Chapter 15

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Yoongi POV

"Think of something you wanna do together this evening, okay? It can be dinner or whatever you want, but we should probably do something. The others were already skeptical enough of us not kissing earlier." I tell Jin softly after the others had begun to walk away. He looks at me with something that resembles confusion, but nods anyways before heading inside the room for his class.

Sighing softly to myself, I stuff my hands in my pockets before walking to catch up to the others. It's painful to move a single muscle of my body, but I force it and hide the pain anyways. I don't need to be worrying any of them anyways.

I don't end up speaking as we go around and drop the others off, none of them bothering to make conversation with me anyways. I don't really mind though, as I have more than enough on my mind to begin with.

"Have a good class, hyung." Namjoon says with a smile before he and Hobi disappear into their classroom, leaving me on my own.

I just purse my lips as I walk the halls, making my way towards my classroom. Though, just before I can reach the door to the classroom, Seungmin and a couple of his buddies step out of the room, smirks already readied on their faces. I stop in my tracks as I look up at them, knowing that they only left the room for me.

"Aww, is the big bad Min Yoongi scared? For someone who's got the reputation of being a badass, you sure do look small and pathetic right now." Seungmin chuckles as he walks forward towards me.

I don't go running away like I'd like to. I don't start fighting them the way I want to. I don't do anything.

I just stand here, knowing and accepting what's about to come.

"I thought I told you to drop the fuck out, Min? I thought I told you to get the fuck outta here and stop trying?" He growls lowly, grabbing me by my hair and yanking tightly. I gasp at the pain that instantly pulses through my entire being, lips parted in attempt to try to return the missing oxygen to my body.

"You're fucking pathetic, Yoongi. I bet your own damn boyfriend doesn't even really want you." He smirks before yanking and tossing me off to the side. My body crashes painfully into the floor, and my vision is already going blurry.

"You're a fucking weakling, Yoongi. Nobody will ever love a piece of shit like you. And if no one can ever love you, how the hell would anyone ever like your shitty music?" Seungmin says before a foot comes roughly in contact with my stomach.

I'm coughing almost instantly, body curling up tightly as the metallic taste of blood begins to fill my mouth.

"Just fucking leave already, Yoongi. You'd be doing a goddamn service to the world."

It's my face that his foot comes in contact with next, rolling me onto back as I attempt to keep my eyes open despite the pain that I know will develop into a new black eye.

"What happened to that badass, Yoongi? Where's that Min Yoongi, huh?" He growls, another kick getting directed to my side.

My body arches in disagreement to the pain, the metallic taste growing more prominent as my hands weakly make their way to the injured spot. Though, it's a bad move as he kicks them away, stepping on one of my hands. I can't even do anything to stop it, way too weak for all of this.

The pain of the pressure on my hand soon stops though. However, it's only to be replaced by his hands wrapping tightly around my throat as he lifts me up off the floor. My hands weakly reach up to claw at his wrists in attempt to get him to let go, but it doesn't make anything better. Instead, he tightens his grip on me even more, and I can quite literally hardly breathe.

"Stop showing the fuck up, Min. Nobody wants you or your disgusting music here. Nobody will ever want your pathetic, piece of shit face. Stop fucking trying, Yoongi. Admit it to yourself and get the fuck out. Nobody wants you. Not the professors. Not your friends. Not your fucking boyfriend. Not even your goddamn family. And you know I'm right too." He says darkly, an amused smirk on his lips the whole time.

I feel my body beginning to give up from the lack of oxygen as he continues holding me whilst speaking, my hands soon falling to my sides as I grow too weak to fight it. Too weak to fight him.

It's only seconds before I feel the darkness beginning to consume me that he finally lets go, chuckling.

I try like hell to fight off the darkness, trying not to let myself pass out. I can't let it happen. I can't risk someone finding me passed out and taking me anywhere. I would never be able to afford any kind of medical attention and I don't need anyone finding out about all of this either.

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