• Together We're a Force •

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Mick and Linda are now both sitting down adjacent to each other at the table. Mick resting his hands on Linda across the table with a massive grin on his face.

"How long have you known L?" Mick says who can't stop smiling.
"only a few days., I couldn't believe it, I was in a state of complete shock I..."
"Why didn't you tell me ?"
"I wanted to surprise you, after the time
before where I got your hopes up and erm..., I didn't wanna put you through that again, so I thought I'd do it myself to be sure this time, before telling you."
"Oh L..."
"... And I thought to myself what better time to tell you than on Father's Day."
Mick smiles at her and chuckles to himself. "It was a beautiful idea L, I don't think any Father's Day could ever top this."
They both smile at each other.
"Just cos I'm curious... erm... do you know which...erm...occasion it was L."
"Well..I can't be sure if I'm honest."
"How d'ya mean." Mick giggles.
"I'm not entirely sure which one cos...there are two possibilities"
They both stare at each other for split second.
"Riiight." Mick acknowledges
"...don't tell me it was the quick one we had on the sofa for god sake, that was like 5 minutes if that."
"Well I don't know Mick it's either that or the night before, cos they were literally a day apart."
"Hold on that one morning a few days ago when I thought you had the flu or something but you weren't were ya, you..."
"Just a bit of morning sickness."
Mick smiles and looks at Linda in awe.
"I I just can't get my nut round it."
"I'm as surprised as you are, I didn't think it was gonna happen, you knew how I felt about it." Linda gets slightly emotional.
Mick smiles at Linda. "I told you it'd happen if we kept trying didn't I." Mick reassures Linda and she giggles.
"Well I'll tell you something now I'll never be so grateful that we spent so much effort on that night or that we nipped upstairs I'll tell you that now."
"We? Don't you start that Mick Carter, that was such a chore getting you up here in the first place."
"Yeah well I'm sorry about that baby." Linda sighs.
"Not to worry now anyways , now we have a little one in here." Linda looks down to her tummy.
"Yeah, yeah you're right." Mick replies.
"I hope this doesn't mean you pay less attention to me by the way."
"The baby hasn't arrived yet, you and Ollie have still got my full attention." Linda leans over and plants a kiss on his lips.
"I mean in bed, I have been one very lucky man the last few weeks and erm I'd hate for that to change wouldn't you."
"It won't."
"That's the answer I wanted to hear."
"Let's just keep it between you and me ey, our little secret for now?!" Linda says as she smiles and Mick slowly takes her hands which are clenched up in a ball and sliding them across the table closer to him and he holds them gently and replies "Course baby."

Mick is now in the living room spending time with his youngest son Ollie building Lego structures and smiling away.
"You'll soon have a little building buddy son."
Ollie's giggles and it's clearly visible how happy he his about it.
Just then Linda emerges and watches on from the door.
"You can teach them how to do all this."
Mick points to the lego.
"How to be kind, how to be polite ya know, please and thank you." Mick says as he stokes Ollie's head.
Ollie smiles and carries on building as Mick steps back and sits down resting his chin on his  clenched hands in a ball.
Mick starts to get slightly emotional as realisation starts to set in.
Letting out a subtle but cute smile and starts to get emotional.
"Mick you alright in here."
"Yeah, yeah I couldn't be happier." Mick says as he voice breaks slightly and he turns to face Linda by the door.
"I'm meant to be the one that's emotional with my hormones all over the place, not you." Mick smiles and laughs it off.
"I'm just really happy, I just... I can't get my nut round it." Mick says with watery eyes
Linda's face goes all cute on him and smiles
"Me either, we'd practically lost hope didn't we." Linda says as she sits down next to Mick.
"I've told you before that together we're a force."
Linda bursts into a small giggle and Mick also for a short amount of time before they both gaze into each other's eyes for a split second, they are so in love at this moment in time and this news was the perfect way to symbolise the feelings they share.

"Do you wanna go out and celebrate or something just the two of us." Mick queries.
"But you're meant to be on tonight ..."
"That can wait everything else can wait, I can get trace in and teen won't mind looking after Ollie for a few hours, it's all in hand I can book up somewhere nice to go and we can dress up fancy it'll be beauuutiful." Linda obeys "Sounds lovely." as Mick places his hand to cup the side of her face and Linda places her hand on top of Mick's wrist which is holding her face and she snuggles into it.
"Well that's settled then." Mick exclaims he shuffle himself along to sofa closer to Linda.
"I love you." Mick says softly as he approaches her as Linda replies with "I love you too Mick." As she faintly nods.

They both smile trying to mask their underlying emotions as they both lean in for a kiss and as their lips connect they place their hands first on the back of each other's head but then as they continue to passionately kiss each other they move arms slowly around the back of their necks to squish and edge the other closer to them before they eventually release to forehead touch. They feel truly blessed that they have been blessed with the gift of another baby and cannot wait to be parents to another little one.

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