Chapter 9

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Yoongi POV

Jinnie: Now where the hell are you? Are you trying to make my life more difficult? Because if so, you're doing a damn good job of it.

I sigh heavily, tossing my phone onto the counter of the sink in the bathroom. Leaning over the sink, I try to take a few deep breaths to calm down before I bother responding.

Me: Sorry, hyung. You don't have to worry about me for the rest of the day though. I won't be joining to hangout this afternoon, and I won't try to make you go on any dates tonight. Maybe we can do something tomorrow evening if you're free and wouldn't mind though.

Looking up at my reflection, I glare at myself as I try to hold back the tears. I can't be weak. I can't cry. I can't be that pathetic.

At least he'll get what he wants for the rest of the day. At least he'll get to be away from me for the evening. He won't have to deal with holding hands with me. He won't have to be anywhere near me. He won't have to deal with my pitiful attempts at conversation.

I just can't do it tonight. I have to figure out what the hell I'm supposed to do right now. I have to figure out how the hell I'm supposed to pay for all of these expenses. The college is ridiculous. They have no fucking cameras in any of these studios. And while I appreciated it before, it means that I'm at fault for the destruction of my studio. It means that I have to pay for the damage to everything. That I have to replace the couch that was in there, along with all of the music equipment. The laptop had been mine, but I still need one in order to create the music. I'm not even going to be allowed to use the studio anymore after I pay for the damage either.

And to add to all of it, I'm now without the song that I've spent the last month working on that was supposed to be due next week. That's supposed to be due in a week.

If that weren't enough, some of the kids that have the same music classes as I do are beginning to gang up on me. It's why I'm in the fucking bathroom cleaning up more bruises and cuts. Seungmin has gotten a couple of his friends to join in on beating the shit out of me, and some of the other students are saying I should just get kicked out of the school for letting my studio get destroyed the way it is.

My phone begins ringing suddenly, pulling me from my frustrated thoughts. Not bothering to check the caller ID, I answer.

"Hello?" I answer with a sigh, trying not to sound to bothered or anything.

"Min Yoongi, what the hell is going on?"

It's Hoseok, I should've known.

"Nothing, Hobi. I just have a lot of work that I need to get done right now. And if you're curious about how your update is going to turn out, there won't be one. I'm not making him go out tonight. I'm just not pushing him today. I'll see what I can do to get him to go out tomorrow though. I need to go though, I have to keep up on my work. Bye." I tell him before hanging up.

However, rings again just seconds later, and I'm milliseconds away from telling him to go to hell today.

"What?" I answer coldly, not bothering to contain my frustration this time.

"Seems college hasn't done you any good, huh? It's about damn time you answered."

My blood runs cold at the voice, wishing I could bury myself for the way I just snapped. I should've been more careful. I should've paid more attention.

"I'm sorry, Appa. I-I thought it was someone else. I didn't check who it was." I respond quietly.

"You're still just a weak little bitch, aren't you? At least you know your damn place in this household." He snarls down the line. My eyes fall shut at the familiar tone, sighing quietly.

"Yes, Appa." I answer softly, my heart sinking lower if possible at this point today.

"I want you fucking home by Friday. Don't be fucking late. I fucking need your worthless self back here. It's been way too fucking long, Yoongi." He snaps coldly.

"Of course. I'll be there." I answer, swallowing thickly.


With that, he hangs back up. Setting my phone down where it had been before, my hands grip the sides of the sink tightly as I try even harder than before not to cry.

I know perfectly well what I've just gotten myself into, but I also know that I don't really have much of a choice. I deserve it anyways.

I deserve it for pushing Jin into the dare when he didn't want it in the first place. When he doesn't want remotely anything at all to do with me.

But I can't really blame him. And at least I'll be getting what I deserve for it.

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