Chapter 1

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Yoongi POV

Running a hand through my hair as I follow my friends through the hallway, I watch them all conversing with one another while still keeping an eye on our surroundings. It's how things usually are with them, not necessarily participating in many conversations with the others or walking necessarily beside any of them. Nobody's ever complained about it though, and from what I can tell, it seems to put Jin hyung at a bit more ease for whatever reason if I'm not that close to him.

It hurts a little that he doesn't seem to want to get close to me like the others have made the effort for, but I try not to question it too much or let it get to me. I would honestly like to get closer to him, but it's been a very long time since I was known to be the one to initiate something like that, and I'll most likely never be known for that ever again. I'll probably always be known as the intimidating asshole that you have to make an actual effort for, but I'm okay with it. I've gotten used to it. I learned that it was better off this way a long time ago.

So we keep walking through the halls, Jimin and Jungkook having to split from the rest of us so that they can go to class.

"Have you seen that Jin guy though? Damn, I bet he'd be a good fuck."

I spin on my heel at the sound of this, turning to glare at the dumb bitch who's bothered to say that.

"You wanna repeat that?" I growl as I walk over to the two girls and one guy. The guy smirks at me, looking amused by this.

"Sure. She said your hyung over there looks like he'd be a good fuck. I have to agree with her. Why? Got a fucking problem with it?" The guy answers, looking proud of himself as he leans himself back against the wall with his arms crossed over his puffed out chest.

With one swift move of my arm, I punch him square in the jaw.

"Yeah, I have a fucking problem with you talking about my hyung like he's a fucking object. Get my fucking point?" I snap coldly, glaring at the three of him.

"How dare you! You're such a dick!" The girl who'd said the words that pissed me off initially speaks up. I don't hesitate in picking her up by her neck, watching her eyes widen as her hands immediately move to my neck.

"Put her down! Holy shit! What the fuck!" The second girl yells.

"Still got a fucking problem with me?" I question with a glare in my eyes.

"Min Yoongi! Put her down! What the hell are you doing?!"

I roll my eyes at Jin's remark, not bothering to put the bitch down yet.

"Answer my fucking question if you wanna fucking breathe." I snap at the girl. She shakes her head almost immediately, and I'm releasing her just seconds later.

"I didn't fucking think so." I scoff before walking away from them.

"Hyung, you really gotta learn how to control your temper." Namjoon says with a frown. I just roll my eyes at him, watching as the group of them begin walking away once more. I simply stay silent, following a short distance behind them once more.

I stuff my hands in my pockets, wishing it didn't have to be this way. Wishing they didn't have to all think I'm a complete dick. Wishing Jin weren't so damn afraid of me. Wishing this weren't so damn difficult.

It sucks having feelings for someone that's completely out of reach for yourself. Having feelings for someone who's afraid of you. Someone who wants absolutely nothing to do with you. Someone who wants to stay as far away from you as possible.

It sucks being the person who has to hang back. Who can't get too close to the group. It sucks being the person nobody really wants to be around.

Once everyone's finally gotten to their classes, I bid Namjoon goodbye as he's the last to reach his class before heading off to my studio. I have to work on a new composition over the next couple of weeks, the next assignment for one of my classes. I have no doubts that it'll be similar to the shit that I've been writing for years now, but I don't mind it too much I guess. It still gets me good grades.

That's what's important I suppose... right?

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