• I'm Glad You Told Me •

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"What? You're not making any sense L...it's not the menopause is it cos you never said you..."
"No no Mick... I mean...apparently... it's hard to ever get pregnant again with the type of cancer I had."
Mick takes a deep breath and his eyes tear up.
"The other day on the laptop I erm...did a bit of research and...that came up."
"I mean are you sure, where did you read that, you shouldn't always believe everything on the internet you know L...you.." Mick says whilst clearly in denial.
"It's on the NHS website Mick, it's there in black and white, our chances are so slim we may as well say goodbye to the prospect of having anymore children." Linda breaks down and huffs.
"The laptop that's what you were...that's why you didn't want to..." Mick starts to clock everything.
Linda's expression remains still as she looks down.
"It's gonna be alright L, we just carry on as we are and if it's not meant to be it's not meant to be, the main thing is that we have each other, yeah?"
"Yeah." Linda forces a small smile and snuggles in his hand which is cupping the side of her face.
"Four perfect children and a beautiful wife, what more does a man need."
"So you're not angry with me?"
"No, no." Mick days in a whispery tone, he puts his arm around her.
"Course I'm not, I'm just glad you told me that's all, that way we both know what we're dealing with."
"If we just remain positive like you said, then you never know, we could get lucky."
"Yeah, yeah exactly that, it's a chance I'm willing to take." Mick says as he kisses her forehead softly.." he reassures his emotional wife, wipes her tears away with his thumbs and takes her hands in his and they intertwine before he sniffs and wells up himself slightly.
"Agreed." Linda exclaims
"Well that's settled then."
Linda smiles at her husband and nods.

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