• A Green Apple, L? •

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The next morning Mick wakes up and gently lifts his arm from underneath her, trying not to wake his beloved L, unaware that his wife's knickers remain on his head.
"Mickkk" Linda murmurs to which Mick turns his head and the knickers fall off.
"Are these..." Mick doesn't get a response out of Linda who is only just waking up.
Mick still confused tosses them aside before Linda lets out a faint smile.
She begins to sit up but her smile quickly fades as a nauseous feeling washes over her and Mick notices her pale complexion.
"Baby?" Mick says worriedly as he looks at her,
"I'm fine Mick, I just feel a bit under the weather that's all."
"I'm just going to make a cuppa do you fancy one?" Mick says as he strokes her head
"Please Mick, that'd be lovely."
"Okay baby, I'll be right back okay." Mick says just before exiting the room.

Around 5 minutes later Mick wanders back into their room with a hot cuppa and a couple of her favourite magazines. The perfect medicine.

"You alright L?" Mick says as he places the items down and sits himself on the bed next to her with the bed slightly bouncing in the process before he begins to stroke her face.
"I will be, it's probably just a bug."
Mick continues to stroke her face with concern.
"Look you go and set up downstairs, I'll be fine,"
"Don't be silly I'll get someone to cover for me."
"You don't have to."
"I want to, plus my shift ain't gonna be anywhere near as good if you ain't with me anyways."
Linda softens.
"I'll go make you something to eat cos you gotta have something, what about a bit of toast or something, would you like that." Mick says as he gets up from the bed.
"Nah it's okay I'll get it." Linda says as she whips open the duvet before getting up and walking towards the kitchen and Mick follows, he heads straight for the toaster.
"You sit down and I'll put that toast in for ya."
He turns around to face her but she's already picked up an apple as she entered the room and is munching on it.
"L..." Mick smirks.
"What?! I just fancied something light", a few seconds later she clocks Mick's reaction and smirks.
"Course you did L." giggling to himself.
They lock eyes and smirk, wondering whether it's a sign to what they think it might mean.
"Just because I feel a bit under the weather and start eating an apple doesn't mean I'm pregnant you know Mick."
Mick folds his arms and raise his eyebrows at Linda.
"I mean it Mick, I know the feeling and believe me I ain't."
"A little mooch to the chemist won't harm L,  you're gonna need them at some point anyway." Linda huffs for a moment before giving in "Alright we'll go later alright, I'm only doing it to shut you up remember." Linda says as she walks off with her apple.
Mick beams to himself at the thought that Linda could be pregnant, because despite her denial he knows deep down she thinks it could be a possibility too.
Have Mick and Linda finally hit the jackpot after weeks of trying?

They walk in silence, hand in hand, down to the chemist. Butterflies flutter around both of their tummies as they both imagine what it'd be like if what they've hoped and talked about the last few weeks becomes a reality very soon.
They're just setting foot into the chemist as a lady walks out pushing a pram, they glance at each other and Mick squeezes her hand, feeling more hopeful than previous times.
As they get to the shelf, Mick goes "which ones are more legit?"
Linda tuts and giggles to herself, "any of them Mick, they all do the same job".
"Well we'll have one of them then and one of them and yes that one looks lovely we'll have that one..." Mick says as he picks up practically every single test possible, struggling to hold them all.
"You done yet?"
"Yeah I'm sweet, take these you might need them."
"I don't need all of these for god sake Mick."
"You never know...you wanna be sure."
"Oh give them here then." Linda gives in and takes them from Mick

As they finish off at the counter, the customer assistant wishes them good luck.
Mick squeezes Linda's hand and replies "Ta mate." as they walk out with their fingers intertwined.
They don't let go of each other's hands until they get back upstairs at the Vic, they're now stood outside the bathroom door. Linda is about to go in with the shopping bag in her other hand, when Mick pulls on her arm to stop her in her tracks.
"L whatever happens, I love you, okay?" stroking her cheek, trying to reassure her before their emotions overcome the pair of them, he plants multiple kisses on her forehead and smiles.
"I know." a smile appears faintly across her face, before turning away. She double takes at Mick just before she enters, and he blows her a kiss.

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