• Follow the Trail L •

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It's the next morning and both Mick and Linda are still reeling from yesterday's revelation. The rest of the Carters can sense an atmosphere building or that something's not quite right between the two of them over their breakfast. Tina and Shirley continue to question them throughout but they just brush it off or change the subject.
"You two have had miserable faces on all morning, what's going on?" Tina exclaims to them as they all eat their breakfast. Mick and Linda have barely said anything this morning.
"Teen..." Mick starts to speak.
"We just had a few too many last night." Linda jumps in.
"Yeah after yous went up me and L had a few cheeky ones didn't we."
Linda smiles at Mick.
"Why didn't yous tell me you were having a lock in..."
"We just wanted some time to ourselves Teen, we'd been working all day and..."
"All day? I lost count of the amount of breaks you two took." Shirl interrupts.
Mick and Linda share a look.
"Yeah alright mother." Mick acknowledges her point seeing that Linda started to get teary.
Tina comes to a realisation and gasps "That's why you sent me and Shirl up as you were closing up, I knew yous looked shifty all night."
Mick and Linda look at each other knowing full well they were lying and that they only sent them up to comfort and talk to each other about the baby revelation earlier.

Shirl oversees the conversation playing out and doesn't buy it one bit.
"Yeah yeah that was it." Mick replies just before Tina exits the kitchen.
"Next time you let me know, and I'll be there."
A silence commences between them all as Shirl eyes up Mick and Linda who both look out of sorts, Linda in particular.
"She might buy it but I don't, what's happened between you two?"
"Nothing." Linda replies and shrugs it off.
"Everything's sweet mother alright just leave it." Mick smiles at his mum.
"Well lighten up the pair of you you've got a pub to open, sort out your smacked bum faces."
Shirl then exits as Mick and Linda share a look.
Mick reaches over to take Linda's hand.

Later on in the day Linda is looking through the kitchen serving doors out onto the bar at a couple with a young baby, she's frozen in time looking at them oblivious to the fact Mick is calling after her from the bottom of the stairs.
Mick eventually finds Linda in the kitchen after shouting "L!" checking every other place.
Linda eventually snaps out of it as Mick approaches her from behind and she acknowledges him vaguely before staring back again.
"What you looking at... " before Mick can finish his sentence he spots and sighs, he doesn't say a word he just puts his arm around his wife slowly into a wrap hug followed closely by the other arm and gently kisses her neck. Linda slowly places her hand on his arm which is tightly wrapped around her.
"It's all gonna be okay L."
Mick kisses her neck again as Linda softly says "I know."
Linda untangles herself outta Mick's arms "I'm just gonna get Ollie up." and she walks away upstairs as Mick watches her, his face filled with emotion, he knows how much this is gonna hurt his wife if it's true, he couldn't do anything to help her this time, that was until an idea came to him.

Mick leaves a red rose and a message on the bar counter for Linda to find before heading upstairs.
Linda finds the rose and message which wasn't there previously to her knowledge, she then approaches it before reading the message next to it.
The message reads "Take this and come upstairs baby, I'm waiting for you." clearly in Mick's writing, she recognised it from years of seeing it. She smiles and thinks *he never buys me flowers anymore*, with that thought, she takes the rose and walks upstairs.
When she gets up there she pauses just before the door, neatens herself up and puts the rose in her mouth as she approaches their bedroom.
Just as she enters the bedroom Shirl, in the kitchen spying, sends a text message to Mick reading "You're on."
Linda enters the bedroom, Mick is nowhere to be seen to Linda's confusion, she then spots a box of chocolates on their bed and approaches it.
She then picks up a second piece of paper next to the chocolates with a message reading "How did I know you'd come in here you saucy minx, take the chocolates and follow the music."
*'Just the Way You are' by Bruno Mars starts to play*
Linda hears the music intro "aahhh ahh aahhhh" and exits the bedroom wondering where it could be coming from as she lifts her head before going all cute on the song choice. She exits the bedroom and continues to follow the sound down the corridor before coming to the realisation that it's coming from the rooftop. She walks up the stairs with the chocolates and rose and when she gets to the top she is emotionally taken aback by what she sees...

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