• One Hot, Soapy Bath •

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It's another busy lunch time rush at the Vic, with both Mick and Linda rushed off their feet. Although with the due date approaching Linda isn't taking it easy enough according to Mick who thinks she needs to rest.

Linda is coming back down the stairs after nipping up to the loo when she starts to get cramps in her abdomen. She holds her bump having to sit down on the stairs, unable to get back behind the bar.

"L, you there?! I need ya out here" shouts Mick.
"I'll be there in a minute, just give me a second." Linda replies sounding out of breath.
Mick peers round the back and sees her sitting on the stairs and can't help but fire questions Linda's way, "L? You you alright? What what is it? Is it the baby? Is the baby coming?"
"No no Mick I'm fine, I'm fine." Mick kneels down next to her near the stairs
"You don't look that fine to me, you sure." Mick says as Linda winces.
"I'm sure, it's just braxton hicks... I'll be okay in a bit."
"Alright baby I'll stay with you yeah? til it passes." They share a smile between them.
Shirley pokes her head round the back, "it's going under out here, can you give me a hand."
"Go on Mick" Linda tries to shoo Mick away, but he wasn't having it as he could tell Linda was clearly still in some discomfort.
"Baby are you sure you're alright, you don't need me to ring an ambulance or anything?" Mick says still worried that the baby's on the way.
"No Mick, I just need a moment." says Linda as she screws up her face in pain.
"Aww bless ya come here" Mick comforts her.
"I'll be fine soon, go and help your mum behind the bar."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure."
"Okay well you go and put your feet up and relax, as soon as the rush is over, I'll come up and run you a hot, soapy bath, how does that sound?!" Mick says kissing her forehead "Yeah?"
"Yeah, sounds lovely." Linda replies and makes her way up the stairs.
"Okay baby." Mick smiles and walks away to the bar and not long after Linda heads up.

A little later, Mick comes up and checks on his wife who is resting in the living room with the tv on and he stares in awe at her from the door before heading off to run a bath for her.

Not long after that ...

"One hot, soapy bath awaits Mrs Carter." Mick says appearing in the living room where Lindas watching Mamma Mia for the hundredth time.
"Oh no L, you're not watching this again are you" teases Mick.
"Shut up you love it."
"At least you won't get to the end and get all emotional over Donna's ghost again".
Linda rolls her eyes "oh don't remind me Mick, sends me in tears every time and that's not even cos of my hormones."
"C'mon" holding his hand out to her, "I'll give you a rub down if you want."
"Oooo, you know how to get me away from this don't you" Linda smiles and huffs, getting up from the sofa and taking Mick hands who leads her to the bathroom where the door is shut behind them.

Linda strips off stark naked and climbs into the bath as Mick pulls up a stool and sits by the side of the bath.

"Ooo it smells delicious!"
"It's one of them lush bath bombs it is... I must've been the only geezer in the shop honestly... only the best for my L mind... it looks nearly as delicious as you look baby" chuckles Mick as he admires how gorgeous and sexy his wife is.
"Oi, stop it you, I can't believe you went shopping if I'm honest, you'll never come with me... anyway where's this rub down you promised."
"Ooo you're so demanding... I like that about you Linda Carter I really do" Mick jokes, as he massages Linda's back and shoulders.
A few minutes pass, they sit in silence, enjoying each other's company and Linda enjoying the rub down, knowing that soon they won't get any peace and quiet to themselves.
"You got me worried earlier L."
Linda laughs, "you thought I was going into labour didn't you."
Mick stops massaging her and holds her hands.
"I was about to go into superman mode I won't lie to ya... I just can't bare to see you in pain baby that's all."
"Well child birth is hardly gonna be pain free." jokes Linda.
"I know baby but I'm being serious, you need to take it easy, it's not good for you or the baby is it." Mick strokes her hand, feeling concerned.
"I know Mick I know, I just like to keep busy, that's all." replies Linda.
"Well you'll be plenty busy when this one arrives won't ya, I just don't want you to overdo it, okay?"
Mick says as he strokes her face, Linda smiles and nods in acceptance
"Oh and Mick when the time comes, make sure you're not wandering off again."
"Oh don't you worry L, I don't intend on walking out and having late night chats in the cafe I can assure you, I'll be right here." Mick smiles
"Good, that's the answer I wanted." Linda leans in and gives Mick a peck on the lips.

Not long after Mick strips down to nothing and jumps in behind her, Linda shuffles up onto Mick's chest and gets comfy. Mick wraps his arms around Linda's front and strokes the bump for a bit. He then gets his finger and twiddles around her nipples before getting some bubbles and placing them on each of her boobs.

"Oh Mick you cheeky..."
They giggle.
"You love it L I don't know why you're moaning... I  think they look rather like Bakewell tarts... ooo tasty I could lick them right off." Mick says as he tries to wriggle his head over hers, the water starts to ripple around them rapidly.
"Get off you... put your tongue back in." Linda giggles and Mick gives up eventually and lays back, the water calms and they continue to giggle between each other.

After they play a game of 'what's written on my back' in bubbles ( it's a game lads if you've seen the After movie on Netflix you'll know it, I'd explain but ruins the mood ;)) . Mick gets the shampoo and begins to massage it into Linda's hair as it foams up.
"You're not bad at this you know."
"Well what can I say, I'm a pro aren't I L, never underestimate the skills of your husband."
"Your skills in the bedroom are of the highest order I'll give you that."
They giggle.
"This is nice isn't it."
"Yeah, yeah it is... nothing better than spending some quality time with my lovely wife."
Linda beams and goes soft.
"Yeah Yeah it's lovely."
Mick scoops water up with a jug and rinses the foam off Linda's head carefully sheltering her face.
Mick puts the jug down and Linda shuffles up to Mick as she slid down.
They laid in each other's arms for what seemed like a lifetime in the bath, just peacefully relaxing and enjoying each other's company. (Lord knows what else they got up to Cos they were in there for hours all wrinkly, I'll let you use your imagination for that one.)

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