Chapter 3

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Yoongi POV

Arriving at home that night, I sigh softly to myself. Taking my shoes off, I lock my door behind me before making my way to the kitchen to cook up something to eat for dinner.

I still don't really get what Hoseok was trying to go after earlier. I don't really see the point in him trying to get us to date for a couple weeks. It's not like it'll change anything. Jin will probably just end up hating me even more than he already seems to hate me.

However, I certainly won't argue with the opportunity. I know Jin was greatly against the idea of the dare, but at least I'll get to spend a couple weeks with him. I can only hope that he'll actually go along with it and let me treat him well. He's so damn stubborn sometimes, something that can occasionally be cute, but I worry that it'll only cause us problems for this dare. Even if all of the next two and a half weeks is only a dare, at least I'll get the opportunity to see what it could possibly really be like to be with him.

I don't even want to think of the ways that it'll hurt in the end, knowing that I'm the only one with feelings that will get toyed with. I've been hurt enough in the past, and I don't particularly care to continue putting myself out there to get hurt again. Though, I know I'll only end up alone in the end. So, why not at least take the short time to be with someone I want to be with, even if I know it's not meant to be?

It won't be the first time I've been toyed with. It won't be the first time I've gotten hurt. It won't be the first time that I'm the only one walking away from everything with pain. It won't be the first time I carry on afterwards and pretend like everything is okay.

I'm used to it. I'm used to being hurt. I'm used to being used. I'm used to being the source of everyone's entertainment. I'm used to being the one that doesn't fucking matter.

Because, eventually, the pain becomes normal, and it begins to give you a sense of home. A sense of normalcy.

Even if it is fucked up.

Dishing my food out onto my plate, my phone buzzes from my back pocket. Tilting my head in curiosity, I set the pan with the food back down, pulling the device out to see who's texted me and for what.

Jinnie: I hope you know how much of an asshole you are. Don't bother expecting anything out this dare, and don't even think of pushing the limits with me. I have no problems telling Hoseok it's off because you crossed the line.

My heart sinks a bit at the text, sighing softly to myself.

It hurt enough earlier when he said his problem with the dare had been me specifically. I know I didn't act like it, but it fucking hurts being told that you're the problem. Though again, how much pain is there really to be felt when you're used to being told such things? When you're used to being made out as the bad guy?

Me: Aww, baby, don't be that way. I would never do anything to make you uncomfortable, I'm not that bad of a boyfriend <3

Not having the heart to form a smile at my own message, I set my phone down on the counter before finishing dishing out food for myself. I decide upon leaving my phone there while I move over to my dining table, taking a seat and eating quietly.

These next two weeks may be harder than I'm expecting them to be... If he's already expecting anything like what he said in his text, what chance do I stand?

Humming softly to myself as I eat silently, I consider the possibility of getting a dog. It wouldn't be the first time I've had this thought, and it's not like it has anything to do with Jin. But, at least if I had a dog, then I wouldn't have to be so alone. This apartment wouldn't have to be so damn empty. At least then I could feel like I have something more than just my music.

Even if the other boys are all considered my friends, even if they consider themselves my friend, I know they secretly don't want to. I know they don't truly want to be around me. I know none of them really want me around.

I can't really blame them, I guess. It hurts, but I don't. It's not like they're the first ones. They aren't the first ones, and I doubt they'll be the last.

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