Chapter 5

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Yoongi POV

The day drags on longer than I would like for it to, including the date that I nearly had to drag Jin on this evening for dinner. I'm nearly exhausted by the time I get home, but I know I still need to call Hoseok to update him on the day even though he was there for part of the day.

Taking a deep breath, I sit down on my couch before dialing Hoseok's number, finding calling him easier than simply texting.

"Yoongi hyung! I take it you finally have updates for me?" Hoseok answers, sounding bright and happy, excited for his details.

"I do, Hobi. Umm... Well, I picked Jin hyung up this morning and took him to campus a little early. We got breakfast at the new café that the music building opened up the other week, I paid. I didn't really see him again until we were all at lunch, which you were there for. Then, I took him out for a dinner date this evening. We went to his favorite noodle shop, since I don't think he's a big fan of the more fancy restaurants. Then I dropped him off at home, and I just got back." I explain, leaning back into my couch a bit.

"Wow, look at you being such a cute boyfriend, huh? Anything extra happen? How're you feeling about the dare so far, hyung?" Hobi asks, sounding happy and nosey all at once. I purse my lips at the question, wishing I could be more excited about it.

"Not really. We hardly talked during breakfast or dinner. Pretty similar to lunchtime, honestly. He wasn't a big fan of the ideas on holding my hand or the dates, honestly. The only reason he's letting any of it happen is because it has to be convincing in order for the dare to work." I elaborate a little, pursing my lips as I recall how silent dinner had been.

He wouldn't talk to me or anything. Hardly even looked at me. I attempted a couple of times to make small talk with him, but I would just get an annoyed look of some sort or another each time.

"Really? Hey, you didn't answer my last question, hyung! How're you feeling about the dare?" Hoseok asks, sounding down for a moment before he perks back up, a nearly teasing tone in his voice as he repeats his question. Sighing softly at it, I let a small smile form on my lips.

"Are you planning on telling any of this to anyone? Or just keeping all of this information to yourself?" I ask softly, not wanting to chance myself to more pain than what I'll be enduring.

"I promise, hyung, I won't be telling any of this to anyone." Hoseok answers, sounding extremely sincere. The smile on my lips grow just a little at this.

"I'm grateful for it, honestly. I'm happy with the dare. I just, I wish Jin would at least try to go along with it and make it a little easier. I wish he'd just give me a chance." I tell him truthfully before biting my lower lip. He goes silent at this for a moment, but I don't really mind or care.

"Hyung,... do you have feelings for Jin hyung?" Hoseok asks softly, seriousness in his voice despite the gentleness of it.

"You promised you wouldn't tell anyone, Hobi. I'm trusting you to keep that. But, yes. I do have feeling for Jin hyung." I admit quietly, running a hand over my jeans gently.

"Hyung, I-... I'm so sorry. I- fuck. I had an idea that you did, but I didn't think it was like this."

"Didn't think I cared enough or accepted my feelings enough to admit them like that?" I help, filling in the lines that I know he's struggling to put together.

"Yeah. Shit, Yoongi, I'm so sorry. If I'd have known it was like this, I..." Hobi trails off, clearly still trying to wrap his head around it all.

"It's okay, Hobi. Your dare is giving me a chance to be with him for a couple weeks. That's a chance I never would've gotten otherwise. I'm grateful for the dare, Hoseok. Don't apologize for it." I respond softly, a small smile still toying with my lips.

"Yoongi, I created the damn dare to get the two of you together. I'm gonna feel like shit if Jin doesn't fucking realize his feelings for you by the end of this. Because, not only will my plan have failed, but fucking hell you already fell for him and accepted that." Hoseok breathes out, sounding more conflicted than I've ever heard him before.

"Hobi, it'll be okay. I don't care if he doesn't like me by the end of this. I get to have a couple of weeks of calling him mine, and I'll take that even if nothing happens after the time ends. I don't expect him to want me by the end of this no matter how I treat him. I get that. Don't beat yourself up over it. I'll deal with the pain when he decides that he still doesn't want me when this ends. And I'll continue to be grateful to you for creating the dare."

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