Chapter 10

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The morning rolls around sooner than I would've thought, but I wake up to find a text from Yoongi already. I groan quietly in frustration, wishing he would just leave me the fuck alone already.

Min Yoongi: Hey, baby. I'm sorry, I know you enjoy spending the morning with your brothers but I thought we should do something today. I'm not going to have any time do anything tonight though, as I need to go back home for some things. So, I'll be there early to pick you up this morning, thought we could just do a simple breakfast today. I won't be back till probably sometime Sunday though, so you'll be free of me for a few days after lunch today.

I sigh at this, glad that I'll at least get to be away from him for a few days. It sounds like I won't have to see him for the entire weekend, and I won't have to deal with him tomorrow either.

I suppose it won't be the end of the world to have to deal with him this morning when I'll actually get a break from him afterwards.

Reluctantly, I get up and begin getting ready for the day. I get cleaned up and dressed, making sure that I have everything for classes today. By the time that I'm ready, I've got a text from Yoongi saying that he's here.

Sighing softly to myself, I shake my head and exit my bedroom. I make a quick note up for the other two, leaving it on the counter so that they'll know I'm gone already when they come down.

Taking a deep breath, I make my way towards the door and walk out, spotting Yoongi's car in the drive. Pursing my lips, I make my way over to the car and hop in, still somewhat surprised that he hasn't been trying anything with me when I'm climbing in or getting out yet.

"Good morning, hyung." Yoongi greets with a small smile as he looks over at me.

"You know we really didn't have to go on this damn 'date' this morning. I would've been perfectly happy with not having to deal with this damn dare until next week." I mutter coldly as I look away.

"I just wanted to make this believable, hyung." Yoongi, surprisingly, whispers. I'm caught off guard by the softness of his tone, looking over at him with a bit of a frown. I just roll my eyes at him though, looking out of the side window again as he drives.

"Why did it have to be so early too? You weren't bothering to get me this early on the first day." I question with a bit of frustration, looking back over at him with another frown. He glances over at me, but just as quickly returns his gaze to the road.

"You didn't seem to like the idea of the breakfast at the café on campus. I thought I'd try somewhere else." Yoongi explains quietly, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I don't like the idea of having to be out with you in general, Yoongi. I don't like the idea of having to go along with this stupid fucking dare, Yoongi. It has nothing to do with the damn café or it being on campus. It has to do with the fact that I don't want to fucking be with you." I scoff with another eye roll.

Yoongi doesn't respond to this, glancing over in my direction once more. It's just a mere glance though, eyes returning to the road once more just seconds later. There's something in his eyes this time though, something that makes my gaze linger on his form for a few seconds longer before looking away once more.

When we finally arrive to the coffeeshop that we generally hang out with the others at, he doesn't say anything. I'm surprised that this is the place that he chose for us for breakfast, but I don't bother questioning it as we get out of the car and walk around to the front. He takes my hand in his like always once I've reached him, but there's no hint of a smile on his face like there usually is.

Going inside, breakfast is surprisingly silent. Yoongi doesn't try to start any dumb conversations this time, just staying silent as he sits across from me. It surprises me, but I don't bother to say anything. I just let him sit across from me silently, eyes wandering my figure occasionally before looking away again.

It's odd in all honesty. I kind of expected him to try to start conversations like he did at breakfast and dinner before, but he does none of it.

I just stay silent though, not complaining over his lack of stupid attempts at talking.

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