Chapter 7

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Yoongi POV

Grabbing my keys before heading out the door, I decide to try giving the breakfast idea with Jin another try. I know he was super annoyed with nearly everything I did yesterday, but I'm hoping part of it was just him needing to adjust to being by my side.

Climbing in my car, I quickly type of a message to Jin to let him know I'm picking him up again.

He didn't seem overly happy with the idea of getting breakfast on campus, so I'm hoping maybe he'll like my plan for today a bit better. Although... he didn't seem overly pleased with dinner last night either. Maybe I was reading and hearing him wrong all along?

I try to push these thoughts away as I pull into his drive once more, putting my car in park before texting him again. Though, as I open up my messages with him, I find that he's actually responded this time.

Jinnie: Why the hell are you coming even earlier today? You really don't have to do this stuff. I'm perfectly fine with going to school with my brothers instead of you. I'm perfectly happy eating my breakfast with my brothers instead of you. I get that we have to do stupid dates occasionally, and we have to hold hands to make it believable, but since when do couples do multiple dates per day? Since when do couples go on dates every damn day, Yoongi?

My lips part lightly as I read his message, pain clutching at my heart. Taking a deep breath, I purse my lips and close my eyes for a moment. I can feel tears slowly beginning to form, but I push down the urge to cry.

I can't be weak. I can't be emotional. Nobody likes a weak emotional little bitch.

Me: Would you like me to leave then?

Taking a couple of deep breaths, I try to keep myself calm as I await his response.

Jinnie: That would be much preferred before my brothers see your damn car.

My head falls at the text, hitting the top of the steering wheel lightly. Swallowing down my emotions and tears, I toss my phone back into the cup holder that's in my center console before backing out of their drive.

Keeping my lips pursed in attempt to keep the tears back, I make my way to the coffeeshop that the group of us always go to. It had been the location I was planning on taking him to for breakfast, but obviously that didn't work.

I won't bother getting much since it'll just be me, grabbing a coffee and maybe a muffin for breakfast, then I'll head off to my studio. I have a song due in a week that I need to be putting more time into anyways.

I guess I shouldn't have been surprised this happened, really. I should've known better. I mean, come on. What kind of boyfriend just constantly takes the other out on dates without even making sure it's okay with the other? Without making sure he has the time for it?

Besides, it's not like he actually wants any of this anyways. He doesn't want to be with me, and he wouldn't have taken the dare on if I hadn't given a light tease.

Maybe I pushed him a little too much yesterday... Using the names and then all of the hand holding and then the breakfast and dinner dates. Maybe I'm just letting my happiness over this chance get in the way of me. Allowing myself to try and do all of these things, when he probably still wants to spend as little time with me as possible.

Sighing to myself as I finally park at the school, I get out of my car and make my way towards the building. At least I'll get a little extra time on my song, I guess.

Though, when I finally reach the third floor where my particular studio is located, my eyes widen at the sight. My heart sinks as I find the door broken open, the doorknob hanging loosely in the wood.

Nervously walking closer and looking around, my heart sinks. The entire room is completely trashed. My laptop and all of my equipment are completely ruined, destroyed on the table. My desk chair is toppled and broken, the small couch in the room being ripped up. My notebook is also on my desk, drenched and ripped to shreds.

"Next time don't fucking touch my friends and my girlfriend, Min Yoongi. This is the least that you and your shitty music deserve."

I recognize the voice, but I can't bring myself to look away from the destroyed studio, can't bring myself to even utter a word.

"Hey, dumb fuck! I'm fucking talking to you, Min!"

Seconds later there's a hard shove pushing me forward. I stumble into the room, still trying to wrap my head around everything.

"You stupid, fuck. Aww, is your piece of shit little studio ruined?"

Seungmin kicks me in the stomach before he's pulling me up by my shirt. I don't even fight back, just trying not to cry and come off as weak and emotional. I can't do it.

"You're never going to amount to anything, asshole. Nobody will ever love you or your shitty music." He spats in my face before punching me as he lets go.

I crumble to the floor once more, not having a chance to react before I'm getting kicked in the face.

"Oh, and were you looking for this?"

Weakly looking up, my eyes widen even further as I spot the notebook that I've had since I was little. Though, if my heart wasn't broken before, it shatters when he puts a lighter to it and lets it burn. He doesn't toss it until it's halfway gone, chuckling darkly before walking away.

My attention gets dragged from everything once more though, when my phone starts ringing from my back pocket.

"Hello?" I answer, trying hard not to show how weak I feel right now.

"Where the hell are you? You're supposed to be my fucking boyfriend and everyone's asking where the fuck you are as if I'm gonna know!" Jin whisper yells at me.

"I'm sorry. Lost track of time. I'll be there soon."

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