• A Boy or Girl? •

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A few months have past since Mick and Linda's DiRtY weekend away at the spa hotel. Mick is becoming more and more protective over the pair of them and everything else could wait. Linda is now 5 months gone and the time for the second scan had arrived for the parents to be. The real question is, what is the sEx of their baby? (you dirty stop-outs are at it again aren't you) ... read on to find out.

Mick and Linda were sat in the waiting room awaiting a call from the nurse, as Mick continued to talk to the bump whilst Linda looked at the sight before her in awe.

"Linda Carter" the nurse called from the entrance of the door.

Mick gazes over at his pregnant wife and strokes her hand, which was intertwined in his before they stood up and headed into the room.

Mick helps his heavily pregnant wife onto the bed with care and stands next to his wife placing his hand on her shoulder for reassurance as the nurse places the cold gel onto Linda's tummy. After a few moments their baby appears on the screen, Mick takes Linda's hand, squeezing it tight as they share a precious look between themselves. Their hearts melt as tears run down their cheeks as they exchange dialogue about the miracle their baby is whilst saying to their unborn child how much they loved it.

"Can you tell whether it's a boy or girl?" Mick queries.
"Yep I can tell you if you want to know?" The nurse says as Linda turns to look up at Mick.
"What d'ya reckon L, do you wanna find out?"
"What do you think?"
"I don't see why not." Mick smiles at her and says softly.
"Yeah, yeah we'd like to know" Linda exclaims.
"You're having a little girl."
They both mirror the same expressions smiling from ear to ear, letting out a small exhale of breath as their eyes begin to tear up before looking at each other, Mick smiles and plants a kiss on her lips after taking her head closer with the palm of his hand "a little girl ey."
They stare into each other's eyes for a split second before looking back at the monitor "and she's alright is she ... she all sweet yeah?"
"Yeah she's doing just fine there."
Mick and Linda smile at the screen in awe or their baby daughter.
"You mentioned that last time about the...erm... complications, do you know anymore about that or..." Mick questions the nurse with fear in his voice.
"Well Mr Carter the outcome is just so hard to predict I wish I could give you some more concrete news...try not to be too concerned at the moment, hopefully you'll have a completely natural birth, you really will be in the safest place just in case."
Linda nods, she's barely said a word.
"It's gonna be alright okay?" Mick says as he strokes her arm even more and kisses her head.

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