Chapter 22

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Biting my lip nervously, I stare down at the phone laid in front of me on my bed. It's Friday now, and I haven't had it in me to attend my classes for the last few days now. Not since Hoseok and I fought.

If I'm being completely honest, I'm scared and worried. I don't know how to feel. His words hit harder and were a lot heavier than what I expected them to be. I didn't expect anything of what I was told. All I've been able to do is sit in my room in contemplation for the last couple days.

Taking a deep breath, I force myself to pick up my phone and call him. I want answers. I want the truth. I want to know.

"Hello?" Hoseok's voice rings down the line. I take a deep breath, hoping I'm prepared enough for this conversation.

"Hoseok, it's Jin. I... I'm ready to listen. I want to know what happened. I want the truth of it all." I respond quietly, forcing the words out being more of a difficult task than what I'd expected.

"Shouldn't you be calling Yoongi for that?" Hoseok counters, a frown probably gracing his features. I run a hand through my hair at this, trying to keep my cool.

"I'm not ready to talk to him or see him yet. You seem to know everything though. If I'm going to talk to him, I at least want to know the whole truth." I answer, grateful that my voice isn't too shaky. He sighs down the line, and I know he's contemplating the options.

"I'm not supposed to say anything. I promised him I wouldn't intervene. I'm only telling you because I've already fucked that up and because I want you to understand just how badly you've been hurting him." Hoseok tells me, sounding somewhat conflicted. I just bite my lip and stay silent, not wanting to potentially give him any reasons to not tell me.

"Look, I'm the one that came up with the dare. I was pretty sure Yoongi had feelings for you, and I thought I could get you to see the feelings you had for him buried. I figured both of you were fully in denial of your feelings for each other, to which you've certainly proved that. What I hadn't planned on or saw coming, was that Yoongi wasn't in denial of his feelings at all. That first night that you two started the dare, I called Yoongi for his side of the updates. I tried to tease him and ask how he was feeling towards you so far. I never expected him to fully admit that he was in love with you that night. I wasn't to intervene though, hoping the dare I created for the two of you would work the magic so that you could be together.

"Yoongi never got into any fights while the two of you were together. Those bruises you saw on him, they were from him getting bullied and beaten. A couple of guys from his music classes destroyed his studio, and one of them was there when he first saw it. They beat him up that morning, but couldn't really do anything when he went home for the weekend. They wanted him gone though, wanted him to drop out of the university. Jin, he wasn't cheating on you earlier this week. They beat the living shit out of him before his first class of the day and strangled him before leaving him to waste. I guess... I guess he wasn't doing well anyways, otherwise he would've been able to handle it allegedly. That's why he sounded so out of breath and rough when on the phone with you. I guess, when he went home for the weekend, his father abused the shit out of him, which was why he couldn't handle the beating those assholes gave him." Hoseok explains.

"Why didn't he say something though? Why the hell would he go home if his father abuses him?" I question, none of it adding up.

"Fucks sake, Jin. He fucking loves you. He didn't want to worry you. It's why he never said anything. He went home and took the fucking beating because he thought he deserved it. He doesn't think he deserves you, even though he deserves a hell of a lot better. He felt that he forced you into the dare and made you absolutely miserable, it's why he didn't bother to fight you and tell you the truth when you accused him of cheating. He didn't want you to see him as weak, and he wasn't going to fight it if you wanted to leave him, because he wanted nothing more than for you to be happy. Besides, would you have believed him, the guy you've always seen as a cold asshole who has no emotions, who gets in fights occasionally? Would you have believed him if he told you he was being bullied and beaten?"

I hang up at that, not being able to take it. I can't believe any of this and I need to talk to Yoongi even more than ever now. I have to sort this out.

I may be terrified of trusting him and giving him my heart, but I know there's no way I don't love him by now. I knew it the moment I found out that he'd been 'cheating' on me.

Slipping my phone in my pocket and grabbing my keys, I barely manage to have the patience to lock the door behind me before I'm taking off running towards his apartment. I've only been there once or twice when we went to celebrate his birthday the last couple years, but it's as if it's burned in the back of my mind as I rush to get there.

I'm more than out of breath by the time I reach his front door, but I bang away on his door as if I had all the energy in the world.

"Yoongi! Yoongi, please!" I call out.

Completely impatient, I try the door after only a minute of waiting. I'm surprised to find it unlocked, but my blood runs cold when I enter the apartment.

It's completely empty...

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