Chapter 25

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Yoongi POV

"Put your hands in the air. You're under arrest."

My eyes dart towards the bedroom door in surprise at a new voice, my eyes widening at the sight. There's three officers stood just inside the room with their guns drawn, Jin hyung and Hoseok stood just behind them.

"Now boys, you're going to ruin our fun. We were just getting to the good part. Weren't we?" Appa chuckles bitterly, squeezing my throat even tighter than before as he speaks to me.

My hands instinctively reach up to try and claw at hand strangling me, a severe mistake as he finally gets a good grip on the waistband of my boxers. Just as he begins to yank them down though, there's a gun fired and he's quickly releasing me in surprise and pain. I don't hesitate in pulling my boxers back up to where they're supposed to be, but I don't have any time for more than that.

Seconds later, I'm being yanked up onto my feet and pulled back against my father. He quickly picks up shard of glass he's been using to force me to do shit, pressing it against my neck. My breath hitches in my throat as I look over at everyone stood by the doorway, my heart shattering as I stare at Jin hyung.

I don't understand why he's here. I don't know how the hell he even found me. But I know for a fact that I hate how he's here. Hate the fact that he's seeing me so weak and pathetic as I'm held here against my will.

But I guess...

At least now he knows how pathetic and weak I am. How disgusting I truly am. There's nothing I can do to hide at this point. I can't hide the broken family I come from. The hellish nightmares that I call home. The bruises and scars that litter my body. I can't hide how fucked up I am.

All I can do is stand here, not being able to stop the tears or hide my disgusting body, not entirely sure whether to hope I get to die tonight or if I should want to survive in hopes that maybe I can get an extra chance with him or not.

"Let go of him. You're not going anywhere and you're not getting away with this." One of the officers speaks calmly. The glass is only pressed harder against my neck, beginning to draw blood.

"I'm not fucking going anywhere. Either you fuckers leave or I get rid of him." Appa growls lowly. I force myself to stay calm and take careful breaths, knowing one wrong move gets the shard pressed harder.

"Put the glass down. We don't want to hurt you, but you are under arrest." Another officer speaks up.

He only presses harder though, a gasp escaping my lips as more tears begin falling.

"I don't think that's how this game gets played." Appa chuckles darkly, beginning to drag it across my neck. I whimper at the pain, terrified. However, this earns me a smack upside the head, the glass cutting even more at the movement of my head.

Seconds later, the whirring sound of a bullet speeding past my ear is felt before the hold around me is loosened. I collapse forward after the feeling of the glass dragging down my body a bit disappears, the heat radiating from my fathers body no longer being there.

I collapse to my hands and knees, but I'm quick to sit back up on my heels. Looking behind me towards my father, another whimper escapes.

"W-wait... w-what?" I breathe out, nervously looking up to the people still stood by the doorframe.

It all feels in slow motion though, with Jin pushing past the officers as he runs over towards me.

I feel even more lost than before though. I-I could survive without my mother and brother. I still had a father to come home to. I still wasn't completely alone in this world. B-but now... t-they... they just...

I'm all alone now...

I've never been this alone, and I'm terrified. I may have come home because I couldn't afford to be on my own, but he was still my father. I still had someone. N-now...

"Yoongi, holy shit. Thank fuck you're okay." Jin breathes out as he falls to his knees in front of me, wrapping his arms around me. I weakly push him away from me though, grateful when he lets me.

"Y-Yoongi." He says shakily, tears running down his cheeks as he looks down at me.

"I'll get blood on your shirt." I whisper quietly, still feeling very much like I've been left behind in my own world.

It's only seconds later that I'm disappearing as well though, black nothingness engulfing my entire being.

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