• Is it the Jackpot ? •

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Just over a month has passed with Mick and Linda continuing to be their flirty, loving selves towards each other. However, the last few days Linda has begun to feel slightly under the weather, which she's declared as flu to Mick who ain't buying it one bit ...

It's the morning and Mick is attending to the bar downstairs on his own. Meanwhile upstairs, Linda has felt unwell all morning, hence why she was unable to help Mick out. Eventually she gets up and goes to the bathroom where after a few minutes she ends up throwing up in the toilet numerous times before catching her breath in the aftermath. As the sickness feeling eases off she sits on her knees, composing herself before grabbing some loo roll to clean her mouth up. Eventually the feeling feeling resonates with her as she looks down and feels her tummy, could that be the reason? Had they hit the baby jackpot?

Just as Linda as gathers her thoughts Mick knocks on the door.
"L is that you in there I really need loo baby."
"Yeah sure gimme one second." Linda sharply flushes the loo and emerges slowly looking weak. Mick places his hand on his wife's face and strokes it.

"I'm fine, I promise ."
"Well you don't look it to me, you've been like this for days baby."
Mick continues to look at Linda with curiousity.
"I'm alright." Linda denotes.
"Well if you're not better by tomorrow I'm ringing up the doctors okay?"
Linda smiles slightly.
"It's probably the bug that's been going round or something, I'm just gonna go back to bed."
"Yeah of course baby, just put your feet up and rest yeah, I'll get you a glass of water and bring it through after I've had an eyelash."
"Thank you." Linda says weakly and softly before walking into her bedroom faintly smiling to herself and Mick watches her attentively before entering the bathroom where he continues to ponder to himself .

When Mick eventually enters the bedroom with a glass of water that he promised, Linda pretends to be asleep, avoiding the conversation she knows Mick will want to engage with. Linda wants to make sure she is before springing the news on him this time.
Mick leaves glass of water on the side table and kisses his wife's head delicately before shutting the door quietly, he heads downstairs. His exit sparks Linda to get up and head into the bathroom where she rummages in the cupboard where she left the remaining tests a few weeks earlier. The tense wait begins after she produces a small urine sample into the tester tube.

A few minutes pass and Linda gets more anxious and the wait goes on as she times the required waiting in her head and she wanders round the bathroom a little in anticipation.
Eventually the waiting time ends and Linda takes a deep breath before looking at the tester before her exhales and beams widely as it turns out to be positive. Linda looks up the ceiling in relief as her eyes begin to get watery, she then holds the tester to her chest, she can't believe it
She wipes away her tears before putting the test back in the box and in her dressing gown pocket. She exits the bathroom and heads back to the bedroom.

Later on in the day Linda does a few more tests to be 100% sure and they all come out as positive.

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