head and they put a sheeting in between as standard, both wearing hospital gowns to prevent spread of infection within the room, which is filled with doctors and nurses. Mick holds Linda's hand with both hands and they keep fixated on each other as she gets dosed up.

"It's gonna be okay L, just keep looking at me baby, keep looking at me."
Linda nods who is filled with fear "Okay."

With Linda dosed up, Mick continues to talk to her to take her mind off the situation, reassuring her in the process.. Mick takes a seat next to Linda's head and takes her hand with his...kissing her hand repeatedly.

"I'm so scared Mick"
"Just keep looking at me baby, keep looking at me."
Linda nods.
"The nurses and doctors know what they're doing okay, everything's gonna be alright I promise you."
"But what if..what if."
"Shhh shhh shh" Mick hushes his wife and plants a kiss on his forehead.

A little while later..

Mick looks over the other side and sees his baby girl being taken out and he pauses for a split second.
"Mick, what's happening?"
Before he can reply, the sound of baby screams start to echo round the room to relief of Mick and Linda.
Mick smiles, exhales with such relief and begins to tear up, Linda mirroring his reaction.
"Is she okay, Mick?."
"Yeah, yeah she's perfect."
Mick turns to look at Linda and they both smile before planting a kiss on each other.
"Where is she... I wanna see her?"
"She's just over there getting wrapped up baby."
"Go see her for me."
"I promised I'd stay with you, they'll bring her over soon."
"Yeah I know but she needs you, she'll be tiny." Mick looks over to her and pauses
"Okay, okay I..we won't be long, alright baby." Mick says as he softly smiles and gets up. Linda smiles back.
Mick wanders over to meet his newborn daughter.
"Can I have a little cuddle, is that okay?"
"Of course, here she is."
He breaks down as the nurse hands her to him.
"Hello little one... it's daddy here... you've definitely got your mum's looks aint ya." Mick kisses her forehead "Shall we go see mummy? yeah that's what we'll do."


Mick barely has time to cherish this moment as the machines start to frantically beep, Linda begins to lose consciousness and doctors start to move quickly.

"What what what's happening, can you tell me what's happening...what's wrong, is it Linda, is she alright?"
Mick rushes over to Linda cradling their daughter
"Linda?! L ?! can you hear me, it's me, Linda!"
"Sir can you step away."
"Nah nah I ain't doing that, I ain't leaving her, I promised her I'd stay, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do, she's my wife, is she gonna be alright?"
"Please just let us do our job, your wife's in safe hands."

Mick pauses for a while before slowly staggering backwards.

"Please please don't let her die...she's everything to me, she she she can't die, I need her, we need her!" Mick begins to breakdown before holding his newborn daughter closer to him.

How could this be happening again? Could he be about to see his own wife die in front of him, helpless? He told her everything would be okay. She hasn't even met her new daughter yet. Would she ever get that chance? All these feelings rushed through Mick's mind in a split second.

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