Chapter 26

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Sitting down in one of the chairs beside Yoongi's hospital bed, I feel absolutely exhausted. It's already been a day since Hoseok and I arrived in Daegu to find Yoongi. A day since the police shot his father. A day since he passed out and got taken to the hospital.

They ran tests on him, said that he was weak from lack of proper food and hydration. Said that he thankfully didn't have any breaks or sprains, just needed a lot of stitches to handle the cut from the glass that his father used to threaten his life.

I've also already called the university, trying to figure out just what exactly happened. Hoseok and I both talked to them, and thankfully they've agreed to let Yoongi back in free of charge. They would have to do a bit of investigating to figure out who was truly at fault for the damage of the studio, and would charge whoever it was along with expelling them if it isn't Yoongi for framing him. If they can figure out who it was, the schools also willing to reimburse Yoongi for everything that he spent on the replacements.

"I'm gonna go get us some coffees, hyung." Hoseok says softly before standing. I simply nod at the younger, not bothering to watch him wander out of the room. It falls silent once more, and I return my gaze to the younger that's laid in the bed with nothing but a hospital gown on and a blanket covering him. I can still easily see plenty of the stitching they had to do though, my heart breaking just a bit at all of this.

Sighing softly, I reach my hand out and take his limp one in mine, lacing our fingers together.

"I'm so sorry, Yoongi. You didn't deserve any of this, and you certainly never deserved how I treated you." I whisper quietly, gaze set in our hands. I feel him gently tighten his hold on mine though, causing my eyes to grow wide as I turn to look up at him. I watch as his head lulls from one side to the other a bit before his eyes are fluttering open. He blinks a few times before his head is lulling to the side again, tired eyes gazing over to me.

"Why're you apologizing?" Yoongi rasps quietly, causing my eyes to widen even further at this. Tears begin forming in my eyes all over again though, just feeling overwhelmed with emotions at the moment as I smile up at him.

"How're you feeling?" I ask softly, purposefully ignoring his question. He shrugs and winces all at once, but doesn't let go of my hand for a second.

"Fucking sore. What're you doing here?" Yoongi responds, voice still rough. I give him a small smile, wishing there were something I could do to ease the pain.

"You didn't really think I was just gonna leave you here in the hospital after last night, did you?" I tease gently. I'm somewhat saddened though, when it doesn't bring even the smallest of smiles to his face. Instead, he moves his head to look the other way from me.

"You said I cheated on you, hyung. That you hated me and never wanted to see me or be near me again. Yet I find you storming into my home with the police who kill my father last night and then wake up to you holding my hand. While I find the gesture soothing and certainly don't mind it, it does make all of this quite confusing." Yoongi says quietly, making my heart sink even further.

I take a deep breath at this, not having quite expected this conversation to come up so quickly. I suppose I probably should've seen that coming, and it's all certainly well deserved, but it doesn't make any of it any better. It doesn't make it hurt any less.

"Look, Yoongi, I wanted to talk. And apologize. I... I actually went over to your apartment yesterday afternoon so that I could talk everything over with you. That was when I found out you weren't even there anymore, and why Hobi and I came here. I know what I said, and I know it was pretty shitty of me for the things I said and accused you of, and I know I wasn't the best to you over the last week and a half. I... I was hoping we could talk things through, and maybe start fresh. I'm sorry for what I said and for accusing you of cheating when I had no room to be doing that. I-If you're willing though, I'd really like to make things right and was hoping we could maybe try again."

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