Chapter 4

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Getting ready the next morning, I sigh reluctantly as I pull my shirt on. Hearing my phone buzz from my bed, I purse my lips as I make my way over to it and pick it up. I frown as I see a text from Yoongi, rolling my eyes solely at the fact that it's him who's texted me.

Min Yoongi: Good morning baby <3 I'm on my way over now, thought I'd pick you up and take you to campus today! See you soon baby :)

My face twists up in disgust, but really I'm just scared to be alone with him.

Taking a deep breath, I lay my phone back down before moving to finish getting dressed. I try to use my preparations as a distraction, though it doesn't really work too well. No matter what I do, I can't seem to shake my nerves for being near Yoongi. Hell, I have to fucking act like I like him. I have to act like we're dating.

And I'm fucking scared of that asshole.

Time passes too quickly for my liking though, and I soon get a text from him that he's outside.

Taking a deep breath, I try not to freak out as I head out of my bedroom and downstairs. I pass by Joon and Tae who are both sat at our island as I grab my back from the table that we don't use too often, and head towards the door.

"Hyung, where are you going so early?" Namjoon asks with a frown, making me freeze in my tracks for a moment.

"I'm just getting a ride to school. I'll see you both there." I answer without looking back at them. With that, I leave the apartment before any more questions can be asked. Closing the door behind me, I grow even more nervous when I see Yoongi's black car.

Taking a deep breath, I shake my head to myself as I make my way down the stairs and down the drive to where he's parked. Nervously, I reach for the car door, hoping he won't play any games with me as I try to get in. Though, I'm pleasantly surprised when he doesn't, climbing in with no troubles before shutting the door behind me.

"Good morning, hyung." Yoongi greets with a small smile, waiting for me to get buckled up before pulling back out of my drive. I simply roll my eyes at him, choosing to avert my gaze out my side window.

"There's nobody around, Yoongi. You don't have to act right now." I mutter quietly in a bit of a bitter tone, still not thrilled with this whole dare.

Yoongi doesn't respond, making me mildly curious to his reaction and how much I've just risked pissing him off. Though, when I steal a glance in his direction, I'm not expecting to find a calm expression on his face. There's not a hint of anger in any form, no whitening knuckles around the steering wheel, no lips pressed into a tight line, no clenched jaw, no nothing.

I quickly look back out the window before he can notice my gaze, hoping he hadn't caught me looking to begin with.

He soon turns the radio on, soft gentle music beginning to fill the silence of the car. That's how the rest of the drive to campus is spent though, surprisingly. There's no conversation attempted from either of us, just the sound of the radio filling the car.

When he pulls into the parking lot, I simply stay quiet as he parks before we're both getting out of the car. Though, I'm caught off guard once again when he's quick to make it to my side of the car.

Offering me a smile, he takes my hand in his before we begin to head towards the building.

"Is this whole hand holding thing, really necessary?" I question quietly, not really properly holding onto his. I manage to catch his smile waver for just a heartbeat of a second, but don't bother questioning it.

"We're supposed to be a couple, hyung. Everyone that I've seen date, holds hands. I promise, it's not like I'm going to kiss you. I have no plans of doing such actions." Yoongi says softly, not exactly looking to me as we walk.

"Like I believe that shit. What are we doing here so early anyways?" I mutter with an eye roll. I watch as he purses his lips for a moment, falling silent momentarily before speaking once more.

"I told you last night that I won't do anything to make you uncomfortable. We won't be believable if we aren't doing little simple things that all couples do though, holding hands being one of those things. And, I thought we could get breakfast together. The music building finally opened up a little café the other week. Thought I'd treat you to breakfast." Yoongi answers, something in his voice that I can't quite pinpoint.

"Is that really necessary either? Do we have to do extra shit like that? I thought you said you wouldn't do shit that I'm not comfortable with?" I ask, still unsure of all of this.

Yoongi sighs this time though, stopping us for a moment before turning towards me and looking up at me.

"Hyung, you live with your brothers. The only person that's supposed to know we aren't real is Hoseok. Couples hold hands and go on dates. I'm sorry if that makes you uncomfortable, but we have to be convincing. You want Hoseok to cook dinners for you for the next month after this is all over, right? You don't want to be anywhere near me afterwards, right? You have to let us get through this first."

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