Chapter 11

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Yoongi POV

"Even came home early, huh? Did you think it was going to make up for your behavior yesterday?" Appa chuckles darkly as he drags me further into the house by the front of my shirt.

"No, Appa. I didn't think it would make up for it." I answer quietly, knowing better than to not answer. He smirks as he looks down at me before shoving me away from him roughly, colliding with the end table by the stairs. There's an empty vase on it that goes tumbling to the floor and shattering, some of the glass cutting me when I collapse to the floor as well. I don't make a sound though, don't allow a single tear to form.

"That's right. You fucking know you deserve this don't you? That this is the fucking least you deserve, if not more." Appa growls before his foot comes in contact with my already bruised stomach. I let out a huff of air at this, muscles still sore from the beating I'd taken yesterday.

"What was that bitch? Did you say something?" He growls, picking me up off the floor by the front of my shirt. My eyes widen at this, shaking my head desperately. He just smirks at this, throwing me onto the stairs.

My eyes squeeze shut tightly at the pain of my head making impact at the corner of one of the wooden stairs. My lips part at the pain, but not a single sound comes out.

"Pathetic piece of shit. You don't fucking deserve to live. You know that don't you? You know you don't deserve to be here. You know it shouldn't have been you that survived. You know you don't deserve to be happy. You know you don't deserve a damned thing. Don't you?" Appa growls, voice raiding until he's yelling at the end. It's only seconds later that a glass bottle is slamming into the side of my head, and the momentum carries my head until it's slamming into the wall beside me.

My visions already going a bit blurry, head pounding in pain as I try to keep my consciousness. There's a part of me that wants desperately to just pass out already, but I know the amount of pain I'll be feeling tomorrow will be a million times worse if I do.

"Answer me, damn it! You know it's your fucking fault don't you!" Appa shouts, smacking me across my face. Though, he must've had a piece of the shattered vase in his hand when he does, feeling the stinging pain of my cheek getting sliced up blooming from within the impact area of the smack.

"Yes, I know. I know I deserve it. I deserve all of it." I manage to breathe out, attempting to look up at him as I speak so as not to get in even more trouble. He chuckles at this though, smirking again.

"At least you haven't forgotten that much." He mutters before the abuse continues.

Though, it soon just begins to feel like I'm watching it happen. Like I'm not even fully within myself as he beats me and throws my body around as if I were some rag doll.

I know he's right though. I know I deserve it. I'm the reason he became like this. It wasn't enough that he hated me when I was so young because I had taken his wife away. The love of his life. I even made my brother miserable enough to take his own life. I took my fathers wife away, his love of his life. I took my brothers mother away. The woman who loved and cared for him the way no other could. And he couldn't bare it. Couldn't bare me. I was too much of a reminder. And so he had to leave too. It's my fault they're both gone. It's my fault that all he's left with is the painful memories and my undeserving self.

And if that weren't reason enough, Jin made sure this morning that there was. Reminding me just how unloveable I am. How unwanted I am. Reminding me just how much he hates me. Just how much he didn't want any of this. How much he had been against agreeing to the dare.

I deserve the pain.

I don't deserve to be happy. I don't deserve to be loved. I don't deserve to be existing. I don't deserve to have friends. I don't deserve the opportunity to have the next two weeks with him. I don't deserve any of them. I don't deserve any of it.

And so I let my father treat my body like his personal punching bag. I let him bruise me in ways I haven't been bruised in months. I let him hurt me.

Because I deserve all of it.

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